"I'll never forget the first time the Senator called me to come into his office to take dictation.
I had heard that he was preparing an answer to letters requesting information,
and after a few sentences Senator stopped, turned, and asked,
'Larry, am I going too fast?'
He wasn't, and I never worried again about taking his dictation."
"I think I told you that the Senator was thoughtful, and indeed he was.
Someone asked me if Senator McCarthy dictated all the letters that went out under his signature;
I can assure you he did. He answered every letter which came from Wisconsin and many others.
Every letter that went out under his name, was signed by him personally.
He even signed every Christmas card he sent.
This was unusual, for most Senators had a secretary line their signature."
To Orwell Today,
I read the narration on your website by Mrs. Larry Lawrence Lent who described herself as secretary to Senator Joe.
I was a staff assistant to the Senator for 4 years until his death in May 1957. I do not recall a 'Mrs. Lent' nor did I ever hear that name mentioned. What dates did she work in his office? And what was her first name and last name when she worked there? It seemed so odd for someone to go by their name preceded by 'Mrs.' with their married name - instead of, e.g. 'Mary Smith'.
Thanks much,
Leigh Valle
Greetings Leigh,
Thanks so much for your enquiry - it's a thrill to hear from someone who worked with Senator Joe McCarthy. It would be fascinating to hear your thoughts and stories about him - so please feel free to write in and share your story with readers.
From re-reading the booklet of Mrs Lent's narration I came across passages where she refers to herself as "Larry" and that's how she was addressed by other people. Also, my copy of her booklet is a signed edition and her signature reads: "Larry L. Lent":
Actually, it isn't that odd (especially in those days) for a woman to describe herself as, for example, "Mrs Mary Smith" (to differentiate from Miss Mary Smith which is a maiden, not a married name). In her case that would be "Mrs Larry Lent". Nor is it unusual for a woman to put "Mrs" in front of her husband's name when referring to herself as in, for example, "Mrs Robert Kennedy" or "Mrs John Fitzgerald Kennedy".
I agree, though, that it is odd to say "Mrs Larry Lawrence Lent", ie using her name AND her husband's. That would be like saying "Mrs Ethel Robert Kennedy" or "Mrs Jackie John Fitzgerald Kennedy" in the above examples. But maybe Larry Lent phrased it that way because her name was a nickname for her husband's and she didn't want people who read it to think it was him calling himself "Mrs".
Now, regarding how long Larry Lent worked for Senator McCarthy. As I understand her narration, she worked directly and indirectly around him from the time he became Senator in 1946 to his death in 1957. She was his personal secretary for five years - on and off - fom 1952 to 1957. However, for part of that time - starting in January 1953 - she left Senator McCarthy's office to work for McCarthy's Senate Sub-Committee on Investigations as secretary to its chief counsel, Roy Cohn. After that ended the televised Army hearings would have kept her there, and after that the televised McCarthy hearings attempting to censure him. Maybe you started work for Senator Joe during the time Larry was absent and so didn't meet her or hear about her. It was a turbulant period during which he was being attacked viciously and non-stop in the press - and no doubt you recall those times.
Below are excerpts from Larry Lent's book (taken from the full text at HISTORY OF PATRIOT JOE MCCARTHY) that relate to her personal experiences with him. Perhaps this will help put a face to her name, or a name to her face, and you'll remember having met her. Or maybe your paths never did cross - Senator McCarthy having such a large staff of secretaries and assistants - not all working out of the same office.
Again, thanks for your enquiry about the narration of Mrs Larry Lawrence Lent, and please consider writing your own reminisces of the years you spent working for Senator Joe McCarthy - then send them along to share with "Orwell Today" readers.
All the best,
Jackie Jura
PS - Mrs Larry Lent is in good company in her admiration and defense of Senator Joseph McCarthy. So did JFK and his brother Bobby - neither of whom ever said a bad word about him - both having worked alongside him in his crusade against Communist infiltration of America (and all died by assassination because of it). See JFK DEFENDED MCCARTHY
PPS - Senator, then President Kennedy also had a personal secretary who devoted her life to preserving the truth of his goodness. Above is a photo of Evelyn Lincoln at JFK's graveside on November 22, 1994, six months before her death at the age of 85.
The Late Senator Joseph R. McCarthy
narration by Mrs Larry Lawrence Lent
I am delighted to talk about Senator McCarthy. This is being recorded in April 1990, and that's about forty years since I was with Senator McCarthy.
It is true; when people learn that I have been secretary to Senator McCarthy, they invariably want to know, "What was he really like?" To me Senator McCarthy was a courageous American hero. His religious convictions and his deep love for his country were topmost in his mind. He believed in our Constitution and the American people. He believed that he could help preserve liberty and justice by ridding the nation of its enemies.
As for the man McCarthy, I liked and admired him tremendously. He was friendly and unassuming, the kind of a man that most people like the first time they meet him. He was generous, he was thoughtful, he had a brilliant mind and a fabulous memory. He was absolutely honest, he was kind and gentle and he loved children. He had a good sense of humor and a positive outlook. He was morally clean, and despite all the malicious attacks on him personally, he was not at all bitter.
This was really extraordinary and I can add one more thought: he was a grand person to work for. Now that is quite a list of attributes which you may doubt, but I assure you I can prove every one of them. Before I go on, let me add that the Senator loved this Nation with such devotion that he actually inspired those around him. It became a real joy working for him and with him for America; it seemed as though we were all part of his crusade....
When the Second World War started, my children were all in school, so I was free to work. I applied for a job with the Navy. After a most thorough search of my background and my family, even checking on friends I had in school, at last I had a job. It was to work in the Italian, Yugoslav, Croatian section of the Naval counter-intelligence. It was here I had my first introduction into how the Communists move in to take a country and enslave its people. When my husband was transferred to the Navy base in San Diego, I transferred to California until the end of the war, and then went back to Washington and the Navy. This time I was placed in the Pentagon, in the Far East section of Intelligence where I took dictation from six or seven intelligence officers reporting happenings in the Far East to the Admiral. It was here that I heard the names of many of the pro-Communists and the Communists active in the Far East, and much of what they were doing. I had for some time been closely following the charges being made by Senator Joseph McCarthy, particularly because the men he named were ones which I was familiar form Naval Intelligence reports.
I do seem to be taking a long time before I start describing what it was like working for the Senator, but I believe that unless we understand conditions facing the Nation back in the 1940s and 50s, we will never be able to understand and appreciate the Senator and the importance of his crusade. So, for the moment let's think back to the Tydings Committee which had been instructed to look into Senator McCarthy's charges of Communists working in our State Department and/or influencing the foreign policy of our Nation. One of the first names Senator McCarthy gave the committee was the name of Owen Lattimore. I thought the Senator must have been very sure of his facts as Owen Lattimore was a highly respected Far Eastern authority, to whom our State Department looked for advice on policy decisions. He was known all over the world for the books he had written and the articles in magazines, mostly about China and the Far East. Also he was a professor at Johns Hopkins University. The Tydings Committee seemed delighted; surely this was perfect example of a wild man making irresponsible charges, and they promptly cleared Lattimore of having any Communist bias.
It was truly amazing to watch the news media join the attack on the Senator and defend Owen Lattimore. Unless Senator McCarthy could be proven right, this looked bad for him, and you can imagine we all sighed a sigh of relief when the Senate at that very moment established the Senate Internal Security Subcommittee, a branch of the Judiciary with authority to research and investigate any and all subversive movements or individuals in our Nation. And we all said a prayer of thanks when the new committee, called the SISS, was given the task of investigating any Communist influence in the Institute of Pacific Relations; Owen Lattimore was one of its leaders. Senator Pat McCarran was chosen to be Chairman of the new Subcommittee. This was an excellent choice as McCarran was well known for his anti-Communist leanings. Chief counsel of the committee was to be Robert Morris, formerly with Naval Intelligence, whom I knew well. Ben Mandell was a research director, and I understand he was, at one time or another, a member of the Communist Party and could be a wonderful help to the committee....
There were several secretaries, and I believe they were looking for another secretary, one cleared for Secret. I had Naval clearance for Secret and was working for the Navy at that time. This was a temptation I simply couldn't resist. I asked for release from my job at the Navy, and when they learned why I wanted to be released, they gave it to me and I secured the position with the Senate Internal Security Subcommittee. This was the same kind of work I had been doing for the Navy, and I was truly thrilled.
Senator McCarthy was not a member of the Internal Security Subcommittee and had no connection with it, with the exception we were going to investigate a man he had charged with being subversive. When the committee learned that some of the back files of the Institute of Pacific Relations had been hidden in a barn in Lee, Masssachusetts, acting on the authority given them, the Subcommittee took possession of those files and moved them to the Senate office building in Washington. All together there were some twenty thousand documents including books, magazine articles, memorandum, letters, minutes and reports, all of which were studied for the next six months. Some two thousand became the preliminary basis for the committee's investigation, and now it was time to hold hearings. These hearings lasted about six months and included many witnesses along with the twenty-eight Institute of Pacific Relations members. It has been conceded that was the most important, careful and productive investigation ever conducted by a committee of Congress. Those hearings became big news followed closely by all the news media.
Indeed those were exciting days. The hearings were held in the Senate Judiciary Room which adjoins our office, so we were in and out of the hearings and often taking dictation from one or more witnesses. There were many pro-American witnesses such as General Albert C. Wedemeyer, Major General Charles A. Willoughby, Igor Bogolepov, former member of the Soviet Foreign Office, Loui Budenz who had been the communist editor of the Daily Worker newspaper and Elizabeth Bentley, who had joined the Communist Party and had later become a Soviet Courier. Now she was working to expose her former party members who still gave their allegiance to the Soviets. A number of the IPR witnesses took the 5th Amendment and refused to answer any questions, and a number of them answered questions but failed to tell the truth.
The committee's final report states that Owen Lattimore testified falsely with reference to at least five separate matters that were relevant to the inquiry and substantial in import. The final report of the year's investigation was published in July, 1952. Among other conclusions we find the following: "The effective leadership of the Institute of Pacific Relations views the IPR prestige to promote the interest of the Soviet Union in the United States." And another section read, "During the period of 1945 to 1949, persons associated with the IPR were instrumental in keeping the United States policy on a course favorable to Communist objectives in China." And when it came to reports on Owen Lattimore, they proved beyond any doubt that McCarthy had been right. The committee report stated, "Owen Lattimore was (sometime beginning in the 1930s) a conscious, articulate instrument of the Communist Conspiracy." There are many more conclusions on a similar vein, many of them proving Senator McCarthy's charges of subversion and Communist affiliation were correct.
Now that the hearings were printed, I applied for a position with Senator McCarthy. My interview with him was quite short; he didn't ask me if I were a Republican or a Democrat. In fact, we talked mostly about the sad problems our country was going through and how to solve them. My position was assistant secretary, but shortly his secretary left on a protracted leave and I moved into her position. I'll never forget the first time the Senator called me to come into his office to take dictation. I had heard that he was preparing an answer to letters requesting information, and after a few sentences Senator stopped, turned, and asked, "Larry, am I going too fast?" He wasn't, and I never worried again about taking his dictation. I think I told you that the Senator was thoughtful, and indeed he was. Someone asked me if Senator McCarthy dictated all the letters that went out under his signature; I can assure you he did. He answered every letter which came from Wisconsin and many others. When the Senator's reply would serve for a number of letters, the Senator would dictate a form letter. When it was typed, he would read it carefully and then sign his name across the whole letter which we could then use to answer all letters requesting that same information. Every letter that went out under his name, however was signed by him personally. He even signed every Christmas card he sent. This was unusual, for most Senators had a secretary line their signature.
Now while on the subject of letters, I must mention that no matter how busy he was, the Senator always took time to dictate a letter to each young person writing for information. Sometimes it would take several pages to give the young person a complete answer, but he never failed. Senator McCarthy certainly loved young people, and little children loved him. Every time he was around little children, the first thing you would see would be one of them on his lap, maybe one climbing on his shoulders. They just loved the Senator, and he loved them. I can remember one event that occurred just following his stay in the hospital for a hernia operation. We didn't know he was going back to the office that evening, or we surely would have stopped him from chasing two college boys down the hall. They were trying to pry the brass plate from his Senator's door, and when he heard them he gave chase, and what's more, caught them and brought them back to the office for a friendly chat! Now he told me to order two new name plates with his name on them and send one to each boy with a letter he would write; those boys, I believe, were from Dartmouth College.
While I served as his secretary, all the mail which came into the office came over my desk. It was thrilling to see because such a large percentage of the mail was favorable, I would say 85-90%....
I believe I mentioned that the Senator was generous; let me give you just a few instances. Priests would write to the Senator from all over the world suggesting that they needed certain books or other supplies. Without hesitation, the Senator would authorize someone to get whatever the priests needed, charge it to his personal account, and send it on to the priests. Because he was so generous, we often tried to handle requests ourselves. Once when a mother from Wisconsin was expecting another baby, her carpenter husband had been hurt and couldn't work and therefore they needed all kinds of supplies. We placed a large box in the corner of our office and were gradually filling it with little gifts. When the Senator saw the box, he wanted to know what it was for, so we had to explain. Right away he suggested we buy her a nice crib and send it to her with a card on it signed by the office secretaries.
There was one thing that had been unusual which I had noticed as soon as I joined the office staff. That was the terrific amount of respect that each one of his staff felt for the Senator. When addressing him, of course, they all said "Senator McCarthy", and when speaking of him they invariably said "the Senator", not because he requested it, but their respect was shown in many ways. His staff knew how dedicated he was and how hard he worked; they also knew that he did not recklessly charge people with being Communist, unless he was sure they were. As a matter of fact, he often warned us not to label anyone a Communist unless we had seen their Communist card. In those days Communists did carry a card....
Now to the Eisenhower-Stevenson elections, most of my friends can't understand how Senator McCarthy could have voted for Eisenhower. The truth was that the news media had kept Eisenhower's dealings with Stalin from the public, and of course the Senator didn't know that Eisenhower would become such a vindictive enemy. We did have information Stevenson stood by the convicted Communist Alger Hiss, declaring how much he admired him and how he was the best informed man in the United Nations. Senator McCarthy was convinced that Stevenson would be a dangerous man if President. The truth is that there really probably wasn't much choice.
Well, to get back to the Senator's speech exposing Stevenson's record. When I went into his office to take dictation for that talk, there were a number of agents giving documents to the Senator and explaining their importance. If Senator McCarthy decided he would use a document, he dictated just what he would say in regard to that particular bit of information and he handed the document to me to be numbered. When the Senator gave his speech in Chicago, he took along all the documents I had numbered and had announced that everything he was to submit was well documented. He invited all members of the press to come back stage as soon as he was finished to get the documentation. Not one reporter came back for his copy, and the next day we all read in the Chicago paper about the vicious, unfounded charges Senator McCarthy had made. It really was a bit frustrating.
For his first two years in the Senate, Senator McCarthy was a one man investigator with one or two men working with him. He exposed eighty-one subversives working in the State Department; all were proven guilty and removed from government work. The Senator also had turned over the names of suspected Communists on other branches of our government. He had also investigated waste and inefficiency in several government departments, which resulted in saving millions of dollars to the taxpayers. He was dedicated, and he was a hard worker.
Early one New Year's morning, another secretary and I had decided to work to catch up on a number of things that we had not done the week before. I had taken off my shoes and was comfortably sitting on the Senator's desk while she read times, dates and places to be put into the Senator's desk calendar when all of a sudden, the door flew open and there stood the Senator. I think that was the shock of my life! He looked surprised and asked, "Larry, what on earth are you girls doing here now?" When he realized what we were doing, he laughed and we all worked a full day. That didn't sound like a man who had been celebrating much the night before, did it? Senator McCarthy was being accused of drinking too much. Well, if he did, it wasn't during the day because I sat next to him or across the desk from him every day taking dictation, and I never smelled liquor on his breath. He never offered people a drink in his office, as the news media had charged, because there never was a bottle in his office. Now it is possible that the Senator had cocktails in the evening, maybe one or two. I don't know; I imagine he did. But he didn't go out many evenings and a lot of evenings he would work; so really could not have been an alcoholic. But the attacks on Senator McCarthy continued. Some accused him of wanting to be President, as if that were a crime, but they tried to make it seem like it was a crime. But when they did announce it, hundreds of people reacted differently. We were soon absolutely flooded with hundreds of letters of encouragement and offers containing everything from fifty cents to many dollars. We sent it all back with a gracious letter of appreciation from the Senator saying he really didn't want to run for President. He wanted to remain the Senator from Wisconsin and fight on to rid our Nation of treason. Some of us really wished he could be President; what a difference that would have made? We were all mighty proud of our Senator, I can tell you.
I trust I haven't given you the impression that I think all reporters are evil, today one just doesn't know how the news is being slanted and why... One time Senator McCarthy did sue a newspaper for slander. That was the Syracuse Standard Times, of Syracuse, N.Y. It was great to have that newspaper retract all the vicious lies they had printed. Now I had hoped the Senator would sue the Washington Post, he could have easily won, but he refused to take the time. He felt that would please the Communists because it would keep him from exposing more traitors and getting them removed. About that time Louie Budenz, who had been editor of the Communist Daily Worker had turned over the names of four hundred Communist party members all employed in the newspaper and radio field. All these would require research and hearings. It would take the Senator's staff a great deal of time to handle this.
One day the Marine Corps called from the Pentagon and wanted an appointment with the Senator; they suggested one day the following week. I told the Senator and he asked me what they wanted. I really didn't know if I should have asked them, so I hadn't. Senator said never mind. Of course, he would be glad to see them. When they arrived, there were a number of them and a man with a camera. They had come to present the Flying Cross with four or five medals, I forgot which, but it was a very nice ceremony. However, it seemed to spark another attack on the Senator. Some reporters wrote that he had seen McCarthy's Navy record and that McCarthy had never even seen active duty. This was so ridiculous! Senator Cain of the state of Washington was furious. He knew McCarthy's record and because he knew Senator McCarthy would never publicize it, Senator Cain secured a copy and read it into the Congressional Record where it is available to anyone who can read. Senator McCarthy was humble, I said he was and he was. Here is the Marine record:
"The Commander in Chief, United States Pacific Fleet,
takes pleasure in commending
for service as set forth in the following CITATION:
'For meritorious and efficient performance of duty as an observer and rear gunner of a dive bomber attached to a marine scout bombing squadron operating in the Solomon Islands area from September 1, to December 31, 1943. He participated in a large number of combat missions, and in addition to his regular duties, acted as aerial photographer. He obtained excellent photographs of enemy gun positions, despite intense anti-aircraft fire, thereby gaining valuable information which contributed materially to the success of subsequent strikes in the area. Although suffering from a severe leg injury, he refused to be hospitalized and continued to carry out his duties as Intelligence Officer in a highly efficient manner. His courageous devotion to duty was in keeping with the highest traditions of the naval service.'
C.W. NIMITZ, Admiral, U.S. Navy
Commendation Ribbon Authorized".
I read that entire commendation because I believe some of you saw NBC's film entitled "Tail-Gunner Joe", supposedly portraying the life and character of Senator McCarthy. It was undoubtedly one of the most monstrous diabolical distortions that has ever been my misfortune to see. One must wonder why they are still trying to destroy the memory of the great anti-Communist Senator. Do they want to make certain that another pro-Christian anti-Communist fighter doesn't begin another crusade? "Tail- Gunner Joe", not only ridiculed Senator McCarthy shooting down coconuts, but they portrayed one untruthful act after another in an obvious attempt to make the Senator look irresponsible. They enacted a complete scene of him as a boy wrecking a truckload of chickens and then abandoning the truck, chickens and all in a ditch. If these producers of the show had been interested in the truth, it was all printed in the Wisconsin State Journal on July 16, 1946....
I believe I told you before that when the Second World War started, Joe McCarthy was a judge and couldn't let his country fight a war without him; so he turned his judgeship over to another and volunteered in the Marines.
Now let's go back to the crusade in the Senate. There were times when it was rather tense in our office and we couldn't help but wonder if some radical might toss a bomb in our door instead of spitting on it as they sometimes had. Not only were we hated by the Communist traitors, but there were Americans who supported the Communists because they honestly believed Communism, or what they thought Communism was, would be far better for the working man than Capitalism. They hated us, too. It would help our mood sometimes to have a good laugh, and I told you that Senator McCarthy had a good sense of humor. Once the Senator learned that a con-man was claiming he had access to our office and would report what went on for a price. Several groups started paying him. We learned that the A.D.A., Americans for Democratic Action, some members of the Democratic Party, the Washington Post and probably some other newspaper representatives were paying. I think the con-man was Paul Huse, I'm not sure. Anyway, this man furnished some fabulous tales of events in our office, and never even opened our front door and came in. Some of the stories drifted back to us, and they were hilarious. A taxi driver supplied more laughs. One afternoon the Senator took a taxi home. When he stepped into the cab the driver began telling him stories he had heard about what McCarthy was doing to hurt people. He evidently hadn't recognized the Senator who kept encouraging him to tell another story and then another story. When they finally drove up to the Senator's home and the Senator's car was out in front, the driver couldn't apologize enough and they had a good laugh together.
When Roy Cohn died of A.I.D.S. a year or so ago, a lot of people remembered that he had worked for Senator McCarthy; they asked me how the Senator could have hired such a person. In order to explain that, I must go back to the time Republican Eisenhower won the Presidency and all Republican Senators took over the Chairmanship of the Senate Committees. Senator McCarthy became Chairman of the Government Operations Committee and its Permanent Investigations Subcommittee. This gave him a tremendous boost, and as a matter of fact, I believe he held many more hearings than had ever been held by that committee. He had planned on Bob Morris coming over from SISS to be his Chief Counsel. Bob had asked me to be his secretary, and the Senator had finally agreed to let me go. We were all excited, and that was a sad time for the Senator and me, but Senator Jenner, who was taking over the Senate Internal Security Subcommittee, was about to investigate some cases of subversion in the United Nations and he needed Bob Morris. We were then without a Chief Counsel, and anti-Communist lawyers were scarce. A number of people suggested Roy Cohn; Senator realized he was very young. He was also known as a liberal, but recently he had done a fine job prosecuting Communists in New York, so Senator hired him, and I found myself Roy Cohn's secretary.
From the beginning there was a serious friction between Roy and Bobby Kennedy, who was Minority Counsel. They used the same office spaces and the same secretaries. The first order that Roy gave me was to set up his office space, but the next was to never let Bobby have our best secretary, Ruth. So from then on when Bobby asked for Ruth, I had to tell him she was too busy or something and sent him another girl from our pool of secretaries. In a couple of days a friend of Roy, David Schine, arrived to work and we set him up in the office too. As soon as he got his phone, he called the Pentagon trying to get the address of a soldier. I heard him having some trouble and I heard him use Senator McCarthy's name. So I called Don Surene, Senator's top investigator; Don called the Army and apologized and straightened it out with that officer. This was the first brush those two young fellows had with the Army, but it was not the last, I'm sorry to say. Senator never criticized Roy; he always defended his employees, but I believe those two boys were the reason other Senators turned away from our committee, and I feel they did more harm than good in our crusade.
I've also had many questions about the Army-McCarthy hearings. The first thing we need to remember is that this T.V. extravaganza was a trumped up affair to stop McCarthy and his investigations of Communists and traitors in our government; he was stepping on too many toes. Actually the charges against Senator McCarthy were so falsely manufactured that even the Secretary of the Army, Robert Stevens, confessed that they were without "substantial foundations." Those were his exact words.
Millions of Americans who watched the hearings realized that the Senator was being harassed, and reports were that most listeners liked our Senator and what he stood for. It was true that Roy Cohn had requested the Army allow his friend to remain near Washington after he was drafted so he could work with the committee, but I'm not at all sure the Senator even agreed to it.
And then there was the Peress case. Senator had evidence proving Dr. Irving Peress, then Capt. Peress in the Army of the United States, was a Communist and was soliciting for the Communist party. Senator McCarthy so advised the Army. Instead of investigating or turning the case over to a loyalty board, the Army had given Peress a raise to Major and an Honorable Discharge. Now this did infuriate the Senator. However, none of this was worthy of such a waste of taxpayers' money, time, and men who could have spent their days better serving our Nation than in ridiculous hearings.
I think those hearings were a disgrace to our country. I've really only touched the surface of all the treason and stupidity that Senator McCarthy exposed. As a result of these investigations many subversives were removed from our government, and I believe the Communist timetable was set back many years.
On Washington's birthday 1956, arrangements were made for Senator McCarthy and Senator Jenner to speak at Carnegie Hall in New York City. It was reported that they had an overflow audience, but it was much more than that. We had arrived an hour in advance and the hall was practically full already. Shortly, buses filled with cheering people waving American flags and McCarthy banners began to pull up at the entrance, so we had hundreds of patriots from Connecticut, upper New York state, New Jersey, and I even noticed one from Rhode Island and other states. Hurriedly, loud speakers were secured and put in place so that those that were out front could at least hear what was being said. It brought tears to many eyes to hear those cheers of approval not only from those inside, but from all the buses parked along the curbs outside. For a couple of Senators who were taking so much slander and abuse it surely must have been an encouragement. I will never forget that afternoon, and I don't believe any of those that were there will either.
For one thing General Douglas MacArthur was honored; a lot of us were already aware that the American people loved General MacArthur. I was in the Senate when Truman recalled him. Never in the history of our Nation has mail poured into the Senate Post Office in such tremendous quantities. The Post Office didn't close day or night for a spell. Sacks of letters were dumped on the floor of the Senator's entrance hall. Each secretary was told to take one hundred at a time, read them, and jot down how many for MacArthur and how many in favor of Truman recalling him. It was absolutely wonderful to read those letters because over 90% were furious at what Truman had done and praised Gen. MacArthur. Some wished he could be President, and we all wished he could too....
Before I finish, remember in describing Senator McCarthy that I used the word "gentle". Now that does sound a bit strange for such a masculine man, but he was gentle. The author, Brent Bozell, who was known as a good judge of character, wrote, "I studied Senator McCarthy's work, and I helped write a book about it; and in the course of professional interviews I caught glimpses of the bouncy, the strength of will, the awesome single mindedness, the gentleness of this man." So Brent Bozell saw what I saw.
Another character witness I'd like to quote is William Rusher, publisher of National Review. After the Senator had been censored, Rusher thought perhaps this would be a good time to find out if the Senator were ever bitter. After his interviews, Rusher commented that bitterness was just not in Senator McCarthy's character and then he added, "We might interject here that surprising as it may sound, the dominate quality in Senator McCarthy was a singular sweetness in his character; this was once the key to his success, just as in its purity depended his courage, and it was courage that put him in the forefront of anti-communism. Many of whom were more knowledgeable than he, and the cause of his down fall. For valiant, though he was, in fighting for his country or for principal, he could not be ruthless in fighting for himself."
I almost forgot to tell you about the Senator's marriage to Jean Kerr, and it was a very important and a really beautiful part of his life. Jean had worked for the Senator and had helped write his book "McCarthyism, The Fight For America." Jean was a beautiful, very smart girl; we all loved her dearly. She joined the Catholic Church and they were married in the huge Washington D. C. Catholic Church with both political and social friends in attendance. It was a beautiful wedding. This marriage was a very happy marriage. After awhile they adopted a baby girl whom they both adored. Jean has since died and I don't know where to find her daughter; I'd love to meet her. I'm sure that all the vicious smears against that great Patriot who adopted her must bother her very much, and I wonder if she knew that in 1954, the Gallop Poll listed Senator Joseph R. McCarthy as the fourth most admired man in the whole United States....
Another point I would like to bring out at this time is the question often asked: "How many people's lives have been ruined by the Senator's false accusations?" Actually, there was never one, not even one. But because some people confused McCarthy's investigations with the Hollywood investigation of Myron Fagan, you need to know that Senator McCarthy never investigated the Hollywood film industry at all.
This brings us to Senator McCarthy's death. He was in his 40s when he died on May 2, 1957. He died at Bethesda Naval Hospital, the same hospital from which that other great Patriot, Secretary of the Navy, Forrestal, fell or was thrown to his death. Senator McCarthy's death certificate reads "Hepatitis Unknown." There were so many conflicting reports concerning his death that it is very confusing. Medford Evans, the man who wrote "The Assassination of Joseph R. McCarthy" was convinced that the Senator had been murdered, and I'm inclined to agree with him. But I hope his life will encourage others to learn the truth, and I pray that the truth will lead America back to a Christian government. Joseph McCarthy was buried at Appleton, Wisconsin., where every Spring there is a Memorial Service. These Memorial Services are held under the auspices of the McCarthy Educational Foundation, which has been doing an excellent job of keeping his memory alive.....
Both Senator McCarthy's "McCarthyism, The Fight For America" and "America's Retreat From Victory," the story of George Catlett Marshall, are available from the Joseph R. McCarthy Educational Foundation, Inc, 2219 South 65th Street, Milwaukee, WI, 53219 for $12.00 each. A copy of the cassette tape from which this booklet was transcribed is available for $5.00. You might mark your order to the attention of Anne Knapp, she is a Secretary-Treasurer of the Foundation. Her phone number is 414-543-8939, and I'm sure she will be delighted to answer your questions about the future plans of the Foundation or what they have available now. Thank you so much for listening, and thank you for helping to bring some truth back to America. May God bless the memory of a great Christian Patriot, Joseph R. McCarthy.
For additional copies of this book send $9.00 to: LIBERTY LIBRARY, 300 Independence Avenue SE, Washington, D.C. 2003. For fast and easy service call 1-800-522-6292 and charge your purchase to Visa or MasterCard.
16.Ministry of Truth (Lies) and 17.Falsification of the Past
Jackie Jura
~ an independent researcher monitoring local, national and international events ~
email: orwelltoday@gmail.com
website: www.orwelltoday.com