To Orwell Today,
Hi there,
I'm looking for some help and came across your article about Terry Fox: TERRY'S FRIEND DOUG CARRIES TORCH
I am a resident of Outer Cove, Newfoundland. I live right next to the beach where Terry picked up the bottle of Atlantic Ocean water. I am a long time member of our local heritage committee and when our local council was looking for suggestions as to what mural to paint on our new bridge I suggested Terry and that is in fact what they are going to do.
A local artist has been commissioned and we are wondering what color Terry's jacket was. I have been in contact with Terry's brother Fred who in turn contacted Bill Strong who was with Terry the day he collected the water. He remembers the jacket as being blue and gray but is unsure of the shades etc. I noticed that your article references Doug Alward who drove Terry's van and am wondering if Doug might have a color picture or a better recollection of the colors of the jacket.
Would you have any contact info for Doug or be able to forward this request to him. We want our mural to be as accurate a reflection as possible to what Terry was wearing that day.
Thank you so much for your consideration.
Michelle Hickey
Greetings Michelle,
I didn't realize, until receiving your email, that the beach on the Atlantic Ocean, where Terry Fox filled the water jug, was a different place from where he dipped his right foot (his artificial one) into the ocean at St John's.
I forwarded your email to Doug Alward and jogged his memory with pics of Terry in the jacket and he got back saying that he agrees with Bill Strong (who was the Cancer Society rep who accompanied them to the Outer Cove beach because it would be easier to wade into the water there than at the beach in St John's. As it turned out, the waves were big and one of the two jugs got washed out to sea). Doug says he isn't sure, but he thinks the jacket was a dark shade of blue with a white-colour collar.
It's wonderful that you live next door to the Terry Fox beach and are so devotedly involved in the heritage of that place and that marvelous event.
I'll share your news about the Terry Fox mural that is being painted on the Newfoundland bridge and perhaps a reader somewhere along the 3,339-mile route will have a colour photo of Terry in the jacket and send it in. Stranger things have happened.
Please send news and a photo of the bridge when the mural is complete.
All the best,
Jackie Jura, October 2017
watch Terry Fox Run Across Canada montage, YouTube
watch The Terry Fox Outer Cove gathering, YouTube
On April 12, 1980, Terry Fox began his Marathon of Hope at Mile Zero in St. John's, Newfoundland & Labrador. In the hours before his run, Terry brought an empty glass bottle to a small beach in Outer Cove and filled it with Atlantic seawater. He planned to pour the jug of water into the Pacific Ocean at the end of his run, symbolically connecting our country from coast to coast. Parks Canada, the Terry Fox Foundation and the Town of Logy Bay-Middle Cove-Outer Cove hosted the Terry Fox Outer Cove Gathering to celebrate Terry Fox's legacy as a person of national historic significance and the important role Outer Cove Beach played in the Marathon of Hope. The simple glass bottle of Atlantic sea water he collected there continues to represent Terry's determination to unite the entire country behind his cause. After 35 years, his legacy continues to inspire us.
Honouring Terry Fox at Outer Cove Beach with memorial, CBC, Sep 1, 2016
It was a mystery solved a few years ago, and now Terry Fox's seawater gathering at Outer Cove Beach is being recognized in a new memorial. The Town of Logy Bay-Middle Cove-Outer Cove, in partnership with Parks Canada, unveiled a commemorative storyboard, tree and bronze plaque Thursday to honour the important part of Fox's journey. Right before he began his Marathon of Hope more than three decades ago, Fox stopped at Outer Cove Beach to retrieve ocean water. He planned to pour water from the Atlantic Ocean into the Pacific Ocean, once he completed his run to the other side of the country. Originally assumed to be water from Cape Spear, it was confirmed before the 35th anniversary of Fox's run that the water was, in fact, from Outer Cove Beach. "The fact that this went undiscovered for 30 odd years is an even better story", he said. "We didn't know until the year before last that the man that actually accompanied Terry on his journey came down and confirmed that the site was at Outer Cove Beach". Robin Martin, with the local Parks Canada office, said this part of the story is not just important to the people of Newfoundland and Labrador or Canada, but to the world. "Terry's visit to Outer Cove that day went largely unnoticed", he said. "Clearly, for him, it was full of meaning and importance. The water he gathered in that simple glass jug, now on display at the Canadian Museum of History, represented his determination to complete the almost super-human task that lay ahead of him." The next stage of the memorial plans include painting a mural, Kennedy said, adding he hopes a member of Fox's family will be in attendance at that unveiling when it is finished. "Newfoundland has a very colourful history and this is just another piece that makes it even more colourful", Kennedy said.
Terry Fox's family marks 35th anniversary with visit to Outer Cove, CBC, Apr 13, 2015
A ceremony was held at Outer Cove Beach on Sunday to mark the 35th anniversary of Terry Fox's Marathon of Hope. Over three decades ago, in 1980, Fox began his famous marathon with a stop at Outer Cove Beach to retrieve ocean water. Fox's intention was to pour water from the Atlantic Ocean into the Pacific once he completed his run across the country....
Rotting humpback whale removed from Nfld cove, buried at waste site, CTV, June 8, 2017
OUTER COVE, N.L. -- Residents of a small eastern Newfoundland town are breathing a little easier after the rotting remains of a massive humpback whale were finally removed from their shoreline. John Kennedy, mayor of Logy Bay-Middle Cove-Outer Cove, said Thursday that equipment lifted the whale's floppy carcass from the water and into a waiting dump truck that took it to a landfill in Sunnyside for disposal. "I am very pleased that this is finally over," he said in an email. "The whale was removed last night around 8 p.m. following a 12-hour operation to net it and remove it from the water." Kennedy said the dead whale washed in on May 22 and had been hemmed in near the shore of Outer Cove by a slab of ice, preventing it from floating back out to sea and fouling the air around the picturesque cove. Kennedy said the 20,000-pound animal is estimated to have died a month before its unwelcome arrival in his town. Spectators flocked to see the approximately six-week-old decomposing humpback, with one person putting his dog on the carcass for a photo. A local lab conducted recent testing on the beach in the area, and found no harmful pathogens outside the norm. Federal Fisheries Department boats helped in the removal of the large whale, which Kennedy said earlier had been stalled by bureaucratic red tape. Kennedy complained that it had taken days of wrangling to arrange for the disposal of the partially submerged corpse. Federal agencies resisted taking responsibility for the bloated mess, he said, adding that the town of 20,000 people doesn't have the resources to get rid of the remains on its own. The carcass had washed over the beach, giving it an oily sheen, Kennedy said earlier, forcing him to consider declaring a state of emergency due to health concerns.
How do you solve a problem like a dead whale? Lack of help is 'scandalous,' says mayor, CBC, May 31, 2017
A Humpback whale carcass showed up on a popular beach over a week ago, and the town can't find solution...."We are 15 minutes away from the main coast guard base for the province that has dozens of ships and hundreds of employees and all kinds of equipment. This is now, not only a navigational hazard, it's a health hazard," he told CBC's St. John's Morning Show. "And if this thing spreads to Middle Cove, then that's two of the very few beaches that we have on the northeast Avalon that people can go to. They're gonna be covered in blubber and offal and it's absolutely scandalous that this is being allowed." At a regular council meeting on May 23, the town decided first to pursue towing the whale back out into the ocean. Council contacted Fisheries and Oceans Canada, who said it was actually the responsibility of Transport Canada because of the marine regulations. Transport Canada said towing the whale further out in the water wasn't an option, and advised trying to find a landfill where the town could bury it.
Whale watch from afar: Outer Cove crowds told to back off dead humpback, CBC News, May 23, 2017
...The Department of Fisheries and Oceans warned the public Tuesday to stay back "due to possible disease transmission or injury." Tow it or bury it, says the mayor. Lawson said the whale is an adult male humpback that had been dead for several weeks, but its cause of death will likely remain a mystery. Also up in the air is who will remove or deal with the carcass.... Logy Bay-Middle Cove-Outer Cove Mayor John Kennedy says the town is waiting to hear back from officials at the Department of Fisheries and Oceans and the provincial government. "We need an expert in this -- we're hoping that Mother Nature brought it in, Mother Nature's going to take it away," said Kennedy. "It will either be towed out or bury it, I don't know. Because of the size of it, its not going to be an easy job," he said.
To Orwell Today,
Thank you so much Jackie. I'll keep my eye to your website and will certainly keep you in the loop on the progress of the mural. I believe the plan is to have it ready and unveil in September 2018 to coincide with Terry Fox day.
(began 3,339-mile run in Outer Cove Newfoundland)
watch Terry Fox Run Across Canada montage
Inukshuk at airport angers Inuit in Nunavut
(means dangerous place to be avoided)
Email/YouTube/CBC, Oct 9, 2017
Jackie Jura
~ an independent researcher monitoring local, national and international events ~
email: orwelltoday@gmail.com
website: www.orwelltoday.com