Energy hungry China has finally got its hands into oil assets in Iraq,
which has remained off-limits to foreigners
since Saddam Hussein nationalised the industry in 1972.
Iraqi security forces are prepared to
protect the Chinese workers.
To Orwell Today,
Dear Jackie Jura,
Thanks for the work you do on Orwell Today. It speaks for people who think the same thoughts but never develop them or put them in writing so others can benefit from the knowledge. What has finally inspired me to write is the China's New Empire article you posted.
I noticed on the front-page newspaper you scanned that Iraq's name is listed under "Beijing's Footprint" but when I read the 85-paragraph article it didn't offer any details. There was just one small mention in paragraph 30 which said:
"In the Middle East, a Chinese state-owned company was the beneficiary of the Iraqi government's first major oil-development deal since the fall of Saddam Hussein, which is worth $3.5-billion."
I google-searched and found a couple more articles giving more details:
China starts Iraq's first foreign oil work in decades. Reuters, Jan 2, 2009
China allowed into Iraq oil fields. Pakistan News, Jan 5, 2009
It can't get much more Orwellian than this, can it?
American soldiers are slaughtering Iraqis and being slaughtered in the name of "bringing democracy to Iraq" while at the same time handing the country over to the Communist Chinese.
Best regards,
Keith Bourne
Greetings Keith,
Thanks for the details about China sneaking into Iraq under the protection of USA.
You're right, it's totally Orwellian, especially coinciding with news giving the numbers of Americans slaughtered in OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM so far (not counting the millions of Iraqis).
USA military deaths in Iraq War (At least 4,224 members since it began in March 2003). AP, Jan 11, 2009
It's also timely coming as it does during a week when USA-advisor Kissinger (architect of USA policy of "pre-emptive strikes on Iraq") is celebrating his bringing together (in friendship and mutual cooperation) China and USA 30 years ago. That's the same amount of time it's been since Saddam Hussein nationalized Iraq's oil fields to prevent foreign control.
Kissinger celebrates China/USA relationship (friendly with last four Red China leaders; advisor to eight USA presidents) & Red Chinese celebrate at NY Stock Exchange (Obama praises Chinese economic system). Xinhuanet/Aim, Jan 10, 2009. Go to ZIONISM IN AMERICA
All the best,
Jackie Jura
China starts Iraq's first foreign oil work in decades
by Hamid Rasheed, Peter Graff & Aref Mohammed in Basra
Reuters, Jan 2, 2009
BAGHDAD, Jan 2 (Reuters) - The Chinese National Petroleum Company (CNPC) started work on a $3 billion oil project in Iraq on Friday, the first foreign firm to begin such work since dictator Saddam Hussein nationalised the industry decades ago. A CNPC delegation formally opened the al-Ahdab oi field project in Iraq's eastern province of Wasit, officials there said. "It's a significant event which signals the first contribution of a foreign company in developing Iraq's oil fields for three decades," Wasit governor Latif al-Tarfa told Reuters by telephone. "The Chinese engineers have located the spot where they will construct a field work site, and all the company's equipment will reach the southern port of Basra soon."
He said Iraqi security forces were prepared to protect the Chinese workers: "We will do all that is required to prove Iraq has become secure for all foreign oil companies to start developing its fields." The Chinese will operate al-Ahdab under a service contract initially negotiated under Saddam but renegotiated last year by the new Iraqi government which obtained more advantageous terms.
The field should produce 110,000-130,000 barrels of oil per day -- small by standards in the region -- but the project is an important signal as the government enters negotiations for much larger projects announced this week and earlier in 2008. Iraq has the world's third-largest reserves of oil, which provides nearly all government revenue. But production has dwindled and infrastructure decayed after decades of economic sanctions and war. This week the Iraqi government put some of its most prized oilfields up for bids in 11 projects it hopes will add 2.0-2.5 million barrels per day -- roughly what Iraq produces now -- to output within a few short years. Another set of eight contracts offered for bidding last year could add another 1.5 million bpd, potentially raising Iraq's production to more than 6.0 million bpd within a few years.
The decision to open its big oilfields to foreign firms puts Iraq at odds with the practice in other countries in the region, where the state maintains firm control of oil sectors. But Baghdad wants foreign firms to bring expertise and investment to quickly improve its decrepit oil infrastructure. It has offered only service contracts -- under which Iraqi state firms keep all the oil while paying the foreign companies for their work -- rather than the production sharing agreements foreign companies prefer because they keep some of the output.
China allowed into Iraq oil fields
Pakistan News, Jan 5, 2009
Energy hungry China has finally got its hands into oil assets in Iraq, which has remained off-limits to foreigners since Saddam Hussein nationalised the industry in 1972. The state-run China National Petroleum Corporation has become the first foreign company to start work in an Iraqi oil field after a gap of 30 years. CNPC has launched work on a $3 billion old field development project at the Al-Ahdab oilfield in Iraq’s eastern province of Wasit. This is really a revival of an old project that was negotiated when Saddam still ruled the country. But his government later shelved the project when nationalisation kicked in. The present government in Iraq recently renegotiated the deal and offered CNPC a service contract last November. Under the agreement, Iraq’s state companies will keep all the oil while paying the foreign companies for their work, rather than sharing output with foreign partners.
Though the Chinese firm will not get a direct share out of the oil produced at this field, analyst regard it as a good deal because it will help China build relationship with Iraqi officials on the government and take forward Beijing’s endless quest for oil.
Analyst says Iraq’s decision to choose a Chinese firm as the first foreign company to be allowed into its oilfields is significant. It is seen by some as a sign that China’s overall diplomacy favouring Muslim nations in international affairs, even when it comes to taking a stand against the United States, has paid off in terms of business. Reports from Bagdad quoted Wasit governor Latif al-Tarfa describing the deal as “a significant event which signals the first contribution of a foreign company in developing Iraq’s oilfields for three decades”.
The Chinese delegation has been received and feted by Iraqi ministers. “The company is there at the site and has already taken the first steps,” Wasit was quoted as saying. CNPC said Al-Ahdab, which covers 200 square kilometres, is expected to reach 25,000 barrels per day within three years and 115,000 barrels per day within six years. The Chinese company has inked a 23-year contract. Iraq, which has the world’s third largest reserves of oil, is a magnet for oil companies desperate for a piece of action.
Kissinger celebrates China/USA relationship (friendly with last four Red China leaders; advisor to eight USA presidents) & Red Chinese celebrate at NY Stock Exchange (Obama praises Chinese economic system). Xinhuanet/Aim, Jan 10, 2009. Go to ZIONISM IN AMERICA
CHINA'S NEW EMPIRE (Iraq, Sudan, Angola, Venezuela, Zimbabwe, Papau New Guinea....). Globe & Mail, Jan 3, 2009. Go to CHINESE TAKE-OVER
Russian ship enters Panama Canal (symbol of strengthening influence in region) & Russian warship to sail thru Panama Canal (USA officials have expressed no concern) & Russian military exercises in Carribean (1,600 Russian & 700 Venezuelan sailors). AP/BBC, Dec 4-6, 2008. Go to USA GAVE CHINA PANAMA CANAL & USA APPLAUDS CHINA TAKE CARRIBEAN
Marine says we've lost way too many people for nothing and it's a hamburger mill in Iraq now
12.Ministry of Peace and 11.Ministry of Plenty and 28.Reality Control and 6.SuperStates and 7.Systems and 35.Big Brother Brotherhood
Jackie Jura
~ an independent researcher monitoring local, national and international events ~