

PhotoJFKcaneUniform GlobeSolomonsOzNZ

This past few years I've been posting articles about the insidious take-over of Australia and New Zealand by Communist China. See RED CHINA SHADOW LOOMS OVER OZ & RED CHINA TERRORIZES KIWI PATRIOT

Now another DOWN UNDER country is being handed over to Communist China -- the Solomon Islands, in the heart of the Pacific and in the heart and soul of JFK who was forged in fire there during WWII.

In a secret deal, signed by bought-off provincial and national politicians, the government of Solomon Islands sold/leased the strategic island of Tulagi to Communist China under the false pretense of economic benefit from resource development and infrastracture projects. In reality it's a land-grab wherein the Chinese will build a military airport and naval base on the island with fire power in range of Australia.

ChineseTableSignDeal MapChinaTulagiDeal
China signs deal to 'lease' Tulagi island in the Solomons
News, October 17, 2019

The leaked papers reveal that the Solomons' Central Province made a "strategic cooperation agreement" on Tulagi island, which has the type of deep-water harbour coveted by the military, with the state-owned China Sam Group on September 22, 2019. A day previously, China and the Solomons officially established diplomatic relations after Beijing persuaded the impoverished Pacific nation to sever ties with China's arch-rival Taiwan and become its ally. See MAO'S MAN SPIED ON KAI-SHEK

TulagiChinaStory MapTulagiSattelite MapTulagiDealIllegal
China is leasing an entire Pacific island. Its residents are shocked
PicTulagiHarbourShock TulagiResidentsBeach

When I first read the news about Tulagi being handed over to Communist China I felt my blood run cold and it sent shivers up my spine. All I could think about was "what would JFK think?" because until his dying day JFK warned us about the Communist Conspiracy for World Domination. When JFK was a newly elected Representative to Congress from Massachusetts in 1949 -- fresh back from the war -- he made a speech demanding an investigation into why the USA government helped the Communists come to power in China. And in his last press conference, on November 14, 1963 -- one week before he was assassinated -- JFK said "The United States will not trade with Red China". The Chinese laughed when they heard the news of his death and were the only country in the world not to send condolences. See JFK's SECRET SOCIETY SPEECH & JFK ON COMMIE CONQUEST OF CHINA & #64 JFK LAST PRESS CONFERENCE

MapJapanUSAterritory MapJapaneseOccupation MapSolomonJFKbases

The significance of Tulagi, in the life of JFK, is that Tulagi was his home base during his nearly nine months of extremely dangerous active duty in the Solomon Islands -- home of some of the most hard-fought and deadly battles of the Pacific Campaign -- from April 7th to December 21st, 1943.

JFK's first assignment was to the PT base at Tulagi island where he took command of PT-109. After six weeks patrolling out of Tulagi, JFK was transferred to the Russell Islands PT base the end of May (from where he made a trip back to Tulagi for boat repairs). Six weeks after that, on July 15th, JFK moved westward again to the PT base at Rendova island from where, three weeks later the PT-109 survival story began on August 2nd. One week later, after being discovered by the Solomon native scouts and rescued by a PT boat guided by them to Olasana island, JFK returned to Tulagi to recover. See JFK SOLOMON SWIMS SAVED SURVIVORS & SOLOMONER RESCUER KUMANA HONOURS JFK

PT109crewJFK JFKskipperCockpit PT-59

Although JFK could have gone back to the States on a medical discharge -- he'd earned the Purple Heart -- JFK didn't want to leave the war zone and requested another boat. On September 1st he was given command of PT-59 and spent the next five weeks on Tulagi overseeing its conversion from torpedo into gunboat. With five of his original PT-109 crew, and nine new additions, JFK sailed PT-59 to his next base on Vella Lavella island. For the next month -- until the doctor on base ordered him to give up his command -- JFK went out every night on dangerous missions to Choiseul island where hundreds of Japanese troops were entrenched. See JFK'S PT-59 SAVES THE MARINES

To help readers understand the travesty inflicted on the people of the democratic Solomon Islands with the handover of Tulagi to their hated enemy -- communist China -- here's a quick overview of the cost in free-world lives paid by her defenders during WWII:

The Solomons, in the South Pacific, is a group of 992 islands and atolls, 347 of which are inhabited. The Solomons are located approx 2,000 miles northeast of Australia. Spanish Europeans discovered the islands in 1568... The Solomon Islands became a British Proctetorate in 1885... In 1978, at Independence, Solomon Islands became a constitutional monarchy. The Queen of Solomon Islands is Elizabeth II, represented by the Governor-General...

Tulagi is a small island -- 5.5 by 1 kilometre (3.42 by 0.62 miles), area 2.08 square kilometres (0.80 square miles) -- in the Solomon Islands, just off the south coast of Ngella Sule [Florida Island to Americans]. The town of the same name on the island (population 1,750) was the capital of the British Solomon Islands Protectorate from 1896 to 1942 and is today the capital of the Central Province. The capital of what is now the state of Solomon Islands moved to Honiara, Guadalcanal, after World War II. Tulagi island was originally chosen by the British as a comparatively isolated and healthier alternative to the disease-ridden larger islands of the Solomon Islands archipelago.

GuadalcanalCampaign GuadalcanalCampaign2 MapIronBottom IronBottomStory

"Iron Bottom Sound" is the name given by Allied sailors to the stretch of water at the southern end of The Slot between Guadalcanal, Savo, and Florida & Tulagi islands of the Solomon Islands. Iron Bottom Sound derived its name from the 200 odd ships and 690 aircraft that lie within it. Ships and aircraft from both Imperial Japanese forces and the American Allied Forces sank there during the naval actions comprising the Battle of Guadalcanal during 1942-1943. Before the war it was called Savo Sound. Every year on the battle's anniversary -- August 7th -- a USA ship cruises into the waters and drops a wreath to commemorate the men who lost their lives. For many Navy sailors, and those who served in the area during that time, the waters in this area are considered sacred, and strict silence is observed as ships cruise through.


The ghostly photo above caught PT-109 in action -- with JFK at the helm -- over Iron Bottom Sound in 1943. I believe JFK and PT-109, in spirit, cruise through those sacred waters every year -- on August 7th -- to commemorate the sailors of the iron-bottom -- and wooden-bottom -- boats laying on the seabed 600 feet below. This year will be the 80th anniversary.

JapanTulagiInvadeMay42 USAinvadeTulagiAug42

During World War II, on May 3, 1942, the Japanese occupied Tulagi with the intention of establishing a seaplane base nearby.... On August 7, 1942, the Allied forces, primarily the USA 1st Marine Raiders, landed on Tulagi and after a day of hard fighting captured the island as part of Operation Watchtower during the victorious Battle of Quadacanal.... After its capture by United States Navy and Marine Corps forces, Tulagi hosted a squadron of PT boats for a year, which included LT-JG John F Kennedy's PT-109 as well as other ancillary facilities. A small 20-bed dispensary was operated on Tulagi until its closure in 1946. The island also formed part of Purvis Bay, which hosted many USA Navy ships during 1942 and 1943.

On April 7, 1943 -- eight months after USA won Guadalcanal and Talagi back from the Japanese -- JFK arrived in Solomon Islands after a one-month sea voyage from San Francisco, USA. Godcidently, as it turned out, it was the same day the Japanese launched their biggest attack in the Pacific since Pearl Harbour on December 7, 1941. The boat JFK was on, as a passenger, came under severe attack by Japanese dive bombers. It's a miracle it and everyone on it wasn't blown to smithereens. It's where JFK coined his famous comment "Welcome to the South Pacific".

Here's the story from a couple of sources. It's portrayed totally realistically in THE PT-109 MOVIE that came out in 1963 five months before JFK's assassination. JFK had watched it and approved of the actor who played him and the accuracy of its depictions of what really happened. His only request was that the movie didn't play up his Boston accent -- the butt of jokes. JFK also approved THE PT-109 BOOK that came out in 1961 -- and which the movie was modelled on. JFK met the author, Robert Donovan, in the Oval Office and pointed out details of his and the crew's positions on the boat when it was hit. And JFK liked THE PT-109 SONG that was a huge hit in 1962 -- and made JFK into a kind of rock star.

JapPlaneDiveBomber JFKLST449Deck USAplaneWildcat
by John Domagalski, Warfare History Network

Activity at Japanese air bases in the northern Solomon Islands reached a fever pitch as the South Pacific sun rose on the morning of April 7, 1943. The distinctive sound of roaring aircraft engines filled the air at fields bearing the names of Ballale, Kahili, and Buka. All of the bases were on or near the island of Bougainville. Scores of planes marked with the red circle insignia of the rising sun were soon taking off. The aircraft combined into four groups while circling before turning south. Perhaps unknown to the Japanese pilots, however, the planes were under careful watch by Allied coastwatchers. The agents quickly reported the developments to American authorities on Guadalcanal. The operation was the first act of a massive air offensive against American positions in the Solomon Islands and New Guinea directed by Fleet Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto. The attacks were dubbed the "I" Operation and would hit four key target areas over the course of a week. The admiral ordered the action to help reverse recent Japanese setbacks in the region and stall the forthcoming American advance that was sure to continue from Guadalcanal. The Americans had recently won control of the embattled island after nearly six months of heavy fighting...

On the morning the Japanese air attack took off, LST-449 (Landing Ship, Tank) was slowly plodding toward the Guadalcanal area. The vessel was under the command of Lieutenant Carl Livingston. It was near the end of a voyage that had begun at Espiritu Santo in the New Hebrides. A small landing craft designed to carry tanks in coastal waters and an assortment of cargo including some bombs, its heavy load consisted of army troops and naval officers bound for duty in the Solomons. Essentially a large landing craft, LST-449 was designed to haul tanks, vehicles, and personnel over the open ocean directly to beachheads. Spanning more than 300 feet in length and measuring 50 feet wide, it displaced 1,625 tons empty. The slow speed -- generally less than 10 knots -- earned the class of ships the deserving nickname of "large slow targets". The vessels' few weapons were an assortment of light guns for antiaircraft defense. Among the passengers aboard LST-449 that day was Lieutenant (junior grade) John F Kennedy. It was the end of a long trek to the South Pacific for the young naval officer...

The coastwatcher's early warning gave the American air commanders some time to prepare for the onslaught. At 2-pm the radar station on nearby Russell Island picked up the first sign of the intruders, prompting radio Guadalcanal to broadcast the first of two "condition red" reports. The coded messages warned that an air attack was imminent. The alert sent crewman on ships across the area racing to man guns. The firepower, though, was limited as many of the cargo and auxiliary vessels only had small machine guns for air defense. Additional firepower was available on land in the form of two quadruple 40mm gun mounts positioned on the high point of Tulagi. The best chance to thwart the enemy assault rested with the American airpower in the region. Bombers of various types were the first to take off, flying southeast to escape the impending attack. Seventy-six fighters then rose from Henderson Field on Guadalcanal to meet the approaching attackers. The force was a mix of frontline American aircraft, including, Lockheed P-38 Lightings, Grumman F4F Wildcats, Vought F4U Corsairs, Grumman F6F Hellcats, and Bell P-39 Airacobras...

The massive Japanese air strike on the Guadalcanal area on April 7, 1943, did not stall the American advance in the South Pacific. Fears of additional attacks, though, kept LST-449 at sea for five more days. The boat eventually pulled into Guadalcanal on April 12. All aboard had survived a close scrape with death. Lt Livingston took satisfaction knowing that his largely inexperienced crew courageously discharged its duties in the face of a fierce enemy air attack. He had no way of knowing that the precious cargo he safely delivered was not only supplies, ammunition, and replacement soldiers, but a future president. For John F Kennedy, his arrival in the South Pacific marked the end of one long journey and the beginning of another. Less than four months later he would again be fighting for survival.

BookPg17 BookPg19 BookPg20
excerpts from pages 17-50

On April 7, 1943, the United States Navy's LST-449 approached the northern coast of Guadalcanal. At 12:15-pm off Togoma Point the skipper, Lt Carl Livingston, noticed several transports and destroyers racing out at high speed into Iron Bottom Sound, so named because so many ships had been sunk there before the Americans had finally wrested Guadalcanal from the Japanese. At 12:30-pm the signal station at Koli Point flashed: "Condition Red". This meant that an air attack was imminent. Moments later a destroyer rushing by gave LST-449 a similar warning. Lt Livingston ordered his ship turned about, and as quickly as he could he took out after the vessels fleeing through Lunga Roads...

LST-449 carried a heavy load of cargo and passengers, inclduing a hundred and seventy Army replacements and a group of naval officers bound for assignments in the Solomon Islands. Amongt them was Lt John Fitzgerald Kennedy of Boston, a bachelor a few years out of Choate and Harvard, who had recently completed the course at Motor Torpedo Boat Squadron Training Center at Melville, Rhode Island. As a transient he had no duties aboard and was below in his bunk reading when Lt Livingston began ducking from one destroyer screen to another for protection as the ships continued to clear the roads. The sharp turns rolled Lt Kennedy around in bed. He thought it strange, yet no word came from above to arouse concern. It could hardly have dawned on him or his fellow passengers that the Japanese had launched their greatest air attack since Pearl Harbor and that at this moment a hundred and seventy-seven enemy fighters and dive bombers were roaring toward Guadalcanal from Rabaul, New Britain.

Up on the bridge Lt Livingston received orders to wait off Togoma Point for the destroyer Aaron Ward, now on the way to screen him... In a few minutes he sighted the Aaron Ward racing toward him from the northwest, hull down, at full speed... A unit consisting of the Aaron Ward, LST-449 and Sub Chaser-521 formed beyond Togoma Point and in full flight steamed toward Espiritu Santo in the New Hebrides. Shortly before three o'clock sailors on LST-449 saw dots in the sky far to the east toward Cape Esperance, Guadalcanal. Gradually these dots grew into Japanese "Vals" and "Zekes", and soon many of them began peeling off to attack Henderson Field on Guadalcanal. To the north the men on LST-449 could see other planes swooping down on Tulagi, a small island off the coast of Florida Island north of Guadalcanal. Lt Livingston ordered his helmsman to start circling. He had good reason to. LST-449 was carrying, among other things, a cargo of bombs for the Russel Islands. A direct hit from the air might blow 449 and every man aboard into fragments. This circling motion of the ship was too much for Lt Kennedy's curiosity. He climbed out of his bunk and made for the companionway...

Kennedy scrambled to the deck, and the sight before him remains to this day one of the most spectacular he has ever seen. Nine enemy planes, some hurtling down in steep dives, others slanting in on long glides, were attacking 449 and the Aaron Ward. The bomb that blew Lt Livingston across the bridge was followed by another that hit fifty feet off 449's port bow. Two more exploded off her starboard bow, and another spouted a geyser on the starboard side abreast of the bridge. Kennedy was caught up in the frantic excitement on the deck. Each bomb landed close enough to drench the ship with water... Still LST-449 avoided a direct hit. The Aaron Ward was not so fortunate. While 449's gunners were firing furiously at a plane sweeping low across the horizon, they saw smoke rising from the destroyer. Rapidly the wisps grew into thick black billows, whose folds and creases glimmered with red flame. A bomb had torn the Aaron Ward's engine room apart, and near-misses had flooded both firerooms. As the destroyer began to settle in the water, LST-449 shook off the attacking planes and started for her side. However, before she could get there, a minesweeper moved in and took the Aaron Ward in tow. It was a game effort, but there was little hope. Three miles off Florida Island the Aaron Ward sank....

After the great air raid on April 7, LST-449 and Sub Chaser-521 retired toward Espiritu Santo because it was feared that the Japanese might strike again in even greater force the next day. No enemy planes returned, and after five days of cruising about, 449 put into Guadalcanal on April 12. A few days later, Kennedy, ready to disembark after more than a month at sea, was standing at the rail off Tulagi...


Tulagi, the prewar capital of the British Solomon Islands Protectorate, was seized by the Japanese five months after Pearl Harbor and recaptured by Americans as part of the operation of the invasion of Guadalcanal in August 1942. It is a narrow, hilly island that lies aslant off the southwest coast of Florida Island, which is many times larger. Among the repair shops, Quonset huts and the thatched-roofed officers' club called the Royal Palm were colonial landmarks like the rugby field and Government House. The PT boss in the South Pacific, Commander Calvert, had his headquarters in "Calvertville" on Florida Island opposite the west bank of Tulagi. Calvertville contained a miscellany of native thatched huts, and old marine railway built by Chinese, a torpedo overhaul shop and a gateway with a sign, THRU THESE PORTALS PASS THE BEST M.T.B. FLOTILLA IN THE WORLD.

Most of the PT base operations, however, were centered across the channel from Calvertville in the old Chinese trading village of Sesape on Tulagi. Destroyers, Liberty ships, New Zealand corvettes steamed endlessly up and down the channel. PT boats rumbled about awaiting their turn in the floating drydock or nestled up to the PT tender "Jamestown" for minor repairs. When the PTs were not on the move they were moored under the bushes along the Tulagi or Florida shores to hide from Japanese planes. Kennedy had to wait only a short time for his assignment... He was informed that he was to become the captain of PT-109...

~ end quoting ~

It struck me this year, after researching the Solomon Island campaigns and learning about the battle of Guadalcanal happening on August 7th, 1942, that that's the same date -- exactly one year later -- that JFK and the PT-109 crew were rescued off the island of Olasana. See OZ COASTWATCHER EVANS RESCUED JFK & SOLOMON NATIVES HID JFK IN CANOE & RESCUER KEVU IN JFK OVAL OFFICE

One of the last people to see JFK alive -- Dr Robert McClelland who held the President's head in his hands as JFK fought for life -- described in an interview how, over the years, he's experienced many JFK coincidences -- what I call "godcidences" -- and what he calls "union syncronicity". See DOC MCCLELLAND JFK GODCIDENTS

I trust that readers, having now read the history of Tulagi island -- and its important role in the victory of the allies (USA-SOLOMONS-AUS-NZ) over the enemy in WWII -- will now comprehend the threat posed to the Free World by the handing over of Tulagi to Communist China.

Thankfully -- and blessedly -- the China-Tulagi deal was shot down dead in the water even before the ink was dry on the dastardly deed:

Chinese bid to lease Tulagi island fails
News, October 30, 2019

A Chinese company's bid to lease Tulagi Island in the Solomons has been rejected by the country's attorney general and the provincial leader who signed the five-year agreement has pronounced the deal dead. Just days after the Solomon Islands switched diplomatic recognition from Taiwan to Beijing last month, Stanley Manetiva, the premier of the Solomons Central Province signed an agreement to lease Tulagi and surrounding islands to China Sam -- a development company with close ties to the Chinese government. Strategists from Canberra to Washington immediately worried about military bases. Premier Manetiva poured cold water on the China Sam deal shortly after he signed it, "To be honest here, leasing Tulagi will not be possible", he told RNZ news. Then, last week, the attorney general of the Solomons declared the deal unlawful and unenforceable. But Solomon Islands will get a gift from China, a stadium to host the 2023 Pacific Games in Honiara.

The Solomons aren't out of the woods (jungle) yet. The Chinese have not gone away, and are forming so-called "security" partnerships with the national government -- bringing in hundreds of Chinese soldiers and police with weapons and surveillance "tools" to protect (Orwellian for "use against") any opposition. The people rose up in rebellion this past winter storming the Parliament buildings in Honiara, Guadalcanal and torching the Chinese section of town. And there is political opposition to China in the form of heroes like the Premier of Malaita province and a Member of Parliament and son of a former Prime Minister -- and thousands of patriotic Solomoners behind them. And we know, for sure, that JFK, in spirit, has their back.

All the best,
Jackie Jura, July 31, 2022


PS - Solomon Islands Officials: Chinese Companies Still See Opportunity in Tulagi, VOA, September 5, 2022

[Note to readers: Links to the articles referenced in red in this article can be connected from the JFK TRUTHS & UNTRUTHS section of the website]

Will Solomon Islands host China's next airbase?, National Interest, October 14, 2023
...Given the Solomon Islands' small size and low population count, Chinese engineering projects expanding the port or airstrip would not work because of the potential impacts on any individual island. If the Chinese build a base on the Solomon Islands, they will likely force the Solomon Islanders out of their homes. Even if they don't demolish villages, mass construction will destroy the only local source of income, logging. Even if the construction doesn't take up the entire island, it would be doubtful that the Chinese would want a logging company to operate close to their military bases. As a result, logging will likely stop, forcing the island's residents to go live elsewhere and possibly even trigger a second civil war...

Will Solomon Islands host China's next Airbase?
ChinaJetSolomons ChinaBaseSolomonsWar
(will demoish villages/destroy logging/trigger civil war)
National News, Oct 14, 2023
PhotoJFKcaneUniform GlobeSolomonsOzNZ

watch Caroline re-lives JFK survival in Solomons
(incredibly emotional experience)
watch JFK daughter & grandson swim Solomon swim
JFKSwimGear PTbkChainMap
watch PT-109 SONG listen
Solomon Islands, August 1943-2023

CarolineDadJFK CarolineKannedy
(79 years after rescue of PT-109 crew)
KumanaGizaCanoe JFKsketchKumanaCanoe JFKKevoGomuCanoe
JFKsketchKumanaCanoe KumanaFamily2017
(will Caroline visit JFK native scout rescuers?)
August 1-8, 1943-2022
watch Put the Lime in the Coconut by 5th Beatle listen

PhotoJFKcaneUniform GlobeSolomonsOzNZ ChinaSolomonsBattleship
(China leasing strategic island of Tulagi)
July 31, 2022









Jackie Jura
~ an independent researcher monitoring local, national and international events ~
