(you can listen using text-to-speech on your device)

released in 1973, starring Charlton Heston:

Could the present-day killing of millions of healthy meat producing animals be a tactic toward destroying -- catastrophe by catastrophe and nation by nation -- the independent farmer to be replaced with BROTHERHOOD-owned mega-farms and their genetically engineered plant and animal breeding practices? "HE WHO CONTROLS THE FOOD CONTROLS THE WORLD", says the United Nations.

Apparently MAD COW DISEASE is caused by a species eating the dead of its own species. Did any of you have any inkling that cows were being fed dead cows? Aren't cows herbivores? Why would they be feeding meat to herbivores in the first place - let alone meat of one's own kind?

...which brings us to the video, Soylent Green, in which HUMAN BEINGS, dependent on the government for their food, unkowingly eat fellow HUMAN BEINGS. Is the BROTHERHOOD'S present-day inhumane treatment of animals a precursor to similar treatment of humans?

All the best,
Jackie Jura, 2001

quoting from the back cover of the video:

This science-fiction horror story, based on the potential of our daily destruction of the earth's natural resources, is an ecological shocker that provides much food for thought.

The year is 2022. New York City teems with 40-million citizens. Half are out of work. Strawberry jam costs $150 a jar and voluntary death is encouraged by government sponsored clinics. The environmental erosion is so complete that people must rely on a wafer-like greenish foodstuff called Soylent.

Charlton Heston plays policeman Thorn, a harried cop who is investigating the murder of a magnate in the dictatorial Soylent Company. Edward G Robinson, his bookish colleague, brings warmth and poignancy to his final screen role as an aged, wise researcher who remembers what the earth was like with trees, vegetables and democracy.

As the threads of the killing unravel, they lead Heston through a series of chilling encounters -- including a bizarre experience with ("female furniture" Leigh Taylor-Young) -- until he comes face to face with the hideous truth about the secret ingredient of "Soylent Green." Displaying an intensity of poetic and visual invention, this provocative film is a nightmarish vision of a world slowly choking itself to death.


Cambodians resorting to eating rats (afraid of Bird Flu from chicken). My Way, Feb 18, 2004. Go to 44.Room 101

USA soldiers to go 5 days without food (using cocktail of 'nutraceuticals' to squeeze last ounce of strength). Wired, Feb 17, 2004. Go to 14.Experimentation & 15.Life in Oceania

Cattlemen say Mad Cow is no risk (hope common sense kicks in soon). Daily World, Dec 31, 2003. Go to 4.Old World Destruction & MAD COW TERROR and ODE TO WHO FOR MAD COW

Mad Cow Disease now in Japan (it devastated cattle farmers in Europe). Toronto Star, Aug 23, 2002


Slaughter of water buffalo angers couple. National Post, Aug 15, 2002
A Vancouver Island couple intent on raising water buffalo are reeling over news that 14 of their animals slaughtered on federal orders to check for mad cow disease did NOT have the illness... Dr Con Kiley, spokesman for the food agency, defended the federal prudence. "We did not know before that they did not pose a risk," he said yesterday. "Now we know they do not pose a risk." He said the surviving animals are now free from a long-standing quarantine. "Now they are Canadian animals," he said.

Water buffalo taken to slaughter, National Post, July 29, 2002
14 pure, healthy animals from a herd of 42 were ordered by federal inspectors to be slaughtered and their brains checked by scientists as part of Canada's "zero-tolerance" policy on mad cow disease... The only way veterinarians can tell if an animal has BSE is by checking its brain after it has died. There is no way to conclude if a live animal has the disease... There has never been a case of BSE in water buffalo... The government has defended their actions as "a prudent measure to protect Canadian livestock."... The farm affected has been in the family for 47 years and with the loss of the animals the only income will be proceeds from a "bed and breakfast". Darrel and Anthea Archer cried as the much loved, intelligent, milk-producing animals were loaded on the truck to be taken out of the province for slaughter ...

'Synthetic meat' mogul and Texas Justice Dept share prison meal deal. Financial Post, Aug 8, 2001

Britain's 'nightmare' rages on. Globe and Mail, July 28, 2001

Farmers will face guns to stop slaughter of healthy stock. Sydney Morning Herald, March 19, 2001


Jackie Jura
~ an independent researcher monitoring local, national and international events ~

email: orwelltoday@gmail.com
website: www.orwelltoday.com