Is Nkunda to become the sacrificial lamb?
by Ntarugera Deo Koya, Apr 6, 2009
With the Kabila-Kagame summit coming up soon, it is of paramount importance that the political and security advisors of both presidents take a keen look at the potentially abrasive issue of general Laurent Nkunda currently under house arrest in Rwanda. On that summit's agenda are issues to do with bilateral relations and cooperation between Congo and Rwanda.
The future of general Laurent Nkunda is one of those issues to be tackled by Joseph Kabila and Paul Kagame. For reasons of Realpolitick president Kagame may plausibly decide to hand over general Nkunda to his Congolese counterpart, but there are reasons to envisage that such a course of action would be extremely dangerous and risky. The party advising president Paul Kagame on the course of action to be taken in respect of general Nkunda must carefully examine the regional political and security implications of such a thing as offering Nkunda, as a political trade-off or gift, to president Kabila, his arch-enemy, whose regime is on record for having engineered and perpetrated Tutsi genocide in broad day light in Kinshasa, Lubumbashi, Kamina, Bukavu etc…
Is Nkunda to become the sacrificial lamb at the altar of renascent Rwandan/Congolese diplomacy?
General Nkunda emerged as a political and military leader in this region in a way that is comparable, mutatis mutandis, to how General Paul Kagame emerged as a leader of a powerful political and military organization, the Rwandan patriotic front, RPF, which has done wonderful things to Rwanda, the region and the world at large. A stretch of my imagination takes me back to the early 1990s, when the international community was accusing president Yowerri Museveni of Uganda of being the force fueling Kagame’s rebellion. So much pressure was brought to bear over Museveni in those years, and I don’t recollect Museveni going anywhere near envisaging arresting Major Paul Kagame. Supposing Museveni had for some reason, of Realpolitick or other, decided to arrest the young RPA commander in chief, and thus put a sudden stop to his legitimate rebellion. Rwanda, the region and the global world would have been deprived of a great political leader and a master strategist.
Kagame and Kabila must of necessity avoid taking the wrong decision at the upcoming summit of theirs, with respect to the Nkunda issue. Both heads of State know very well that the Congolese Rwandan diaspora had never as yet produced a political and military leader of Nkunda’s caliber. Doing away with Nkunda at this stage would be a great disservice to the Congo, to Rwanda, to the region and the world at large. Patriotic and responsible leaders of nations are rare species today; they must be protected by the world community of nations, for the sake of the survival of those very nations, and not for the sake of the individuals concerned. There is no earthly reason why Nkunda should become the sacrificial lamb at the altar of the renascent Congolese/Rwandan diplomacy. Nkunda is not just an individual, he is a nation in motion. Great care must be exercised in dealing with the Nkunda issue.
Ntarugera Deo Koya
Professor of English and French philology
Communication consultant
Kigali, Rwanda
Looming Kagame-Kabila Summit (another look at abrasive Nkunda issue), Ntarugera Deo Koya, Nkunda-Support Forum, Apr 9, 2009
...Congolese General Laurent Nkunda, Chairman of the Congrès National pour la Défense du Peuple, CNDP, has been under house arrest for over two (2) months now. He’s been held captive in Rwanda where he has been kept incommunicado, since January 22, 2009. There is something terribly fishy, awesomely dangerous, potentially disastrous and utterly flabbergasting about the attitude of Rwanda government top executives in this untowardly preposterous affair...
Nkunda-Support Forum, Apr 6, 2009
...If Kagame does in fact "give" Nkunda to Kabila (as he's implying he will do) it will be another betrayal along biblical proportions, going from Kagame playing Judas (and then denying Nkunda three times) to playing Herod (and figuratively placing Nkunda's head on a platter) - a sad page for the history books as Rwanda prepares to celebrate Easter 2009 and the 15th anniversary of the genocide of Tutsis by Hutus - the very ones Nkunda alone was fighting against in the Congo - protecting his people as Kagame never stops telling the world was what HE was doing in 1994. ~ Jackie Jura
An interview with Joseph Kabila, New York Times, Apr 3, 2009 (...Q: And, again, with Nkunda? A:There's no mandate for the time being against Nkunda. Q: So, in the end, will he be punished?...)
Rwanda-DRC Talks Call for Heads of State Summit. New Times, Mar 30, 2009 (The two countries' Foreign Affairs Ministers confirmed this to The New Times adding that they also recommended that the respective Justice Ministers meet to give the framework legal advice on Gen. Laurent Nkunda's transfer to the DRC...)
Kabila Security Forces facing probe, IWPR, Feb 4, 2009 (...Katembo’s announcement follows a November 2008 report by watchdog group Human Rights Watch, HRW, which accused security forces loyal to President Joseph Kabila of widespread rights abuses against his perceived opponents. Congolese state security forces have killed an estimated 500 people and detained about 1,000 more, many of whom have been tortured during the past two years, said the HRW report. The abuse began during the 2006 election in which the president assumed power, and has continued to the present, said HRW. HRW said Kabila set the tone and direction for the government by giving orders to “crush” or “neutralize” the “enemies of democracy”, implying it was acceptable to use unlawful force against them...)
In an AFP article of January 22, 2009, it was reported by a UN source that "...Kabila needs the head of Laurent Nkunda to appease public opinion, and a Congolese flag flying in Rutshuru instead of the CNDP one."
6.Disputed Territories and 2.Big Brother and 12.Ministry of Peace (War) and 11.Ministry of Plenty (Starvation)
Jackie Jura
~ an independent researcher monitoring local, national and international events ~