~ send to Jackie Jura at orwelltoday@gmail.com ~

READERS' EMAIL (most recent on the top):

JFK A DIVINE HUMANITARIAN (Andrea can see many tricks rich men keep committing in the character assassination of Kennedy)

Chris asks for source of Solomons photo for his JFK assassination project

MEMORABLE JFK SOLOMON SWIMS (Jackie sends greetings to grandson of JFK's 1943 rescuer recalling visit of JFK's daughter & grandson to Solomon Islands in August 2023

CAROLINE & JACK THANK JFK RESCUERS (Malakana, grandson of Eroni Kumana, sends news of JFK's daughter & grandson visit to them at Naru, Plum & Gizo islands)

KUMANA SON JFK's LETTER TO CAROLINE (Mala sends message from his cousin John F Kennedy to JFK's daughter before her visit to Solomons)

KUMANA FAMILY KEEP JFK ALIVE IN MEMORY (Mala sends welcome to new USA Ambassador to Australia Caroline Kennedy)

JFK SAY KEVU SPOKE BRIT ENGLISH (Anonymous says JFK was only in Kevu's canoe and not in Biuka's and Kumana's canoe)

JFK WAS NOT A PLAYBOY (Andrea points out a couple of passages about JFK that were quoted as truths but were in fact lies. They have now been corrected)

JFK SECRET SERVICE'S SECRET SERVICE (Alan asks how likely it is that the Secret Service used their own snipers to shoot JFK)

RFK JR ON VACCINES-FAMILY-ASSASSINATION (Jim says the Timpone/Jura COVID interview was good except Jackie's take on Joe Sr & Ted Kennedy is ridiculous)

RESCUER KEVU IN JFK OVAL OFFICE (Lorettalyn Habotu is the granddaughter of Ben Kevu who was the leader of the Solomon native scouts who rescued JFK and the PT-109 crew)

GRODEN'S KILL JFK & SEARCH LHO (David asks for the title/author of the book of photos about Kennedy assassination)

Whitney is trying to get in touch with Dr Bob McClelland for a TV project about the assassination of JFK

SOLOMON NATIVES HID JFK IN CANOE (Anonymous says thanks for highlighting the involvement of the 7 other Solomon Island natives in the rescue of JFK)

JFK PT-109 MOVIE STAR MAGUIRE (N K Shealey found a PT-109 movie poster signed by JFK's radio man, John Maguire)

JFK PT-109 MECHANIC ZINSER (James is looking for a photo of his wife's father, Gerard Zinser, on PT-109 with JFK)

JFK JOHNNY WE HARDLY KNEW YE MOVIE (Bob watched the movie on TV many years ago and has been searching for it ever since)

JFK PT-109 HARRIS LETTER TO JACKIE (Jackie sends email to Jordan with a scan of the letter his great-uncle wrote)

Jordan Harris is looking for the condolence letter his great-uncle Bucky Harris -- JFK's gunner on PT109 -- sent to Jackie after the assassination

REMEMBERING VAUGHN MEADER AS JFK (Bob says he is the writer/producer of THE FIRST FAMILY album & hired Vaughn Meader to be the JFK impersonator)

Jason listened to Jackie Jura two-hour radio interview on the 50th anniversary of the JFK assassination and is in agreement with her insights and understanding of the tragic event

O'REILLY BOOK KILLS JFK & EVANS (Robert says the coastwatcher who rescued JFK & PT-109 crew in the Solomons in WWII was Lt Evans -- not Wincote)

JFK SOLOMON RESCUER KUMANA'S FUNERAL (Malakana eulogises and sends photos)

JFK SOLOMON RESCUER KUMANA DIES (grandson Malakana sends news)

Andy wants to use the photo of JFK & Bobby with a Teamster truck in a TV program about Hoffa

LBJ'S ORWELLIAN JFK FACECRIME (Dusan sends a photo of LBJ's "thousand yard stare" during JFK's motorcade through Dallas)

Robert listened to Jackie's radio interview & sends a bible quote about evil controlling the world

JFK WE HARDLY KNEW YE FUNERAL (Peter went to Washington for JFK's funeral & sends a video slideshow of the photos)

LINCOLN/KENNEDY CAPITOL OCCASIONS (Jim sends photos of JFK's funeral that he snapped at 4-years-old from atop his dad's shoulders)

JFK LIVES THRU HIS LIGHT (Julian says JFK lives in all who honour & remember him)

POEM FOR JFK 50 YEARS AGO (Katherina wrote a poem in memory of the life & death of JFK 50 years ago)

JFK JOURNEY TO LINCOLN CATAFALQUE (C Leahy's grandfather was the carpenter at the Capitol who found & repaired Lincoln's catafalque for JFK)

Kim says she listened to Jackie's radio interview while paying homage to JFK

Jackie sends Sharon an intimate pic of JFK & Jackie & a SCOOP pic of LBJ during the motorcade

JACKIE JURA INTERVIEW ON JFK 50TH (Patrick on One Radio Network interviews Jackie on eve of the 50th anniversary the assassination of JFK)

JFK RESCUER'S FUNDRAISING PLANS (Mala sends news of Aaron Kumana's five recommenations)

JFK ON BOOB TUBE FOR BOOBS (Steve says there's a JFK special on CBC TV this Sunday)

JFK IRELAND KNEW YE DVDS (Peter sends 3 DVDs of JFK's visit to Ireland including the movie JOHNNY WE HARDLY KNEW YE)

JFK WE HARDLY KNEW YE MEMENTO (Peter delivered the JFK WE HARDLY KNEW YE sign to New Ross & took a pic of the handover)

JFK RESCUER KUMANA SENDS GREETINGS (Mala sends news of his grandfather from the Solomon Islands)

Peter says he took the "Johnny I Hardly Knew Ye" sign down from the attic to lend to New Ross for 5Oth anniversary JFK Homecoming celebrations

WHERE'S JFK WE HARDLY KNEW YE? (Ray wishes to borrow the "Johnny I Hardly Knew Ye" sign for the 50th anniversary of JFK visiting New Ross, Ireland)

Jeff says the mistake on the jail where Ruby shot Oswald is 100% corrected now

OSWALD SHOT IN POLICE NOT SHERIFF JAIL (Jeff says Oswald was shot in the City Jail at the police station on his way to the County Jail at Dealey Plaza)

Patrick mentions the JFK Secret Society Speech Jackie sent to his One Radio Network show

Liz says the Boston Strangler killed one of his victims the day after JFK was assassinated

Hank sends a Lincoln-Kennedy coincidence about vice-presidents Breckinridge & Nixon

JEFFERSON-DAVIS IN LINCOLN-KENNEDY KILLINGS (Ray sends a coincidence about Jefferson Davis connections in the Lincoln & Kennedy assassinations)

JFK ACHIEVED IMMORTALITY THRU LIFE (Alsaleh asks why JFK was in Dallas in an open car & what JFK wants us to learn)

Tina's grandfather attended JFK's funeral and she has the tape he filmed

James asks why his uncle's name does not appear on lists of JFK's PT-boat crews

WILL PRINCE WILL VISIT JFK RESCUER? (Mala sends recent photos of his grandfather Aaron Kumana)

WONDERING WAS BROTHER ON PT-109? (Glenda thinks he in sick-bay the night it sank)

Bob is very interested in the Solomon Islands projects of Mr Kumana

Bethany wonders what the value is of JFK photos taken by her father

Kevin says it was interesting reading about the beneficial effects of JFK's wicker rocking chair

Carol says after hearing my interview about the murder of JFK she plans to watch "Executive Action"

Amnah wonders about conspiracy theories on the subject of the Kennedys & Marilyn Monroe

HEADHUNTING SOLOMON ISLAND MUSEUM (Malakana is interested in setting up a museum on the old head-hunting sites of Solomon Islands)

JFK GI-JOE ROCKING MEMORIAL (Kevin's package containing the precious cargo arrived the day before 48th anniversary of assassination)

JACKIE JURA INTERVIEW MURDER OF JFK (Sharon, co-producer of One Radio Network invites Jackie as guest with Patrick Timpone for November 22, 2011)

HEADHUNTING SOLOMON ISLANDS MUSEUM (Malakana is interested in setting up a museum at the old HHT sites)

JFK PT-109 GI-JOE FOR SALE SOLD (Kevin sends photos of the JFK PT-109 and PT-Boat Commander GI-Joe figures he is offering for sale)

RESCUER AARON KUMANA HONORS JFK (Malakana from Solomon Islands made a website for his grandfather who rescued JFK PT 109 crew in 1943)

Rose says there's absolutely no evidence that JFK was a womanizer or ever slept with anyone outside of his wife

LINCOLN-KENNEDY & CZAR COINCIDENCES (Erwin sends a Lincoln-Kennedy coincidence about Russian war ships sailing to America during the presidencies of both)

LINCOLN'S CENTRAL BANK TREASURY (Tom asks if a central bank was a national bank in Lincoln's time)

Jakob is wondering which of deGaulle's memoirs Jackie Kennedy translated from french for JFK

Alicia says she loves the website and JFK & RFK are her greatest heroes

KENNEDY-KILLING CONTINUES ANEW (Anya is reading books about Kennedy and wonders about some of them)

William is looking for the 1944 original newspaper article "JFK Tells Story of PT Epic: Kennedy Lauds Men, Disdains Hero Stuff"

MCCARTHY/JFK/BOBBY & POWS (Bob explains Eiesenhower/Nixon/McCarthy/JFK/Bobby hearings/investigations/negotiations for prisoners of war in North Korea)

Bob sends his opinion on the JFK assassination

Dennis is a distant relative of JFK's PT-109 crew member Charles Harris & is looking for info about him

SEARCHING FOR JFK 109 CREW (Mike asks for help researching the fate of the surviving PT-109 crewmen)


JFK TEXAS HOTEL ANECDOTES (Ron asks for the room numbers JFK stayed in at the Rice Hotel in Houston & the Hotel Texas in Fort Worth)

Ananta says there are many stories in Indonesia about how close Presidents Sukarno and Kennedy were to each other

JFK OSWALD DEALEY DISCOVERIES (John went to Dealey Plaza in Dallas and sends his conclusions about a few things he discovered about JFK's assassination)

Roger says there was an elaborate newspaper handout given to those who attended the 1973 movie "Executive Action"

Carl is keen to learn more findings of patriot McCarthy's committee investigating communist penetration of the USA government

LOWE JFK-RFK BROTHERS PHOTO (Danielle wonders about the worth of a 12"x18" photo of JFK & RFK called "Brothers" by Jacques Lowe)

SARAH PALIN FANS NOT FOOLS (Michael agrees Oswald was in the doorway when JFK was shot but disagrees with the "Orwell Today" tilt on Sarah Palin)

RFK MOVIE THE SECOND GUN (Veronica says watching the movie made her believe in a cover-up in the RFK assassination)

Sam says not to get offended by what the Mirror newspaper said about JFK because what they say is pure made up

JFK DALLAS DOCTOR DIES (Brad, author of a book about JFK's Dallas Parkland Hospital doctors, comments on Air Force One pilot Swindal)

Michael found a Lincoln/Kennedy coincidence in the 1951 movie "The Tall Target"

Tom is also writing a book examining the work of William J. Bryan, alleged hypnotist to Sirhan Sirhan

JFK IN BUTTERFLIES (Carrie sends a photo of a picture from Ripley's Believe It Or Not)

JFK FACTO BET PT-109 FASTEST ( Jim says his uncle Homer Facto was on JFK's PT-109 & took boats out of mothball & got them running)

LINCOLN-KENNEDY JOHNSONS ALIKE (James sends a coincidence)

PATRIOT SWINDAL JFK AF-1 PILOT (Chris asks who were pilot and co-piliot on JFK trip to Dallas)

JFK PT-109 GUNNER HARRIS (Rachel is trying to locate)

WHERE IS JFK'S BIBLE? (Charles wonders where missal LBJ swore the oath on is now)

Seekfinder is convinced that a conspiracy was involved in the assassination of JFK

DULLES IN JFK EXECUTIVE ACTION (David points out similarity of name "Foster")

WHO KILLED JFK? (Amber hates thinking about)

DISPUTING JFK DRUG USE (Cassandra places an ad)

JFK PT-59 FRIEND FACTO (Michele love to provide more info)

MOVIE JFK NO EXECUTIVE ACTION (Chris sends a link to watch on-line)

ALWAYS WORKING ON JFK PUZZLE (Chris has been to Dealey Plaza but not to the Texas School Book Depository museum)

Chris remembers where he was when he heard JFK had been shot and reads as much as he can about the "Crime of the Century"

Zoya announces the release of the documentary "Virtual JFK" on DVD and offers to send a copy for review

JOE MCCARTHY'S SECRETARY SPEAKS (Leigh was a staff assistant to Senator McCarthy but doesn't recognize the name of his secretary who wrote the book "True History of a Patriot")

REMEMBER DAVE HOOK MOON SONG (Jillian sends news about the accomplished comedian and creator of the song about the moon landing hoax)

Daphne has a photo of JFK and Jackie in the car in Dallas that she wants to sell

DIAL M FOR MOON (Mark asks how Nixon phoned the moon)

Rose responds to Robin's question about the Douglas book recommendation on her "Sirhan's Researcher" website

Robin questions why the website "Sirhan's Researcher" would recommend a book by a known fabricator of the JFK & RFK assassinations

OSWALD IN DOORWAY NOT LOVELADY (Radon questions if it's Oswald or Lovelady standing in the doorway of the Texas School Book Depository the day JFK was assassinated)

JFK HOAXED ON MOON (Peter asks if JFK knew we couldn't do it when he said "we choose to go to the moon")

SIRHAN RESEARCHER FOR BOBBY (Rose Lynn is researching why Sirhan never wavered in his memory block of the killing of Bobby Kennedy)

JFK LISTENS TO MACARTHUR (Mark is researching JFK's death & JFK pulling out of Vietnam & General MacArthur being critical of the wrong officers being advanced)

Jayne recommends the book "High Treason" for in-depth and meticulously detailed analysis of the JFK assassination

Jamie has actual editions of the Dallas Morning News to sell - including the JFK Hate-Ad that ran the day of the assassination

Jamie is defending JFK and plans to mention his judge Whizzer White as proof JFK was not pro-abortion

JFK MURDER BEGINNER BOOKS (Tracy asks what books to read on the JFK assassination and if Oswald had anything to do with it)

OBAMA BOOKS VS JFK (Susan wonders if any other president has been written about as much as JFK)

BIG BROTHER KILLED KENNEDYS (Melvin says Bobby Kennedy hired investigators to do research into his brother's killing)

JFK AN INSPIRATIONAL HER0 (Allison says ever since college she can't stop learning & reading about JFK)

JKF A NOBLE MAN (Syl has watched many speeches on youtube)

JFK PT-109 SONG (Bob heard it on satellite radio)

JFK TALLER THAN TALL (Daniel sends a poem he wrote in tribute to JFK)

JFK WE HARDLY KNEW YE (Peter was the person holding the "Johnny I Hardly Knew Ye" placard for JFK during his visit to New Ross, Ireland in 1963)

Brian says the link to executive order 11110 doesn't connect from the Home Page of the JFK library anymore

JFK DEFINES CAMELOT (Helen was thinking of JFK when looking in the dictionary for a defintion of "Camelot")

David says that "Air Force One" is whatever plane the president is on

Ondra sends more coincidences for the Lincoln-JFK list

WAS JFK REALLY GOOD? (Adam is studying JFK in history)

RFK ON MLK ON APRIL 4 (Jim sends article about RFK's speech to black Americans)

JFK/RFK VIETNAM CASUALTIES (Stuart questions JFK's ultimate intentions)

DALLAS HATE-JFK AD (Hossner asks to see the John Birch Society ad that ran Nov 22, 1963)

Sheila sends a Lincoln-JFK coincidence about the names Robert and Edward

LBJ AIR FORCE 2 TO 1 (Richard asks who flew home on AF-1 after JFK's assassination)

LBJ OF ELMS ON ELM (Rick says LBJ insisting on flying on AF-1 was downright disrespectful)

JFK PT-109 WHO'S WHO (Henry is trying to identify the crew in the photo on deck)

Marti says the Lincoln JFK was sitting in when he was shot is in Ford's museum

DEALEY "X" MARKS SPOT (Lorenzo asks to use Dealey Plaza photos from "Orwell Today" in the JFK book he's writing)

JFK-RFK BOOK BROTHERS (Melvin sends quotes from new JFK book)

JFK TO NAVAL CADETS (Gary is now holding a great deal of JFK PT-59 history in his hands)

JFK'S PT-59 CREW (Gary is trying to track down the history of one of JFK's PT-59 crew members)

ALL-AMERICAN MEMORIES (Jim will be searching for a 1968 baseball ticket stub along with the 1963 photo of JFK's funeral procession)

LINCOLN'S MIRROR-IMAGE OMEN (Jim says Lincoln witnessed his doppelganger)

JFK'S WORK GOD'S OWN (Patrick says human contrived socialism is an illusion without God)

US DOLLAR IN LOONIE BIN (David wants a copy of JFK's Executive Order #1110 limiting the power of the Federal Reserve)

JFK KIND OF SOCIALIST (Patrick says JFK was definitely not a socialist)

Bryan recommends a JFK assassination book

Christian says that 'y' is a vowel, not a consonant, in the Kennedy & Lincoln name coincidence

WARREN & 911 TRUTH OMISSIONS (Natasha researching a people's investigation)

GRAND THEFT & JFK RELOADED (Dan says both video games designed by the same people)

JFK PROOF IN PUDDING (Patrick says writers with skill need to bring forward evidence of JFK's innocence & vindicate the onslaught against his character)

MORE JFK SEX ON TV (Patrick is looking for sources to defend JFK's honor against fabrications & exaggerations going on)

Etaoin sends a Lincoln/JFK coincidence about consonents & vowels in their names

DID BOBBY KNOW WHO? (Melvin wonders if RFK knew who it was who killed his brother)

Sheila says JFK's funeral is available on ebay

Silvia sends a JFK-Lincoln coincidence about the birthdays of Booth and Oswald

JFK DEALEY PLAZA PHOTOS (Michael sends photos he took of Dealey Plaza, Dallas, Texas

Michael has visited Dallas three times and has tons of pictures of Dealey Plaza

JS asks where to get a copy of "Executive Action"

JFK PHOTOS BY JACQUES LOWE (Kathryn wonders about value of JFK photo)

OUTRIGHT GIFTS OF JFK (Jim was 13 years old & in the stands when Frost recited his poem)

JFK'S PT 109 CREW (Stormy asks for list of names)

JFK ASSASSINATION PREMONITION (Victor heard a story about JFK reading a poem)

Christopher says the JFK movie "Executive Action" is available through Amazon

Quint points out a JFK link that isn't working

Bill doesn't understand why saying JFK's body was altered on Air Force One is a ludicrous absurdity. See JFK COFFIN, MARRS & CURRY

Bill describes how England mourned JFK

Bill names some of the witnesses to LBJ's swearing-in on Air Force One

JFK WIT & ORWELL SONG (Tim likes "a hopeless fancy" & is a big fan of quotations)

DREAMING THE JFK DREAM (Paul says JFK & RFK were open & honest men who truly cared & challenged injustice in whatever form)

JFK & BOBBY TAKEN FROM US (Paul was six years old when he watched JFK's Inaugural on black & white TV)

Roy is also looking for a copy of JFK's funeral

Dan wonders about a BBC Newsnight documentary about CIA operatives at the scene of Bobby Kennedy's assassination

Edward says CBS rebroadcast large segments of JFK's funeral on a Sunday special in November 1983

Ned needs help researching de Gaulle warning Kennedy to stay out of Vietnam

Anisha is desperate to see the JFK assassination movie "Executive Action"

Julian was born two weeks before JFK's assassination

Jeff can hit everyone in the car in the JFK Reloaded computer game demo

RFK SHOT CAUGHT IN PHOTO (Cohan says the proof of Sirhan Sirhan's guilt or innocence is in the bullet)

JFK RELOADED RULES (Jerod says there was no winner in the JFK assassination computer simulation game)

Leah's on an educational scavenger hunt and needs help with a Robert Frost clue

Karl says a DVD of "Jackie's White House Tour" is availabe at the JFK Presidential Library and Museum

Karl has also been searching for a video of JFK's funeral

Scott has a painting of Robert Frost at JFK's inaugural

Jomac says the FED system is a fraudulent system

Richard sends a link to his article "The Assassination of President McKinley"

ON JFK'S DEATH, CHINA & UN (Michael wonders if JFK would have agreed with USA trade policies with China & the current agenda of the UN)

HUEY LONG & JOE MCCARTHY HEROES (Don says he's a kindred spirit in admiration for Orwell, JFK, Joe McCarthy, John Lennon and Huey Long)

POEMS FOR JFK & JOHN-JOHN (Cynthia is looking for the poem written for JFK when he visited Ireland)

Jack says the gender of people named "Jackie" has always been a mystery to him

JFK ON RECORD ALBUM (Tamie has an album of JFK's November 15th, 1963 speech to the AFL-CIO convention)

Neda asks if the poem "JFK...This Nation's Son" is published anywhere besides the internet

LINCOLN, KENNEDY & MONEY (Carmen says it's important to mention the coincidence of the international bankers in the deaths of Lincoln and Kennedy)

Carlos asks which poem Robert Frost intended to read on President Kennedy's inaugural

JFK REALITY NOT A GAME (Chris is looking for the computer game about JFK's assassination)

JACKIE'S TOUR & JFK'S FUNERAL (Angie asks about video of JFK's funeral)

Rachel sends a coincidence to add to the Lincoln & Kennedy Coincidences List

LBJ'S FAMOUS PHOTO OP (Duane asks which photo of LBJ's swearing-in on Air Force One was released to the national press)

Jan asks if I have a theory on who killed JFK

BE LEERY OF LEARY ON JFK (Robert says Timothy Leary's autobiography mentions JFK taking LSD & other psychedelics)

Alenz says that in the Cuban Missile Crisis JFK was directly responsible for saving the world and everyone in it

John says JFK was a great president whose name and memory have been slandered by lies

Colin sends additions for the Lincoln & Kennedy Coincidences list

Sherry wonders where she can find the JFK books recommended on my webpage

WE NEED NEW ORWELLS (Richard comments on EXECUTIVE ACTION, Bobby Fischer, BRAVE NEW WORLD, 1984 and the need for new Orwells)

Raymond sends additions for the Lincoln-Kennedy coincidences list

Raymond adds to a developing list of strange JFK coincidences

Marie needs help finding the release date of the secret tapes JFK made of his advisors regarding Cuba

FRANKENHEIMER'S JFK/LBJ MOVIES (Tara saw a VHS version of the original Manchurian Candidate movie that had an interview with JFK at the end)

Raymond says it's strange the way students are unprepared to search for or gather JFK truths

Sian asks for help on assignment about whether or not JFK was a great president

Lisa asks for "in depth" reasons why JFK's presidency was so much like Camelot

Jason asks for sources for the information about the assassination of Robert F Kennedy

Luke has questions about Jimmy Hoffa's connections to religious organizations

David needs the page reference for the Lord Tweedsmuir quote RFK used two hours before his death

Raymond says the song "Sunny" was a tribute to JFK

Larry would like some verifiable sources to refute the continued assassination of JFK's character

Raymond points out Huxley and Beatle coincidences to November 22, 1963

Gary says JFK's missing "missal" is in the LBJ library in Austin, Texas

Ronald believes JFK injected drugs because the biographies, historians & History Channel say so

Larry is also a JFK expert and appreciates the stance the website takes on the Orwell issues

Elad is doing a university paper on JFK and Camelot

Ted says JFK would be very proud of how many people remember him today

Chuck needs help in doing film on JFK

Tim sends info on the filming of PT-109 movie and the correct date of its public release

JFK'S CASTLE WAS CAMELOT (Kim from Australia asks if the JFK allusion to Camelot is justified and correct)

JULY 16 SIGNIFICANT DATE (Scott says Kubrick wanted Eyes Wide Shut released on 30th anniversary of Apollo moon launch (same day JFK-Jr disappeared~jj)

Steven asks about a JFK photo collage at the Berlin exhibit

Sue and Jim wonder about the JFK warning speech at Columbia University a few days before he died

Ken asks about speech JFK made ten days before he was assassinated

Dave says Peter Jennings' computer simulation was a way to connect with younger viewers who don't know enough about JFK assassination facts

THE MOON SONG (Dave sends in the hilarious poem he wrote and set to music)

Laura says: "Perhaps your view on Kennedy is slightly biased"

Steve sends webpage of JFK's homestead in Wexford, Ireland about CD celebrating 40th anniversary of President's visit

Chris asks if anyone debunked 3d computer animation of JFK lone gunman theory

Darryl asks why JFK is such an underlying character on my site

Kevin points out: "JFK didn't swim 1,000 miles to Nauru"

JFK, THIS NATION'S SON (Monty wrote poem for 40th anniversary of assassination)

JFK QUESTION NEEDS ANSWER (Geoffrey says "JFK was not a good husband" but doesnt say why)

WHERE DID CAMELOT COME FROM? (David wonders where the "Camelot Allusion" came from)

DEFENDING JFK: FOREVER (Mike says "JFK conspiracy theories turn people off, even if they're true")


Jackie Jura
~ an independent researcher monitoring local, national and international events ~

email: orwelltoday@gmail.com
website: www.orwelltoday.com