In the two months before John Kennedy's last trip to Texas
there was something almost Orwellian about the Dallas Morning News.
To understand some passages, you had to know the code....
But it is idle to look for subtle delineations
to the News's concepts of the President.
The paper was mounting an all-out assault on him....
George B Dealey (1859-1946), founder of the News,
was present-day publisher Ted Dealey's father.
His statue dominates a little park three blocks down Houston Street...
Readers of the News have long known it as Dealey Plaza,
and as such it has become at least as famous as Ford's Theatre.
~ from Death of A President, by William Manchester
In previous articles on ORWELL TODAY I've described the hate directed at JFK by the Dallas Morning News newspaper which in 1963 was owned by the Dealey family after whom Dealey Plaza is named.
On the morning of his assassination, while in his hotel room, JFK had seen the full-page John Birch Society hate-ad directed against himself and it had visibly upset him. Its ominous black border had caused a premonition of his own death and JFK had said to Jackie "We're heading into nut country today". JFK was still upset about it during the thirteen-minute flight from Fort Worth to Dallas -- and he swore when talking about Dealey, who he'd investigated for previous insults against his person.
I wonder what JFK would have thought -- and what JFK would have done -- had he known that his motorcade through Dallas would take him through a place named DEALEY PLAZA. I can't help but think that JFK would have refused to travel that route. JFK was no fool -- and he wasn't reckless with his life -- and he wouldn't have allowed himself to be set-up for an ambush.
Members of the Secret Service, in charge of JFK's protection, would have seen that same hate-ad that JFK had seen. They would have known the paper was owned by DEALEY and that the route was going through DEALEY plaza -- they'd approved it -- and yet they allowed it to proceed.
There are many reasons to suspect Secret Service complicity in JFK's assassination -- not as masterminds but as tools -- not least of which is the symbolism of the place they chose for the hit.
Below is further information on Dealey of Dealey Plaza -- the host of JFK's assassination. ~ Jackie Jura
by William Manchester, 1967
beginning page 47
...The Dallas Morning News was the oldest business institution in the state, dating back to 1842, when Texas was a republic. Nearly everyone read it.... The publisher and chairman of the board was E. M. "Ted" Dealey, a heavy man with green tinted spectacles, a voice like a file, and an unflinching devotion to what he called "the spirit of Kit Carson and Daniel Boone". As the most venerable voice in Dallas, the News, under Dealey's leadership, had made radical extremism reputable in the early 1960s.
In the fall of 1961 Dealey was one of a group of Texas publishers who had been invited to a White House lunch. To the astonishment of his fellow guests he had produced and read aloud a savage indictment of his host, President Kennedy. He wanted everyone to know that Ted Dealey was no moron "to be led around by the nose" or lured "to your side by soft soap". He had reached the conclusion that "We can annihilate Russia and should make that clear to the Soviet government". Unfortunately for America, he said, "You and your Administration are weak sisters". What was needed was "a man on horseback to lead this nation*, and many people in Texas and the Southwest think that you are riding Caroline's tricycle".
The President had flushed. He could ignore incivility, but -- and this was what Dealey would never understand -- he resented the allusion to his three-year-old daughter. She had nothing to do with this, and introducing her name was the act of a clod. Frostily Kennedy replied, "Wars are easier to talk about than they are to fight. I'm just as tough as you are, and I didn't get elected President by arriving at soft judgements". That answer was omitted from the News account of the incident ("GRASS-ROOTS SENTIMENT TOLD"). Instead, the editors ran readers' reactions ("COMMENT HEAVILY ENDORSES DEALEY STATEMENT TO JFK"), including tributes from Bruce Alger and H.L. Hunt. "Thank the Lord for a man with the guts to say what you said", wrote one admirer, and another asked, "Why the kid gloves"? The News reported that it had received over two thousand phone calls, telegrams, and letters, and that over 84 percent of them had expressed approval.
There is no reason to doubt that report. To staunch subscribers -- and to viewers of television station WFAA**, which was owned by the A.H. Belco Corporation, which was owned by Dealey -- the publisher's stand had been unexceptionable. Roy S Truly***, superintendent of the Book Depository, disapproved strongly of Kennedy's policies abroad and believed he was a "race mixer" at home. Ron Fischer, a young clerk in the nearby county auditor's office, regarded the President as "a real leftist" who had "let those men get murdered" in Cuba. To Howard L Brennan****, a forty-four-year-old pipefitter working in the same neighbourhood, Kennedy had been "too soft in the Cuban missile crisis"....
In the two months before John Kennedy's last trip to Texas there was something almost Orwellian about the News. To understand some passages, you had to know the code -- there were references to Franklin D Roosevelt's "Queer Deal", the "American Swivel Liberties Union", and "the Judicial Kremlin" (the United States Supreme Court). The national capital was a bizarre city inhabited by "an unknown number of subversives, perverts, and miscellaneous security risks" and ruled by a dangerous faker [President Kennedy]. Occasionally members of the News staff disagreed about what sort of faker he was. Sometimes he [President Kennedy] was dismissed as an idiot -- when the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty was signed, he was branded "50 times a fool". Other times he appeared to be a cunning thief -- "although definite proof" had "not yet been established", it seemed that he [President Kennedy] had accepted a "$22,000 bribe from a swindler" to stop certain deportation proceedings. More often he was portrayed as a Judas who followed "the communist line, which is an atheistic, godless line"; who supported forces of disorder, with "communist-front affiliations"; who championed unwed motherhood, welfare chiselers, and "compulsory unionism"; and who was eager to take "a man's income tax and, without his permission, spend it abroad as 'foreign aid' in countries which deny the existence of a Supereme Creator".
But it is idle to look for subtle delineations to the News's concepts of the President. The paper was mounting an all-out assault on him. On October 10 readers learned that "Mr Kennedy's State Department" had "loudly objected to seizure of power by anti-communist forces" in the Dominican Republic and Honduras. Earlier in the month an editorial had hailed publication of a bitterly anti-Kennedy book, written by a captious writer who, according to one of the closest confidantes of Kennedy, had never met the President. Now the paper began serialization of the text, with an editor's note assuring subscribers that since "all the facts are documented", the author could and would "introduce you to the real John F Kennedy".
Given time, the heaviest ironies pass unnoticed. No one thought it singular that the facade of the News building should carry the credo, sculpted in gigantic letters:
George B Dealey (1859-1946) was Ted's father. His statue, visible from the building, dominates a little park three blocks down Houston Street. There stands George, sturdily facing downtown Dallas in a bronze business suit, his broad bronze back turned to four bas-relief panels acclaiming Dealey contributions to local journalism, history, philanthropy, and civic leadership. Beyond the panels lies a railroad overpass (underpass if you are a motorist) spanning traffic from Commerce, Main, and Elm streets. In New England the green area would be designated a commmon. Readers of the News have long known it as Dealey Plaza, and as such it has become at least as famous as Ford's Theatre. This is as sardonic as the credo. For the memorial was an afterthought. The park itself was built between 1938 and 1940 by the WPA [Works Progress Administration*****], which, as every old News subscriber knows, was the most notorious boondoggle of FDR's Queer Deal.
In some respects the plaza itself is queer. It rather resembles a crude baseball diamond built on a slope. The green is fan-shaped and flanked by curious little white concrete bleachers whose real function is obscure. They can only be meant to be ornamental. On most days the spectacle is quite boring -- all you can see is the statuary, stagnant pools on either side, and three noisy streams of automobiles -- and anyone anxious for a good view would ignore them and ascend to an upper floor of one of the adjacent buildings. The most prominent of these is the sore-eyed, tan brick structure at the corner of Houston and Elm which began as a railroad office, became a branch of the John Deere Plow Company, served later as the headquarters of a wholesaler for fancy groceries, and was converted early in the 1960's to a warehouse for the Texas School Book Depository. The interior is grimy, the two freight elevators are tempermental. But if you really want a proper perspective for the Dealey Memorial, the northeast window on the sixth floor of the warehouse is incomparable....
~ end quoting Death of a President ~
*Lyndon Johnson is "a man on horseback" who fellow Texan Dealey no doubt had in mind "to lead the nation" ~jj
**The Dealey-owned radio and TV news coverage of the assassination never mention "Dealey Plaza" by name and its reporters and announcers are obviously reading from prepared scripts which presage the "offical story" in many areas, ie "Oswald lone gunman" and "three bullets" etc etc (after on-site reporter initally said shots came from the grassy knoll) ~ jj
***Roy Truly was manager of the Texas School Book Depository and hired Oswald a month before the assassination (knowingly or unkowingly helping set up the patsy) ~jj
****Howard Brennan, according to the Warren Commission, was their most important witness because he said he saw Oswald aiming a rifle from the 6th floor window of the TSBD and gave a description to Dallas police who then put out a call (no doubt a paid informer lying to help set up the patsy) ~jj
*****Lyndon Johnson, during the depression of the 1930s, landed a Roosevelt government-job in the WPA [Works Projects Administration] as state director heading the National Youth Administration [NYA] that constructed the Dealey Plaza obelisk, reflecting pools and white concrete archways ~jj
******Lyndon Johnson 25 years previously had headed the youths who constructed the white concrete archway beside the picket fence behind which hid the gunman who fired the shot that killed JFK and made LBJ president ~ jj
watch GIFTS TO JFK AT FORT WORTH BREAKFAST, Hotel Texas Ballroom, Friday, November 22, 1963, YouTube
..."Mr president, we know that you don't wear a hat, but we couldn't let you leave Fort Worth without providing you with some protection against the rain... And to protect you against local enemies, in the manner that you are protecting this nation against our foreign enemies, and to keep the rattlesnakes on Vice President Johnson's ranch from striking you, we want to present you with this pair of cowboy boots. We won't ask you to put them on here"...
Abraham Zapruder ...Walking back to his office amid the confusion following the shots, Zapruder encountered Dallas Morning News reporter Harry McCormick, who was acquainted with Agent Forrest Sorrels of the Secret Service's Dallas office. McCormick offered to bring Sorrels to Zapruder's office. Zapruder continued to his office where he sent his assistant Lillian Rogers to find a Secret Service agent, in case McCormick failed to find Sorrels. McCormick did find Sorrels, outside the Sheriff's office at Main and Houston, and together they went to Zapruder's office. Zapruder agreed to give the film to Sorrels [Secret Service agent] on the condition it would be used only for investigation of the assassination. The group took the film to the television station WFAA to be developed....
Dealey Plaza Alleged 2nd Gunman Position (At the top of the grassy knoll, just behind the WPA pergola******, is a spot from where assassin conspiracy buffs allege a mysterious "2nd gunman" shot President Kennedy while standing partly concealed by a board fence. Whether you believe this theory or not, it is certainly easy to see how a concealed sniper would have had a clear view of the presidential motorcade as it went past.)
Dealey Plaza North Side Peristyle, Obelisk & Reflecting Pools were built from 1937-1940 by the NYA [National Youth Administration] through the WPA [Works Projects Administration]. Both these were temporary "New Deal" public works agencies legislated into existence to help alleviate unemployment during the Great Depression.
The people pay homage to JFK
Air Force One flying home carrying JFK body
JFK assassinated in Dallas 49 years ago
(the day the world stood still)
November 22-25, 1963-2012
Dallas star Larry Hagman shot JFK, Irish Times, Nov 25, 2012
Dallas was a strange show in many ways.... Readers of a certain age will recall that, until the show’s debut in 1978, Dallas only meant one thing to oversees punters: the assassination of John F Kennedy. Thereafter, it would also be associated with greed, drinking at lunchtime, murder, unlikely resurrections and hair-dos that would have given Elsa Lanchester pause for thought. (Incidentally, in his excellent recent novel, 11/22/63, Stephen King paints the city as an absolute dump, something he refused to apologise for in the afterword).... Let us not mince words. J R in Dallas was one of the great villains of contemporary culture. He was allowed a few rare moments of weakness, but, for the most part, he encapsulated the very spirit of capitalism unbound. It has emerged that Nicolae Ceausescu, lovably psychopathic ruler of Romania, was so impressed by the “satire” that he quite literally gave Larry a bag of money for permission to use J R’s image on state propaganda. The wheels within wheels fairly clog up the brain. A slice of rampant capitalist wish-fulfillment works so well as an argument against shameless acquisition that the biggest thug in the Eastern Bloc becomes a financial supporter. Sometimes I miss the Cold War.
Anyway, it was a crying shame that Hagman — a decent liberal, incidentally — didn’t get more character work. I am not a great fan of Oliver Stone. Hats are, however, doffed to the bombast king for featuring Hagman during a key scene in the vulgarly enjoyable Nixon. There are all kinds of lovely inter-textual games afoot here. Hagman plays a Texan oil-man who tries to persuade Nixon to run for president against John F Kennedy. The suggestion is that — if Nixon won’t biff JFK — they might find their own way of getting rid of him. The character is clearly a version of J R and the lingering suggestion is that maybe the eldest Ewing son really did conspire in the President’s assassination (an event conspicuously ignored throughout Dallas). There are the makings of a cracking post-modern novel there.
JFK EXECUTIVE ACTION FILM DEBUT (...Note: In the news today -- November 21, 2012 -- is an article mentioning Dalton Trumbo (screenwriter of the 1973 movie EXECUTIVE ACTION that blatantly laid out the conspiracy and the thinly disguised conspirators behind the assassination of JFK). It turns out that Trumbo was a known communist (with obvious connections to capitalists) -- who fled to Mexico during the Hollywood blacklist days and wrote under an assumed name. During WWII the capitalist USA was allied with the communist USSR but after the war they pretended to be enemies again -- just as Orwell described in 1984 and Animal Farm. The communists 'out' the capitalists and the capitalists 'out' the communists in a never-ending propaganda game (run by Big Brother's Brotherhood) played out on movie and TV screens dis-informing and mind-boggling the masses. ~ jj)
...The security had been arranged by the Secret Service and the Dallas Police -- our boys in blue. The final touch was put on by Sheriff James Eric (Bill) Decker. On the morning of November 22, 1963 the patrolmen in the districts which make up the Dallas County Sheriff's Patrol Division were left in the field, ignorant of what was going on in the downtown area... About 10:30 a.m. November 22, 1963, Bill Decker called into his office what I will refer to as his street people -- plain-clothes men, detectives and warrant men, myself included -- and told us that President Kennedy was coming to Dallas and that the motorcade would come down Main Street. He then advised us that we were to stand out in front of the building, 505 Main Street and represent the Sheriff's Office. We were to take no part whatsoever in the security of that motorcade. (Why, James Eric?) So . . . the stage had been set, all the pawns were in place, the security had been withdrawn from that one vulnerable location. Come John F. Kennedy, come to Elm and Houston Streets in Dallas, Texas and take your place in history!...
Restoring Dealey Plaza, Dallas News
There is no ground in Dallas more hallowed than Dealey Plaza. More than 1 million visitors each year attest to that. You can see them nearly every waking hour of every day. They stroll and cluster along Elm Street, looking in a sweep of 360 degrees, wondering about the horror that reverberated when rifle shots took the life of President John F Kennedy on NovEMBER 22, 1963. What visitors have also found there in recent years, unfortunately, is a picture of decay and neglect unbecoming a site of towering historic significance. Where people go to reflect and learn they also find peeling paint and crumbling concrete.... The plaza, opened in 1936 as the front door of Dallas, is named for George Bannerman Dealey, founder and longtime publisher of this newspaper who dedicated his career to building a better city. Through family foundations, his descendants at this media company and the company itself have added their gifts to the Dealey Plaza Restoration Fund. That fund is being administered by the Dallas Foundation, which accepts donations online, at It’s not surprising, given the mystique and the wide emotional pull of Dealey Plaza, that the fund has received small donations for the restoration effort, half of them from out of state. Such donors are exactly who we should expect to flood into the heart of this city next year, as we help with what will be a national commemoration of the tragedy. The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza estimates that 65 percent of its visitors are from out of state, with 15 percent from other countries. They will arrive in 2013 in unprecedented numbers, out of curiosity, fascination and reverence. Dealey Plaza should be at its best, and stay that way.
Dealey Plaza National Historic Landmark (On November 22, 1993 - the 30th anniversary of the Kennedy assassination - a formal dedication ceremony was held in Dealey Plaza, in which it was declared a National Historic Landmark. Nellie Connally, the only surviving passenger of the limousine in which JFK was riding on that fateful day in 1963, unvealed this marker, which is inset at the base of the "Grassy Knoll" and almost immediately in front of the spot on Elm Street where the limousine was passing when President Kennedy was struck by an assassin's bullet. Visitors often place flowers, flags, and other mementoes here, especially on or around the anniversary of the assassination. The marker reads: "Dealey Plaza has been designated a National Historic Landmark. This site possesses national significance in commemorating the history of the United States of America. 1993. National Park Service. United States Department of the Interior".
George B. Dealey Statue (Dealey Plaza is named in honor of longtime Dallas Morning News publisher George Bannerman Dealey, whose 12-foot-tall bronze likeness faces Houston Street and the old county courthouse. Dealey, an Englishman, came to Texas in 1874. He began his newspaper career working for the Galveston News. In 1885 he was sent to North Texas by Colonel A. H. Belo to open a branch office. Under Dealey's watchful eye, The Dallas Morning News (which is today the only major newspaper in Dallas) began publication on October 1, 1885. By the time of his death in 1946, both the venerable Dealey, who had become a respected community leader, and The News were local institutions. The statue, which was formally dedicated on November 14, 1949, was sculpted by Felix de Weldon at a cost of $19,000. The 3 ton statue stands on a granite base inside which a metal box, containing documents "relating to the life of G. B. Dealey," was placed a few days prior to the dedication ceremony.)
POEM DEDICATED TO PRESIDENT KENNEDY (Our president John Kennedy went down to Dallas town; Where the hired assassins waited and there they shot him down; Because he dreamed of peace and plenty and he talked it 'round; His dream goes marching on; From the book depository and of course that grassy knoll; And the Dal Tex building's shooter fulfilled his deadly role; The noon day sun was witness as they took their awful toll; His dream goes marching on....)
Jackie Jura
~ an independent researcher monitoring local, national and international events ~