To Orwell Today,
Hello Jackie
John F Kennedy (Eroni Kumana's youngest son) wished his message for Ambassador Caroline Kennedy may be handed to her before arriving in Honiara. His message was compiled together by me and other cousins to take with him to Honiara. Unfortunately, he couldn't make it, but asked that his message be sent with someone close to her in the USA. I believe it was sent to Ambassador Caroline Kennedy before her arrival in Honiara. Fortunately, the Kumana family is lucky to have the 4th son of Kumana, John Koloni who resides at Honiara, representing the family.
Check out our webpage for the speech:
Dear Honorable Ambassador Caroline Kennedy,
On behalf of the entire Eron Kumana family, I would like to take this opportunity with joy and highly appreciate it by welcoming you to the Solomon.
Your job as US ambassador to Australia has brought you close to where your father fought to save the Solomon Island and brought your father's spirit to associate their wish to meet after WWII.
My father, Eroni Kumana has seen Maxwell Kennedy at Gizo, Western Province. This has satisfied him to see one of the Kennedy family, and today I and my brother Koloni represent the family of Kumana; we would like to say, we have seen the face of the Late President Kennedy whom our father saved during WWII.
Our father the late Eroni Kumana had displayed qualities in life during his lifetime, with our family and as well as his own village. He is known to be a good adviser, courageous person, very brave, Christian, and hardworking father, he was humble and always wanted to live in peace with everyone.
My father has an opportunity to have visitors from all over the world during his time.
Most of them affirmed him for his famous story of the PT109 tragedy and classified him as a hero, but here in Solomon, he is just a subsistence farmer and a fisherman.
However, seeing him as a rescuer of the US president, his community thought of him as a resource person who would develop their community. From that fact, he made promises.
Our late father wished that his dreams be fulfilled in the future, even though he had died. His death has left us, especially our immediate family with challenges; therefore, we try hard to highlight some of his recommendations.
However, he has given us comforting words to take courage and continue to achieve things yet to be done and to live in peace with others.
Our immediate family of late Eroni Kumana wishes to extend our words of appreciation and acknowledgment for recognizing and honoring our father for the hard work and bravery he rendered in assisting your father during WWII's fierce and bloody battle in the western part of the Solomon.
The strong partnership they had become a historical event and remains in the hearts of our immediate families. This relationship had made us know each other until these days.
Once again, and on behalf, I would like to extend my thanks to you for your visit, marking the 80th anniversary of the battle of Guadalcanal. It was really an honor to have you with us, and your presence made the celebration all the most memorable.
For our family, your decorous attendance at the celebration reaffirms the true strength of Solomon Island American relations. To have such a strong, productive relationship is a great source of reassurance.
Again, with visiting delegations, we believe the US is stepping up efforts to push back against Chinese diplomatic inroads.
To conclude, we would like to show our heartfelt gratitude and congratulate you on the remarkable progress you have made with Japan, and we believe reopening the US office here in Honiara is a very positive sign to strengthen the bilateral relations between Solomon Island and America.
Once again, and on behalf of the family, I John F Kennedy (Namesake) represents the family of Eroni Kumana, and with my brother Koloni have this opportunity to encounter you face to face and wish your visit to Solomon Island a successful outcome.
May God richly Blessed your Days,
(John F Kennedy)
Mala Rellysdom, August 11, 2022
Greetings Mala Rellysdom,
Thanks so much for sending the link to the beautiful letter from Kumana's son, JFK's namesake, to Caroline. It must have been a huge disappointment for John F Kennedy that he was unable to make the trip from Ranonnga to Guadalcanal for the ceremonies commemorating his father. But in Caroline's comments in the news coverage she says -- "I look forward to returning to Solomon Islands with my children and showing them this part of our family history" -- I think it means she'll be making a more personal visit to you all in the future. She'll probably do a tour of her father's old stomping grounds around Gizo, including Plum Pudding (now Kennedy) island. And then she may travel to your island and village and see the progress on Kumana's Five Recommendations you're so diligently determined to fulfill.
Ambassador Kennedy thanked Solomon Scouts who saved her father
(presented a replica of the coconut husk to John Kolono and Nelma Ane)
Solomon Star News, August 7, 2022
The selfless service and sacrifice of the Solomon Scouts and Coastwatchers were acknowledged during the commemoration of the 80th anniversary of the Battle of Guadalcanal, Sunday. USA Ambassador to Australia and daughter of John F Kennedy made this statement during the dawn service at Skyline Ridge yesterday (Sunday 7th August 2022). "Because of the selfless service and sacrifice of the Solomon Scouts and Coastwatchers, the Allies were able to hold Guadalcanal. And because of Guadalcanal, the Allies achieved victory in the Pacific", Ambassador Kennedy said. She also took the opportunity to thank two Solomon Islander Scouts -- Biaku Gasa and Eroni Kumana -- who saved her father's life. "While we all owe a debt of gratitude to the Solomon Islanders who risked their lives during the Pacific Campaign, my family and I owe a personal debt of gratitude to two Solomon Islander Scouts -- Biaku Gasa and Eroni Kumana -- who saved my father's life. "Thanks to them, he and his crew survived the sinking of PT-109 and were able to return home and eventually run for President", she said. She said her father's experiences on Guadalcanal made him the man and the leader that he was, just as the experiences of so many others shaped the men and women they would become. "It resolved him to seek a more peaceful and just world, and he gave his life for his country. I'm deeply touched to be here today, knowing that I might not be here if it were not for Biaku Gasa and Eroni Kumana", Ms Kennedy said yesterday. "I look forward to returning to Solomon Islands with my children and showing them this part of our family history -- which is so closely intertwined with this country -- and telling them about the partnership we've shared with Solomon Islanders in years since the war"...
Caroline's gift of a replica of JFK's coconut is so symbolic of her father's connection to the Solomons.
Upon completion and posting of the RED CHINA INVADING JFK'S SOLOMONS article (that I'd been working on for months) and our discussions about Caroline's visit to the Solomons, I was exhausted and rewarded myself with relaxation. I created a Solomon Islands display and placed it on what I call my "blessing table" where I put gifts or cards for a day or so after receiving them. I snapped a photo and have it propped on an Orwell-JFK bookshelf where I can see it.
It shows my Orwell glass paperweight -- a symbol in 1984 of a beautiful relic from the past -- beside a photo of the coconut JFK had on his desk -- and overlaid them on a map of the Solomon Islands. That brass candlestick is also a relic and the picture in the tiny bit of the frame you can see is of Princess Diana's grave at Althorp overlaid with rose-petals I took from Orwell's grave.
Your cousin, John F Kennedy, in his letter, thanked Caroline and the USA for "stepping up efforts to push back against Chinese diplomatic inroads". Reassuringaly, in one of her first speeches after being appointed Ambassador to Australia Caroline warned about Chinese coercion in the Solomon Islands -- ie attempting to set up a Chinese naval base there -- and said that the USA should be taking a stronger stance.
America's next ambassador to Australia, Caroline Kennedy, said she was committed to taking a stronger stance against China's coercion in the Indo-Pacific once she takes up her position later this year. Kennedy, the only remaining child of President John F Kennedy, said the United States and Australia should do more together in the Pacific islands, noting that the reopening of the USA Solomon Islands embassy could not have come soon enough. Australia's top intelligence chiefs travelled to Honiara this week for talks with Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare but failed to persuade him to abandon the deal, which officials feel could pave the way for an eventual Chinese naval base, less than 2000 kilometres from Australia. She said the USA had a lot to learn from the way Australia had handled itself during a challenging period dealing with China's coercion. "Certainly Australia most recently has been challenged by Chinese economic coercion. And I think that the United States can learn a lot from their response. They've stood firm", she said... As the former USA Ambassador to Japan, Kennedy said she thought "tensions" in the Indo-Pacific relating to China had increased dramatically since her time there and that faster more visible responses were required. "I think it has become much more widespread, much more public, much more open. The South China Sea issues were certainly present and some of the economic coercion was certainly happening, but I think all of that has become more dramatic in the last five years"...
I think it's promising to have JFK's spirit hovering close there in Solomon Islands -- even closer than before -- through the godcidental event of his daughter being appointed USA Ambassador to Australia. It's putting Solomon Islands back on the map and highlighting its strategic importance to the Free World.
All the best,
Jackie Jura, August 20, 2022
Ambassador Kennedy thanked Solomon Scouts who saved her father, Solomon Star News, August 8, 2022
New USA ambassador Kennedy warns on Solomon Islands, Pacific News Service, April 8, 2022
JFK RESCUER'S FUNDRAISING PLANS (to support Kumana's 5 Recommendations was launched on the 21st of October 2013)
watch PT-109 SONG listen
(79 years after rescue of PT-109 crew)
(will Caroline visit JFK native scout rescuers?)
August 1-8, 1943-2022
watch Put the Lime in the Coconut by 5th Beatle, listen
(China leasing strategic island of Tulagi)
July 31, 2022
Jackie Jura
~ an independent researcher monitoring local, national and international events ~
email: orwelltoday@gmail.com
website: www.orwelltoday.com