To Orwell Today,
Please pass the word about my new You Tube video on wolves: Wolf Attack. See with your own eyes the destruction wolves do to other animals. The graphic pictures in Wolf Attack were deleted from my film Undue Burden, a must see for every hunter, rancher, hiker, and nature lover.
I made Wolf Attack in response to "Palin Brutal Wolf Killing" but of course I was blocked from putting it as a response.
Hope you are doing good,
Bruce Hemming
Greetings Bruce,
Thanks for sending that Wolf Attack video you made in response to the anti-Palin TV ad by environmentalist wolf and bear-huggers that started airing last month [September 2008].
The environmentalists hate Sarah Palin not only because she supports aerial-hunting of wolves (something done in Alaska long before she became governor), but also because she doesn't consider the polar bear an endangered species and allows fishing and oil & gas drilling in its habitat, a place climate-changers say is melting.
Another group of Alaska predators - besides the defenders of wolves and bears - who attack Sarah Palin are the "good ol' boys" who run the big oil & gas companies in Alaska. Palin "shook them up" when her government - after a fair and thorough bidding process - granted the building of the 40-billion-dollar Alaska Natural Gas Pipeline to an independent Canadian company.
Then, no sooner was Palin out of Alaska - down in the Lower-48 running as VP in the upcoming Presidential election - than those predatory old oil boys invited in some foreign predators - big bears from Russia - to help THEM build the Alaska Pipeline. I guess BP, ConocoPhillips and Exxon Mobil (after licking their wounds) are planning another attack on Alaska's control of its energy resources.
As Palin assails Russia, Gazprom meets with Alaskan officials, Intn'l Herald Trib, Oct 14, 2008 (Gazprom, the biggest Russian energy company, offered to help Alaska increase natural gas supplies to the U.S. mainland, even after Governor Sarah Palin warned against Russian resurgence while campaigning for vice president. The Russian state-run natural gas company sent eight senior executives to Anchorage for talks Monday with officials from the state Department of Natural Resources and with the ConocoPhillips chief executive, Jim Mulva, state and company officials said. Gazprom, which supplies a quarter of the natural gas used by Europe, is seeking to increase its reach with projects around the world, including in North America. The courtship of Alaska comes less than a month after Palin criticized Prime Minister Vladimir Putin for "rearing his head" regarding the Russian maritime border with her state...
Other predators that Sarah Palin speaks out against are the good ol' boys on Wall street who she accuses of trying to bring America down with their predatory lending policies. She believes, rightly so, that America's economy should be the strongest in the world, not the weakest, as it is now becoming, having been ravaged all these years.
Sarah Palin even stands up to predatory cops, ie the one who threatened to kill her father, tasered her ten-year-old nephew and drove his police-car with an open can of beer in his lap. Her husband filed a complaint through proper channels - the Public Safety Commissioner - but to this day, that cop is still a state trooper, the complaint against him not acted upon.
Symbolically, Sarah Palin is also fighting the predators of the right-wing-owned left-wing media as they attempt to tear her to pieces with their spin and twisting of her every word - especially when she comes out strong against the record of her opponent - the candidate of their choice.
With just over two weeks before the election, I pray the predators behind the electronic-voting machines don't decide the winner - like they do in casino slot machines - and Sarah Palin beats that foe too.
All the best,
Jackie Jura
PS - There have been quite a few incidents of predator-attacks on humans recently up here in Canada - and also in Alaska and the Lower-48. They're reminiscent of a powerful book I read several years ago:
The Bear's Embrace: A Story of Survival, by Paricia Van Tighem, published 2001
An extraordinary story of survival and recovery by a woman who was attacked by a grizzly bear
Obituary: Patricia Van Tighem, Nurse & Author, 1958-2005
Canadian woman who survived a mauling by a grizzly was forever tortured by the experience, even though it produced a bestseller. "For 17 years I have had a recurring nightmare. I curl up tight, but still it comes. It claws at me and bites into my face with the sound of teeth scraping on bone..."
PPS - The predators Sarah Palin is attempting to protect we-the-people from aren't just the four-legged variety, but also the two-legged, as some of the stories linked below attest, and which the photos at the top of the page are symbolic of (with the grizzly turned into a rug, shot by Sarah's father).
Why have some hunters declared open season on Sarah?
by Pete Bodo, WallStreetJournal, Dec 11, 2010
(author of "Whitetail Nation: My Season in Pursuit of the Monster Buck")
I suppose I shouldn't be surprised, but the big takeaway from the controversy over the recent caribou hunting episode on "Sarah Palin's Alaska" (the series running on The Learning Channel) is that people are going to react to anything that the former vice-presidential candidate and populist icon does or says based almost solely on how they feel about her going in. The other and more interesting discovery, at least for me, is how little most people who criticized the episode know about Alaska, guns, wildlife, and hunting. The Hollywood swell Aaron Sorkin started the ball at the Huffington Post by misidentifying Palin's quarry, the caribou, as a moose. I mean, I know Sorkin wrote "The Social Network" (OMG! 2 cool!) and all that, but boy, does he know zilch about animals (including, presumably, the ones that provide his Santa Monica dinners). I suppose he doesn't understand that he's a predator in his own right -- who else would label a woman documenting a hunting trip with her father, Chuck Palin Sr, as a "witless bully?" But never mind that. Friends have told me that even some hunters have criticized the show on various grounds. After watching the episode, I suspect it's simply because those critics are among that distinct minority that hunts but also suffers from Sarah-phobia. The show accurately represents an authentic hunting experience; in fact, it does so with greater honesty and integrity than you find on your typical Saturday morning "antler porn" hunting show. Palin's hunt opens the window on a fiercely beloved (mostly) rural tradition with surprising grace and sensitivity (as demonstrated by the inclusion of those can't-miss extras, like the red-tailed hawk in flight, roiled skies, and campfire banter).... The critics mostly demonstrate how woefully little they know about hunting, firearms, and the natural world in general, despite the "green" vows they've taken. I'm a hunter, and to me Palin's show was Emmy-worthy for its honesty, modesty, and it's effective portrayal and celebration of the hunting experience. My favorite moment: When Palin's daughter, Piper, gazing at the pile of meat on the family table in Wasilla, chimes in, "Mom, that's a tiny caribou". True enough. It was a young cow, something most hunters would have passed up, looking for a more impressive trophy. But it was meat for the freezer -- and even Piper knew it wasn't a moose....
Don't trust the polar bear: A parody ad, YouTube, National Center for Public Policy Research (Listing the Polar Bear under the Endangered Species Act because of projected future global warming could harm bears and humans alike...)
Polar bear populations are prosperous and growing, AmericanChronicle, Mar 29, 2008 (...Listing the polar bear as threatened on the basis of projected future global warming would most likely be extremely expensive to the U.S. economy. Listing the polar bear based on projected global warming can be expected to greatly expand federal regulatory powers under the ESA. Because of its great expense and controversial nature, federal policies regarding global warming should be made only by Congress with input from the Executive Branch, not by a presidential appointee charged with enforcing a 1973 law written for other purposes. "Having failed despite spending tens of millions of dollars to convince the public, or even a Democratic Congress, that drastic and very expensive greenhouse gas emission reductions are warranted to deter theorized global warming, environmental organizations are now hijacking the Endangered Species Act to do an end-run around our democratic institutions," said Amy Ridenour, president of the National Center for Public Policy Research and co-author of the paper. "The formal petition to the government seeking 'threatened' status for the polar bear makes it very clear: The environmental groups behind this scheme are trying to use the polar bear to force the government to impose a -- in their words -- 'drastic' reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. They want policies like those in the Kyoto global warming treaty forced upon Congress and the American public. The tragedy is that, if the environmentalists succeed, Americans -- especially lower-income Americans -- will be harmed, and so will the polar bears."...). Go to LENIN BEHIND ENVIRONMENTALISM
Environmentalists says Palin's "predator control" excessive. AnchorageDailyNews, Dec 11, 2008
Palin's big brother protective of her. ABC News, Oct 18, 2008
Chuck was two when the Heaths first moved to Alaska. Sarah was an infant. They lived in a cabin. "It was in a small town of Scagway, which probably had four or five hundred people and I remember as a kid just loving the community. We were right there on the ocean so we fished every day after school and had our own crab traps and dad hunted in the area too, so he was happy." The move from Idaho was supposed to last only a year. But the family stayed in Scagway for five years before moving to the Anchorage area and then settling in Wasilla. For those five years, they lived off the land, with no road access to the outside world. "The hunting for our food and that's something that our family's done. We still do today. I honestly didn't have my first beef steak until I was a senior I high school," Heath said...When Heath sees negative press he said he feels the urge to "stand up for Sarah and and defend her like any big brother would want to do for their little sister." "We know her personality and we know her heart," he said. As a child, Heath said, Palin was "independent and stubborn and tough, very tough." ...He is convinced she is absolutely ready to be vice president. "I have no doubt that that she'll do a great job. She's tougher than people think. She's much smarter than people think," Heath said....
USA declares beluga whale endangered: Palin objects. USA Today, Oct 18, 2008
..."Our scientists feel confident that it would be unwarranted to list Cook Inlet belugas now", Governor Palin said. "Seven years ago, NMFS [National Marine Fisheries Service] determined that these whales weren't endangered, and since then, we've actually seen the beginnings of an increase in their population. We are all doing everything we can to help protect these important marine mammals. I am especially concerned that an unnecessary federal listing and designation of critical habitat would do serious long-term damage to the vibrant economy of the Cook Inlet area", Palin said. "Hundreds of thousands of people who live in this area know that we are taking excellent care of the environment and habitat there. For example, annual salmon runs in recent years are higher than they were when the beluga population was larger, in the 1970s. This wouldn't be possible without effective conservation efforts"...
As Palin assails Russia, Gazprom meets with Alaskan officials. Intn'l Herald Trib, Oct 14, 2008
MOSCOW: Gazprom, the biggest Russian energy company, offered to help Alaska increase natural gas supplies to the U.S. mainland, even after Governor Sarah Palin warned against Russian resurgence while campaigning for vice president. The Russian state-run natural gas company sent eight senior executives to Anchorage for talks Monday with officials from the state Department of Natural Resources and with the ConocoPhillips chief executive, Jim Mulva, state and company officials said. Gazprom, which supplies a quarter of the natural gas used by Europe, is seeking to increase its reach with projects around the world, including in North America. The courtship of Alaska comes less than a month after Palin criticized Prime Minister Vladimir Putin for "rearing his head" regarding the Russian maritime border with her state. "The timing is as interesting as the visit itself," said Chris Weafer, chief strategist at UralSib Financial in Moscow. "Gazprom's entire senior management goes into Sarah Palin's backyard during a contentious election. There's a message there." The Gazprom chief executive, Aleksei Miller, was accompanied by his deputies Valery Golubev, who served alongside Putin in the KGB, and Alexander Medvedev, who oversees Russian exports of natural gas. Gazprom said its executives had held a working breakfast with Walter Hickel, a former governor of Alaska and a supporter of Palin...Miller said in June that Gazprom had approached ConocoPhillips and BP on joining their Denali pipeline project, designed to deliver Alaskan natural gas to the Continental United States. At the same time, Gazprom expressed interest in a rival pipeline project backed by TransCanada. Gazprom did not specifically discuss pipeline projects during the meeting with Alaskan officials, said Marty Rutherford, deputy commissioner of the state Department of Natural Resources. "They were talking very generically," she said. "They would love to partner with us and other firms." Talks with Conoco, which is based in Houston, focused on "broad-based business opportunities," a company spokesman, Charlie Rowton, said. Go to CANADA BUYINGS USSR'S GAS & AMERICA ON RUSSIAN ROCKS
Hank Williams Jr sings McCain-Palin Tradition. CoalCountryPennsylvania, Oct 14, 2008 (...Like a mama bear in Idaho, she'll protect your family condition, if you mess with her cubs, she's gonna take off the gloves, that's an American female tradition...)
Let states manage wolf populations. Wisconsin State Journal, Oct 14, 2008
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service should appeal last month's court decision placing the gray wolf back on the endangered species list in Wisconsin. The decision, which also affected Minnesota and Michigan, flies in the face of data showing the Wisconsin wolf population is greater than wildlife experts would prefer. The effect is to nullify the states' policies designed to manage the wolf population. In Wisconsin, officials were forced to revoke eight permits allowing farmers to shoot wolves attacking livestock. The ruling by U.S. District Judge Paul Friedman in Washington, D.C., sided with the Humane Society and other groups that sued over a 2007 U.S. Fish and Wildlife decision to lift protections for the gray wolf in three Great Lakes states. Federal officials removed the wolf from the endangered list in the three states because of thriving wolf populations in the region. In Wisconsin the wolf population has grown from an estimated 250 in 2001 to an estimated 550 to 700, well above expectations in the state's original plan. A wolf population that is too large raises the risk of wolf attacks on farmers' valuable livestock. Last year, 30 farms in Wisconsin suffered livestock kills by wolves, according to the Wisconsin Farm Bureau. Wolf attacks, in turn, risk a decline in public support for wolves in Wisconsin. Furthermore, an overpopulation risks disease and starvation for the wolves as well as negative effects on other wildlife. Wisconsin, Minnesota and Michigan sought to have the wolf removed from the endangered list to permit management strategies to be used, including issuing shooting permits to farmers to protect livestock. Under last month's court ruling, wolves can only be killed when a human is in imminent danger. States can continue to seek special federal permits to kill problem wolves, but those are highly restrictive and difficult to obtain. The judge left room for a reversal of his decision by ordering the Fish and Wildlife Service to provide a better explanation of why it removed the wolf from the endangered list in the three states. In the meantime, he returned the wolf to the list because he said it was unclear whether the agency acted within the requirements of the Endangered Species Act. The peregrine falcon and the alligator are among the species that have recovered enough to be removed from the endangered species list. The gray wolf in Wisconsin belongs among those success stories. The federal government should go back to court to permit Wisconsin and its neighbors to manage their thriving wolf populations.
Alaska wolf control and hunting, Main, Oct 11, 2008
From the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, I got information that stated wolves and bears are very effective and efficient predators on caribou, moose, deer and other wildlife. In most of Alaska, humans also rely on the same species for food. In Alaska's interior, predators kill more than 80 percent of the moose and caribou that die during an average year, while humans kill less than 10%. The wolf control programs that are currently underway comprise about 9.4% of Alaska's land area.
From - Aerial Wolf Gunning 101 - Aerial hunting "yields better results than traditional hunting, since it allows the hunter to cover a lot of ground quickly and track target animals from a clear vantage point. Historically, hunters also used planes to drive animals - polar bears in Alaska and elk in Montana, among others, toward gunmen waiting on the ground. But many hunters found the practice unsportsmanlike, since it violates the "fair chase" ethic, and animal rights activists call it inhumane, since airborne gunmen rarely get a clean (i.e., relatively painless) kill." This brought about the Federal Airborne Hunting Act of 1972, which prohibits any person who, while airborne in an aircraft shoots or attempts to shoot for the purpose of capturing or killing any bird, fish, or other animal; or uses an aircraft to harass any bird, fish, or other animal; or knowingly participates in using an aircraft for any purpose referred to in the above two policies. But the law does have a loophole which allows state employees or licensed individuals to shoot "from an aircraft for the sake of protecting "land, water, wildlife, livestock, domesticated animals, human life, or crops."
Since 2003, Slate states that "Alaska has issued aerial wolf-hunting permits in select areas where moose and caribou populations are particularly endangered. The idea is that by killing the predators, the airborne gunmen can ramp up the number of moose and caribou that human hunters can take home for supper." This is supported by subsistence-food gathers particularly in parts of rural Alaska. In March 2007, the Anchorage Daily News posted these numbers:
98: Number of wolves taken so far this season
664: Top limit of wolves state wants killed this season
7,000-11,000: Estimated number of wolves in Alaska
$150: New incentive for proof of a kill
1972: Last year state offered a bounty
Albertans afraid after grizzly kills hunter. Edmonton Sun, Oct 11, 2008
A woman who ranches not far from where a hunter was killed by a grizzly says the attack has spooked her friends and neighbours. "You're damn right we're a little scared of what's going on around here", Lucy Skinner said Friday just before a meeting called after the death of Robert Wagner. Wagner, 48, was reported missing after failing to return from a hunting trip in west-central Alberta Sept. 29. His remains were found a few days later and tests confirmed he was mauled by a grizzly. The animal has since been tracked and killed by Alberta wildlife officers, who are now trying to find her three cubs. The meeting in the community of Elkton Valley attracted 300 people looking for information. "We want to know why these bears are here and what they’re going to do about them", Skinner said. "There's a lot of people pretty upset and afraid of even going out to do chores...if there are bears still around"....
Palin's husband Todd Palin complained about violent trooper. Guardian, Oct 9, 2008
...In his statement, Palin repeatedly discusses his quest to get Wooten dismissed, but said he never told [Public Safety Commissioner] Monegan to fire Wooten. He said Wooten threatened Palin's father-in-law, bullied people as a trooper, drove in his trooper car after drinking, improperly used his trooper car to shuttle his kids and falsified a workers' compensation claim. Wooten was suspended for five days in 2006 after troopers investigated complaints against him. "I had hundreds of conversations and communications about trooper [Mike] Wooten over the last several years with my family, with friends, with colleagues, and with just about everyone I could - including government officials," Palin said. "I talked about Wooten so much over the years that my wife told me to stop talking about it with her." He said by taking his concerns to Monegan he was following the instructions regular citizens get for complaining about troopers. "There is absolutely nothing improper about lodging concerns about trooper [Mike] Wooten with Monegan or his predecessor - complaints about state troopers are supposed to go to the commissioner," he said. "I make no apologies for wanting to protect my family and wanting to publicise the injustice of a violent trooper keeping his badge and abusing the worker compensation system. The real investigation that needs to be conducted for the best interests of the public at large is the department of public safety's unwillingness to discipline its own." Go to CANADA'S TASERING KILLER COPS
Large predators must be managed. Letter to editor, BlueRidge, NCarolina, Oct 7, 2008
As an avid outdoorsman, professional photographer and Alaska resident I feel compelled to reply to a letter writer's misguided statements. She speaks from a self-confessed uninformed stance on wolves, bears and the political motivations of Gov. Palin. Wolves are all over Alaska. In Anchorage there was recently an attack where a wolf pack snatched and killed a dog. They ripped it off the leash while a woman was walking the dog on a city jogging trail. There was also a recent death of a bicyclist in Anchorage. A brown bear took the rider down. My best friend was a federal game warden and had to start riding the golf course machines with workers, armed with a paint-ball gun, because the Anchorage wolf pack started stalking workers. Fact, large predators are thriving in Alaska. There is an abundance of natural prey. But humans, pets and livestock are easier meals. Predators must be managed in some areas. I agree that in the lower 48 states that these supreme, apex predators are in dire need of protection and reintroduction to areas that can support them (not a problem in Alaska) Don't assume you know everything and peg that false belief to political misdirection.
Alberta hopes to maintain grizzly population by restricting roads. CanadaPress, Oct 2, 2008
EDMONTON — Alberta hopes to maintain what it calls a sustainable population of grizzly bears by restricting roads in rural areas and reducing encounters with people, but there are no immediate plans to help increase the number of the animals, a government expert says. And determining the sustainable number of grizzly bears will be based as much on the opinion of people in rural areas as on science... Alberta has suspended its spring grizzly bear hunt until at least next year... The biggest challenge will be to sustain the population in areas where there are more people or human activities such as agriculture, he said. "Every time a bear comes in and kills a calf, there is a rancher who wants to go out and kill it or wants the government to kill it. We have to work really hard to ensure those conflicts don't happen," he said. The province plans to consult with people in rural areas over the next two months about the first draft of its grizzly bear strategy that was released earlier this year. It recommended setting specific standards for core grizzly habitats and to strictly limit motorized access on oilpatch and logging roads. "When people see these maps they may say, 'Oh, that is my favourite snowmobiling area," Hamilton said... Sustaining the grizzly bear population when Alberta's population and industrial activity is increasing can be done, but it won't be easy, he said....
Gray wolf gets back on the protected list. by Tom Meersman, Star Tribune, Sep 30, 2008
In a victory for environmentalists, a federal judge has returned the gray wolf in the Upper Midwest to federal protection under the Endangered Species Act. Monday's action overturns a 2007 decision by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service that "de-listed" the wolves, and turned over their management to state natural resource officials in Minnesota, Michigan and Wisconsin. The immediate effect of the court ruling, said Minnesota Department of Natural Resources wolf specialist Dan Stark, is to tighten up on conditions under which wolves may be killed in Minnesota. "The biggest change that people need to be aware of is they can no longer take a wolf to protect their livestock or pets," he said. "The only way a person can do that is if there's an immediate danger to human safety." The ruling also sets back the clock for the earliest time that a wolf-hunting season might be permitted in Minnesota. State law authorizes wolf hunting, but not before at least five years have elapsed after federal delisting, and only under certain conditions. Federal protection also means stiff fines and penalties for illegal killing. Brian O'Neill, Minneapolis attorney for the four environmental groups that filed the lawsuit, said that the main concern is that wolf populations under state control will nosedive in a few years because of habitat loss and hunting. "This is just a continuation of the desire for whatever odd reason by the state of Minnesota to kill wolves," O'Neill said. "We've sued and we've sued and we've sued, and we won and we won and we won, and they never go away with this idea." The groups included the Humane Society of the United States, Help Our Wolves Live, the Animal Protection Institute and the Friends of Animals and Their Environment. The case, decided in U.S. District Court in Washington, D.C., focuses on the legal issue of whether the Endangered Species Act allows the Fish and Wildlife Service to take a species off the federally protected list if its population is recovering in one part of the country, but not everywhere across its native range. The Fish and Wildlife Service contended that gray wolves numbered about 4,000 in northern Minnesota, Wisconsin and Michigan, and no longer needed federal help....
Palin's father says media not treating fairly (they're fabricating a lot of things). CBS, Sep 28, 2008. Go to 16.MiniTrue(Lies) & 17.Falsification (ownership of media made it easy to manipulate public opinion)
Palin's parents are professional rat killers (protected human remains after 9/11). Chicago Tribune, Sep 27, 2008. Go to PIED PIPER OF HAMELIN & 44.Room 101 & 31.Love Nest (of all horrors in the world - a rat!)
Father's bow shot kills grizzly attacking his son. Cody/Yellowstone Wyoming, Sep 24, 2008
A Cody bowhunter in search of an elk found a grizzly bear instead in a Sept. 12 mauling incident on the South Fork. And Ron J. Leming, 37, attributes his father's lifetime of bowhunting for saving his life. "There are not many people who could stand their ground like that, especially with a bow and arrow", Leming said Wednesday. "I would have been mauled way worse, if not killed, if Dad hadn't had the nerve to stand his ground and shoot that bear with his bow....He received stitches for wounds to his hands and arm, and the bites on his back were patched up as well. Dennie Hammer, information specialist for the Game and Fish Department in Cody, said the men spotted a bull elk and were about to take aim when the elk spooked, probably because he spied the bear. "They were trying to call in the elk when he spooked", Hammer said. Leming stood up and so did the grizzly, an 11-year-old male that was about 15 feet from the hunters. "The bear charged and bit (Leming) on the right arm", Hammer said. "His father shot the bear with an arrow", Hammer said. The bear, though mortally wounded, charged the younger Leming again, this time biting his left hand and arm, as Hammer described the 9 a.m. incident. By the time a game warden could reach the spot where the attack took place, the bear's body was badly decomposed because of high temperatures during the weekend, Hammer said. For that reason, the bear's carcass was left where it fell. Hammer said it appears the grizzly was known to game officials, though he did not know whether the bear had worn a tag or radio collar. He was captured in 2003 after he broke into a shed at Brown Thomas Meadows on the upper South Fork, Hammer said, and was relocated to the Jackson area. The Friday incident remains under investigation, but Hammer said it appears to be a case of self-defense. In such instances, it's legal to kill a grizzly bear, he added. He said while grizzlies are no longer considered a threatened species, no hunting season for them has been established. They are under G & F management and eventually a hunting season will be set, Hammer added.
Palin challenges global warming climate change WashingtonPost, Sep 23, 2008 (...although Palin established a sub-cabinet to deal with climate change issues a year ago, she has focused on how to adapt to global warming rather than how to combat it, and she has publicly questioned scientists' near-consensus that human activity plays a role in the rising temperatures. She fought the administration's listing of polar bears as threatened with extinction because of shrinking sea ice. Palin sued to overturn the decision on the grounds that it will "have a significant adverse impact on Alaska because additional regulation of the species and its habitat... will deter activities such as commercial fisheries, oil and gas exploration and development, transportation and tourism within and off-shore of Alaska."...Gov Palin issued an executive order saying Alaska's climate change strategy must be built on sound science and the best available facts and must recognize Alaska's interest in economic growth and the development of its resources"....Palin has not voiced an opinion on whether the federal government should cap carbon emissions... But she did resist the federal government's move to list polar bears under the Endangered Species Act. Initially, Palin said her state's fish and wildlife department had conducted a review showing that the bears were not facing extinction....Walsh, at the University of Alaska, said Palin has taken "a practical perspective," and he praised her for "casting a wide net of information". Go to CLIMATE-CHANGE CORRUPT SCIENCE
Palin addresses Wall Street Financial Crisis (emphasizes how important that America remain the strongest financial market in the world). FoxNews, Sep 14, 2006. Go to JFK VS FEDERAL RESERVE & JFK DEFENDED DOLLAR & JFK RIGHT-TO-WORK SPEECH & LINCOLN, JFK & MONEY
Enviro group launches TV attack ad against Palin. WallStreetJournal, Sep 12, 2008 (...The ad shows unflattering photos of the Republican governor juxtaposed with footage of a hunter in a small, low-flying plane shooting a wolf, which stumbles in the snow, gnawing at the wound on his hindquarters. The camera cuts to a view of the wolf's bloody body strapped under the plane's wing. "Do we really want a vice president who champions such savagery?" asks the female narrator...The group plans to run the ads in other key political markets, starting next week...The McCain campaign has promoted Palin's outdoorsy image as a small-town hunting enthusiast. Her father is a locally famous hunter, with a stack of moose antlers in his yard in Wasilla, the family's hometown. Her husband, Todd, won a grueling snowmobile race called the Iron Dog. Palin ran for office in 2006 as an advocate of aerial bear and wolf hunting, saying it helps protect moose and caribou that locals hunt for food. "If we're not allowed to have a scientifically based, very sensible predator control program, especially in rural Alaska, we will see a diminished population of moose and caribou – those types of game that fill Alaska’s freezers," Palin told a local television station last September. Soon after she took office, Palin proposed that the state provide a $150 "incentive" for aerial wolf hunters; to collect it the hunters would have to turn in the animal’s severed left forepaw. Several environmental groups immediately attacked the proposal as an illegal "bounty" and sued the state. The court agreed, shutting the program down before it started. Later, Palin backed a bill that would have made it easier for the state Board of Game to expand aerial hunting. The legislation passed the House, but failed to clear the Senate. "This policy is in place as a form of game management to ensure that Alaskans are able to feed their families," said McCain-Palin spokeswoman Maria Comella....Aerial hunters killed approximately 124 wolves last winter, and a total of almost 800 over the last five winters. The hunts usually take place when there’s snow on the ground, rendering the wolves more visible from the air. There are anywhere from 7,000 to 12,000 gray wolves in Alaska, according to Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund. The animals are not considered threatened, although they are in the northern Rockies in Montana, Idaho and Wyoming.
VP candidate Palin - Polar Bears Not Endangered; Drill 4 Oil in AK - Please!, NowPublic, Aug 29, 2008 ENVIRONMENTALISM IS ANIMALISM & LENIN BEHIND ENVIRONMENTALISM Jackie Jura email:
If McCain hoped to stop Democrats from getting much mileage out of the oil issue in this presidential election, he picked the wrong vice presidential candidate. His choice, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, comes from a state whose lifeblood is oil. Palin favors opening the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil and gas development, something McCain opposes. Her family even gets one of its paychecks from the oil industry: Palin's husband, Todd Palin, earned $46,790 last year as a facility operator for BP Alaska in Prudhoe Bay. Oil and natural gas and the jobs they create are part and parcel of life in Alaska: "If you are not for opening ANWR, in the state of Alaska, you couldn't get elected dogcatcher," says former Alaska state Rep. Ray Metcalfe, a Republican-turned-Democrat who supports Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama and anticipates Palin's critics will probably zero in on the oil drilling issue. But that live-off-the-land culture is largely foreign to voters in the lower 48, who are paying high gas prices without the benefit of the oil royalty dividend checks that Alaskans get each year. Eligible Alaskans received $1,654 each in 2007. Palin is so pro-energy that she actually praised Obama earlier this month for calling on the United States to work with the Canadian government to build an Alaska natural gas pipeline. "I am pleased to see Sen. Obama acknowledge the huge potential Alaska's natural gas reserves represent in terms of clean energy and sound jobs," Palin said in a press release put out by her office, though she wasn't entirely in favor of Obama's energy plan. She questioned his proposal to impose a windfall profits tax on oil companies to provide a taxpayer rebate, saying such taxes prevent oil companies from investing more in domestic production. Democrats could also accuse Palin of picking on polar bears. Palin opposes the Bush administration's decision to list polar bears as a threatened species under the Endangered Species Act. Alaska sued Interior Secretary Dirk Kempthorne earlier this month to try to overturn his decision. Palin argues there isn't enough evidence to support a listing, and she fears it will harm oil and gas development in prime polar bear habitat off Alaska's northern and northwestern coasts.
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