"Pre-emptive action in Iraq is necessary.
A way must be found to obtain
adequate congressional and public support."


"The road to Jerusalem will lead through Baghdad."
~ Henry Kissinger

Henry Kissinger has quit [December 2002] as head of the committee formed to investigate the 9-11 attacks. The families of the victims suspected him of having a conflict of interest and asked to see his financial connections to the World Trade Center & the war against terror. He refused to hand them over and stepped down. Too bad he hadn't quit from previous presidential appointments to powerful positions involving USA policy. The fact that he is considered a war criminal in other parts of the world and has participated in political assassinations didn't bother the sitting president, or presidents previously seated.

This past summer [August 2002] Kissinger was once again the un-elected spokesperson for USA foreign policy. In an article published in newspapers around the world (he's on Hollinger's Board of Directors and Hollinger owns most newspapers), he explained USA's new policy of "pre-emptive strikes" (which means us attacking before being attacked) against other nations. This is an abandonment of USA's principle of waging war ONLY in self-defence*.

In the case of Iraq, the USA justifies striking first on the basis that "a regime change" is desired. This is not the first time the USA has interfered in the political affairs of other countries, but it is the first time it has endorsed it as policy and admitted to its intentions. To qualm the fears of nations in the vicinity of Iraq, Kissinger suggests that after the war they can share in the wealth of building it up again as will Kissinger and his peers.

Kissinger, a mentor of several presidents, often speaks with authority on matters concerning the United States. But he, like many other like-minded political appointees, is only a secondary citizen of America. Kissinger is Jewish and believes in the Zionist dream of a Jewish homeland in Palestine. This puts him in a conflct of interest in advising America on this issue. His true adherence is to Israel.

Kissinger says that America's attack on Iraq is a necessary step "along the road to Jerusalem". Americans should be asking, "What has Jerusalem got to do with the people of the United States?". How has Zionist policy become America's policy? No permission was ever sought or granted by the American public. No vote was ever taken.

All the best,
Jackie Jura, 2002

Read Kissinger's comments in the following excerpt:

Ksngr Iraq PreEmp Ksngr Iraq PreEmp

A revolutionary change: "Pre-emptive action in Iraq is necessary"
by Henry A Kissinger, National Post, Aug 13, 2002

"...The time has come to define a comprehensive policy for America and for the rest of the world. The new approach is revolutionary. Regime change as a goal for military intervention challenges the international system established by the 1648 Treaty of Westphalia, which, after the carnage of the religous wars, established the principle of nonintervention in the domestic affairs of other states. And the notion of justified pre-emption runs counter to modern international law, which sanctions the use of force in self-defence only against actual, not potential, threats. Therefore, an American military intervention in Iraq will be supported only grudgingly, if at all, by most European allies."

"...A way must be found to obtain adequate congressional and public support for the chosen course... It is in America's national interest to couple it with a program of postwar reconstruction, conveying to the rest of the world that its first pre-emptive war has been imposed by necessity and that it seeks the world's interests, not exclusively its own. For this reason, the objective of regime change should be subordinated in American declaratory policy to the need to eliminate weapons of mass destruction from Iraq as required by the UN resolutions... Special attention must be paid to the political and psychological framework vis-a-vis the Arab world. An explanation is needed of why Iraqi weapons of mass destruction impede the solution of all matters of concern in the area -- not in Western categories of security but in terms relevant to upheavals in the region. This is why it is so important to couple military pressures with a program of economic and social reconstruction in which allies and moderate Arab regimes should be invited to participate."

"... At the same time, the administration should reject the siren song that an Iraqi intervention should be preceded by a solution of the Palestine issue. It is not true that the road to Baghdad leads through Jerusalem. Much more likely, the road to Jerusalem will lead through Baghdad."

"...In the end, however, Iraq policy will be judged by the way the aftermath of military operations is handled politically. Precisely because of the precedent-setting nature of this war; its outcome will determine the way American actions will be viewed internationally far more than the way we entered it. And it may find many more nations willing to co-operate in reconstruction than in warfare if only because no country wants to see an exclusive position for America in a region so central to energy supplies and international stability. This could be the way to relate unilateral American action to an international system... But it is not in the American national interest to establish pre-emption as a universal principle available to every nation."

"...The United States would contribute much to a new international order** if it invited the rest of the world, and especialy the major nuclear powers, to co-operate in creating a system to deal with this challenge to humanity on a more institutional basis." [end quoting from Kissinger]

Kissinger: back door operator haunted by his past (suspected in political assassinations). BBC, Apr 26, 2002
...This German Jewish emigre began his working life in a shaving brush factory in New York, rose to become a Harvard professor and then assumed control of America's foreign policy...He had a hold over President Nixon...He was the man who effected detente with the Soviet Union. He opened up the way to Nixon's visit to China...




THE INTERNATIONAL JEW, published by Henry Ford in The Dearborn Independent, 1921

THE PROTOCOLS OF ZION (world conquest through world Jewish government)

ChinaInNixonName NixonKissinger69 KissingerChinaCentury KissingerChinaXi SUPPLICANT NIXON IN CHINA (China's Xi in NiXon & Machiavellian Kissinger delivered USA to communists), December 22, 2022. Go to KISSINGER'S NUMBER IS 666 & JFK ON COMMIE CONQUEST OF CHINA

KissingerChinaWall KissingerChessChina KissingerGameChina KissingerGameChinaDominate
Kissinger's Game on China: The game that holds the key to world domination... He is the ultimate practiotioner of realpolitik, a legened of statecraft at once revered and reviled for his role in shaping the American century. But Henry Kissinger has also always been an outsider, the ambitious emigre forever seeking a place at the centre at affairs. At 88, his eyesight failing, Kissinger is still striving with a new book on China... picks Kissinger's brain about his business, his legacy and the Chinese century... explains the board game that Kissinger argues is key to understanding China...

KissingerCanadaHarper KissingerCanadaRabbi Kissinger & Rabbi present Canada prime minister World Statesman award
...Harper called on the international community to isolate Iran which he labelled a regime "where evil dominates"... Iran threatens the existence of Israel

ZionLogoMascots Zion2012Police Critics slam London Olympic logo & UK PM wants hymn Jerusalem as national anthem (instead of God Save the Queen), Yahoo/Tele, Jul 22, 2012. Go to ORWELL TELESCREEN C-U MASCOTS

listen Interview about Churchill's Zionist views for Palestine, by author Michael Makovsky, Yale Press

ZionChurchillPromise Churchill's Promised Land: Zionism & Statecraft, by Michael Makovsky (This book is the first to explore fully the role that Zionism played in the political thought of Winston Churchill. Michael Makovsky traces the development of Churchill’s positions toward Zionism from the period leading up to the First World War through his final years as prime minister in the 1950s....)

watch Churchill & The Jews & Part 2, YouTube, Jul 22, 2012

FDR Jew Deal Right-left Jews play anti-Semite card, Lawrence Solomon, Financial Post, Jul 21, 2012
...America's Jews, who for more than a century were prominent in the union movement and the civil rights movement, traditionally found their home in the Democratic Party, particularly since country club Republicans didn't consider Jews acceptable company. The left-leaning Jewish community especially took to Franklin Delano Roosevelt, a left-leaner himself who appointed numerous Jews to top positions and stood by them, despite intense criticism of his Jewish ties and his New Deal (also known as the "Jew Deal"). FDR also won Jewish loyalty for his decision to fight the Nazis in the Second World War, despite fierce opposition from the America First Committee, whose flamboyant spokesman, Charles Lindbergh, blamed pressure to enter the war on Jews and their "large ownership and influence in our motion pictures, our press, our radio and our government"... Go to FORD-LINDBERGH-ORWELL-HITLER & PRESIDENT LINDBERGH GOES MISSING

Puppet Orwell Puppet Marx ORWELL ARCH-ENEMY OF MARX

ZION logo 2012 watch 2012 logo change to ZiON (New Jeruseleum is New World Order) & London 2012 Olympic logo spells ZION (subliminal pro-Israeli racist propaganda) & 2012 logo triggers fits/migraines/vomitting (committee put up warnings signs at launch). DailyMail/Utube, Mar 1, 2012. Go to GOLDSTEIN CONSPIRACY IN 1984 & ORWELL TELESCREEN C-U MASCOTS & BIG BROTHER SYMBOLISM

Mao Nixon Nixon Lands in China, Globe & Mail, Feb 21, 1972-2011
"What brings us together," Richard Nixon privately told Mao Zedong, "is a recognition on our part that what is important is not a nation's internal political philosophy. ...It is its policy toward the rest of the world and toward us." With that, USA foreign policy broke out of its hardline anti-Communist shell - once a Nixon specialty - and into the embrace of realpolitik. The Republican president's paradigm-shattering visit marked the first to Red China by a USA head of state. The idea of playing the People's Republic off the Soviet Union was concocted by Nixon's crafty national security advisor, Henry Kissinger. The threat of a Sino-American alliance led Leonid Brezhnev to acquiesce in detente. "He is a doctor of philosophy?" Mao asked, looking at Kissinger. Nixon replied: "He is a doctor of brains". Go to CHINA IN CANADA SAYS SPY CHIEF & CHINESE TAKE-OVER AMERICA

IS ANIMAL FARM IN YIDDISH? (reader searching for translation) & Yiddish writer's work inspired by Holocaust (former wife of Canada's abortion founder) & Abortionist's lawsuit against Canada lanquishes (Morgentaler demands gov't pay for abortions). Email/Gazette/CanCom Feb 14, 2011. Go to ABORTION HOLOCAUST CANADA'S PRIDE

China Nix-Kiss China Nix-Kiss 2
Nixon-Mao opera takes grand scale, Straight, Mar 4, 2010
...The show, he stresses, is much more than a dry chronicling of the historic visit between Nixon and Mao Zedong (sung by baritone Robert Orth and heldentenor Alan Woodrow, respectively) and the opening of the Far East. Yes, the opera depicts actual events: the arrival of Nixon and his cortege, the first uncomfortable meeting in Mao’s study and the huge banquet that followed it, as well as Pat Nixon’s tour of rural China. But it is just as much about the personalities and personal histories of the main players, not just Richard and Pat Nixon and Mao and his wife Chiang Ch’ing, but their advisers Henry Kissinger and Zhou Enlai....

Vancouver Opera general manager James Wright admits it’s a big investment to commission a new production—not to mention one that has a chorus of 40. But Nixon in China, he says, seemed perfect for this city at this time, with the world gathered here. “It’s about internationalism; it’s about cultures moving closer together,” says Wright, whose team is hosting an entire speaker series around the opera and Canada-China relations in the weeks before opening. “Then there is the fact that Beijing had hosted the 2008 Olympics, and the fact that Vancouver is seen as the North American centre for Asia.” Michael Cavanagh, the acclaimed Toronto-based director Wright brought in to create the major new production, could not agree more. In fact, sitting in the rehearsal hall at the downtown Holy Rosary Cathedral, where right outside the doors people are decked out in flag gear and heading to a hockey game, he can’t help but make direct parallels with the Olympic Games....

Nixon/Mao Join Vancouver Opera Nixon in China, Command Opera, Mar 2, 2010
...Literary Lunch with Margaret MacMillan and Alexandre Trudeau. Tuesday, March 16th 12:30pm – 2:30pm. Seasons at Four Seasons Hotel Vancouver. Tickets: $50 through the VO Box Office: 604-683-0222.... An intimate encounter with acclaimed Canadian historian Margaret MacMillan and journalist and filmmaker Alexandre Trudeau (son of Pierre Ellliott Trudeau) as they take us behind the headlines of history. Hosted by Hal Wake, Artistic Director of Vancouver International Writers & Readers Festival. Presented in partnership with Vancouver International Writers & Readers Festival.

...Former US Ambassador to the UN to Attend Nixon in China: At the invitation of the US Consul General in Vancouver and Vancouver Opera, former US Ambassador to the United Nations John Negroponte, whose early career included working at the National Security Council with Henry Kissinger in the early 1970s, will visit Vancouver to attend private functions and the Canadian premiere of Nixon in China....

Whitehouse USA/China USA stages 'Nixon in China' opera (portrays Kissinger as sex-crazed sadist) & Canada opera brings in Mao & Nixon (PM Trudeau in China before Pres Nixon) & Nixon-Kissinger 1972 visit to China-Mao (build a bridge across 16,000 miles) & Kissinger urges USA respect China interests (speech in Beijing under personal invitation). VanSun/LA/Wiki/Xinhua, Mar 16, 2010. Go to CANADA'S RED TRUDEAU & CANADA'S KISSINGER & TRUDEAU & 7.Systems & 35.BB Brotherhood


Kissinger puts Jewish immigration to USA in context, by Henry Kissinger (Secretary of State 1973-1977), Washington Post, Dec 26, 2010
...Jewish emigration from the Soviet Union had never been put forward by any administration as a formal American position, not because of moral insensitivity but because intense crises imposed other priorities. In 1969, we introduced it into the presidential channel as a humanitarian issue because we judged that a foreign policy confrontation would lead to rejection and an increase of tensions with the Soviets. As a result, Jewish emigration rose from 700 a year in 1969 to near 40,000 in 1972. The total in Nixon's first term was more than 100,000... The Vietnam War had just ended; prisoners had not yet returned. An effective global strategy was in place with the opening to China, a broad dialogue with the Soviet Union, and major progress in Egypt and on emigration. It was to preserve that policy that the conversation in the Oval Office took place, and it is in that context that it must be viewed.

Displaced and desperate in Gaza (going downhill from rock bottom). AlJazeera, Dec 30, 2009

Israel's Gaza invasion powered by USA (Kissinger struck USA oil deal with Israel) & USA financial aid to Israel (5.8 million Israelis each receive $14,630 a year). Salon/WRMEA, Dec 30, 2009

Kissinger hopes for Canadian Afghan role post-2011, Canwest News, Oct 14, 2009 (...Kissinger made the comment in Paris while calling on U.S. President Barack Obama to accept U.S. and NATO commander in Afghanistan Gen. Stanley McChrystal's request for 40,000 more soldiers to fight the Taliban insurgency....)

Kissinger speaks to panel at JFK Library (topic is presidency in the nuclear age). AP, Oct 12, 2009



MOVIE JFK NO EXECUTIVE ACTION (...What I've always noticed in the movie (the many times I've watched it) is the resemblance of the actor who plays the "professor" (whose idea it is to assassinate President Kennedy) to Henry Kissinger, the elite power-broker behind more than one president who benefited from JFK's assassination...)

Chinese state councilor meets Kissinger, China View, Oct 11, 2009
Beijing - Chinese State Councilor Dai Bingguo met here Sunday with former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger. They discussed Sino-U.S. relations as well as issues of common concern at the Diaoyutai State Guest House in Beijing. Kissinger, who paved way for the establishment of China-U.S. diplomatic relations in the 1970s, was here for a bi-track dialogue with Chinese diplomats and researchers.

Kissinger congratulates China (says accomplishments 'unbelievable. Xinhuanet, Oct 5, 2009

Adolf Hitler sex video condemned by Aids charities & Hollywood's Jewish Avenger. Telegraph/Atlantic, Sep 4, 2009

Inglourious Basterds. The Occidental Quarterly, Aug 25, 2009
...Inglourious Basterds is about a team of American terrorists, consisting of seven Jews led by a gentile, Aldo "the Apache" Raine (played by Brad Pitt), who hails from Tennessee and claims to be part American Indian. The character is clearly based on Tarantino himself, since he too has an Italian name, hails from Tennessee, and claims to be part Cherokee. The mission of the Basterds is to terrify the Nazis by killing them in the most sadistic manner possible and mutilating their corpses. The dead are scalped. The survivors have swastikas carved in their foreheads.... This is probably the most anti-Semitic movie ever released by Hollywood. Tarantino’s Jewish characters are one-dimensional, inhuman monsters. The Jewish Basterds are all as ugly as Der Sturmer cartoons. They have virtually no lines in the entire movie. All they do is skulk around, waiting for Aldo the Apache's commands to murder and torture Germans....

Straight from Hollywood: Sarah Palin and the Fourth Reich, Washington Examiner, Aug 21, 2009
Eli Roth, the horror-movie director who created a film-within-a-film in the new picture Inglourious Basterds, was asked by Time Out New York about how the experience affected him: QUESTION: You directed a fake Nazi propaganda film that airs in the middle of Inglourious Basterds. Was that the most twisted thing you've ever made? ANSWER: I thought I had made some horrific movies before, but there I was, filming that propaganda movie, Nation's Pride. The whole thing is this guy in a bell tower shooting American soldiers and it's all supposed to be about the glory of Hitler and the power of the swastika. I'm in the scene where they watch the movie. So there I am, a Jewish director, sitting with 300 Nazi extras watching this movie and going crazy. They’re in character and acting, but hearing them yell "Heil Hitler!" and "Kill the Jews!" in German, my stomach dropped. I looked at Quentin [director Quentin Tarantino] and said, "What have I done? Did I just start the Fourth Reich? This movie is going to reignite the Nazi party and they're going to make me their Sarah Palin!". Go to ORWELLIAN MEDIA MASSACRED SARAH and ORWELLIAN EMANUEL IN WHITE HOUSE

Kissinger: The world must forge a new order or retreat to chaos. Independent, Jan 20, 2009

Israel's wars fueled by USA & USSR oil (with Arab oil refined in USA in deal arranged by Kissinger in 1970s). Salon, Jan 18, 2009. Go to GOLDSTEIN CONSPIRACY IN 1984 & ORWELLIAN EMANUEL IN WHITE HOUSE

Prince Harry's racist term sparks anger (has offended Pakistanis & Jews). BBC, Jan 16, 2009. Go to DOUBLETHINK BLACKWHITE RACISM & STUPID WHITE MEN NOT & 22.Doublethink

Kissinger celebrates China/USA relationship (friendly with last four Red China leaders; advisor to eight USA presidents) & Red Chinese celebrate at NY Stock Exchange (Obama praises Chinese economic system) & CHINA'S NEW EMPIRE (China spins web of strategic investments in resource-rich countries worldwide diligently cultivating its interests. Pak/AP/Xinhuanet/Aim/GM, Jan 10-12, 2009. Go to CHINA DRILLING IRAQ'S OIL & CHINESE TAKE-OVER & 7.Systems of Thought


Obama-mania everywhere in the world (Britain-Africa-Indonesia-Italy-Korea-Afghanistan-Pakistan-Iran-Iraq-Israel-Russia-China-Japan...). ABC, Nov 12, 2008. Go to OBAMA THE CHILD-MESSIAH-OBAMESSIAH & 10.Rulers & Hate-Love Week Volunteerism

The whitewashing of Stalin (history's been kind to this murderous leader with blood of millions on his hands). BBC, Nov 10, 2008. Go to STALIN: KOBA THE DREAD & ORWELL'S PUBLISHING PROBLEMS & 7.Systems of Thought

Obama's first pick is a pro-Israel Jew (chose Rahm Emanuel as chief of staff) & Battering Rahm: Democrat attack dog (equal opportunity prick to everybody) & Emanuel - Son of a Zionist terrorist (an Israeli citizen until 18 yrs old) & Emanuel director Freddie Mac during scandal (misreported profits to deceive investors). Islam/Guard/Rense/ABC, Nov 8, 2008. Go to OREWELLIAN EMANUEL IN WHITE HOUSE & 19.Two Minutes Hate

Every school to get Holocaust specialist under anti-racism initiative. Times, Nov 7, 2008

Haider widow believes death not an accident (killed just days after his new party doubled vote in national election) & Joerg Haider: Accident or Mossad hit? (car hit a concrete barrier) & Assassination sold to media as 'drunk driving' (no blood; tire bolts, car doors vanished) & Austrians praise Nazi admirer Joerg Haider (assert that Israel Mossad assassinated him) & Thousands attend Joerg Haider funeral (took on the political establishment; appealed to working class Austrians) & Austria Joerg Haider killed in car crash (opposed Soviet countries EU membership; accused of being anti-immigrant, anti-Jew) & Haider says banks are a single gigantic mafia (have poisoned whole world with its products). Tele/UTube/JPost/VOA/AP, Oct 26, 2008. Go to 23.Proles & 4.Destruction (the thought police eliminated individuals judged capable of becoming dangerous) & WHAT IS A CONSPIRACY THEORY?

End of USA era - now China calls the tune (USA's debt to China's Communist government is 10% of USA's GDP, 40% of China's GDP) & Iceland teeters on brink of bankruptcy (USA defeated USSR in chess there in 1972) & Bobby Fischer's money in Iceland bank crash (banks now being bought by Russia) & Loan to Iceland boosts Russia power (expands influence & geopolitical aims) & Fischer vs Spassky Documentary (chess not just a game). Oz/Chess/Bloom/UTube, Oct 10-14, 2008. Go to USA FORFEITS ICELAND TO RUSSIA & 6.SuperStates & 9.Masses Down & UNCLE SAM LOST BOBBY FISCHER & GREENSPAN FROM JEKYLL ISLAND & JFK VS FEDERAL RESERVE & US DOLLAR IN LOONIE BIN & JFK DEFENDED DOLLAR & LINCOLN, KENNEDY & MONEY & RUSSIA IS HELL'S INFERNO & PALIN RIGHT ON RUSSIA & CHINADA'S SOVIETIZATION & CHINESE TAKE OVER

Israel weapon stink-bombs Palestine Wall protestors (overpowering stench sprayed from water cannon to be sold to police worldwide) & Israeli wall around Palestine illegal (huge cement slabs 26-ft high snake 450 miles with wire-mesh fencing & ditches) & Israel 'annexes' West Bank areas (Palestinians own but have no access to their land). BBC, Oct 2, 2008 & Book: Churchill's Promised Land ("My heart is full of sympathy for Zionism") & GOLDSTEIN WORLD DOMINATION CONSPIRACY

PALIN RIGHT ON RUSSIA (it can be seen from Alaska) & TransCanada won Alaska pipeline bid (endorsed by Gov Palin to free her state from dominance of the major producers BP, ConocoPhillips & Exxon Mobil). JournalCommerce, Oct 1, 2008. Go to DRILL SARAH BABY DRILL

Reporters are kept away from Sarah Palin (no witness to her meetings with Kissinger et al) & Palin meeting with world leaders at UN (ex sec-state Kissinger & rock star U2 Bono) & Sarah Palin arrives in New York (instead of cheering fans & supporters is met by equivalent of 'Bronx cheer'). ABC/Metro/NYT/YouTube, Sep 23, 2008. Go to ZIONISM IN AMERICA & U2 BONO ARCH-ARCH CAPITALIST & Bono imitates Mandela at 46664 concert & KISSINGER'S NUMBER IS 666 & NEW YORK'S NUMBER IS 666 & 10.Rulers & 35.BB Brotherhood

Bono imitates Mandela at 46664 concert & KISSINGER'S NUMBER IS 666 & NEW YORK'S NUMBER IS 666

Reporters are kept away from Sarah Palin (no witness to her meetings with Kissinger et al) & Palin meeting with world leaders at UN (ex sec-state Kissinger & rock star U2 Bono) & Sarah Palin arrives in New York (instead of cheering fans & supporters is met by equivalent of 'Bronx cheer'). ABC/Metro/NYT/YouTube, Sep 23, 2008. Go to SUPPRESSION OF SARAH PALIN

The Jewish key to Henry Kissinger. The Times, May 29, 2008

USA aid to Israel. Pakistan Daily, May 21, 2008

Israel blockade paralyizing Gaza (Palestine asks Egypt open border) & UN demands Israel end blockade ('defies basic humanitarian standards') & UN stopping food aid to Gaza ('no nylon for plastic bags or fuel for vehicles & generators'). AP/Times/Reuters Jan, 21, 2007

Israel declares Gaza an 'enemy entity' (cutting electricity, water, fuel to starve Palestinians into submission) & USA endorses Israel Palestine position (says Gaza is enemy of USA too). VOA/Telegraph, Sep 20, 2007

Book: Churchill's Promised Land (helped Israel get Palestine 'heart full of sympathy for Zionism'). Jewish Light, Sep 20, 2007

Book: Churchill And The Jews ('was too fond of Jews'). Jewish Journal, Aug 31,2007

Sunnis object to Berlin Wall in Baghdad (screen people entering & leaving to 'protect' from surrounding Shiite) & IRAQ HELL BAGHDAD BRACELET & Zionism equals colonization (building huge concrete wall cuts West Bank into fragments; gates open/close at Israeli whim). AHN/GulfNews, Apr 22, 2007

Israel to buy US bomb kits for $100M. AP, Jan 29, 2007
JERUSALEM - The Israeli air force has decided to buy smart munitions kits from the Chicago-based Boeing aerospace company for an estimated $100 million, Israeli defense officials said Monday. The Jerusalem Post daily said the planned purchase was for the Joint Direct Attack Munition, or JDAM, which converts conventional 2,000 pound bombs into satellite-guided, precision weapons. Defense officials said the acquisition was meant to replenish stores used up in last summer's monthlong war against the Hezbollah militia in Lebanon and increase future stock levels. The Jerusalem Post said the purchase would not require Congressional approval, as it was the exercise of a previously approved purchase option. Congress is expected on Monday to receive a preliminary State Department report on whether Israel misused American-made cluster bombs in civilian areas of Lebanon.

Israel misused cluster-bombs in Lebanon. CNN, Jan 29, 2007
WASHINGTON - Israel's use of U.S.-made cluster bombs in last year's war in Lebanon may have violated agreements with the United States governing their use, the State Department said Monday. "There may -- likely could have been some violations," State Department spokesman Sean McCormack said. The State Department has sent a report to Congress laying out the preliminary findings, he said. Agreements under the Arms Export Control Act govern use of munitions sold by the United States. Those agreements are confidential. There is no international treaty in effect regulating cluster bombs, according to Human Rights Watch, but their use is restricted under international humanitarian law. Nations are expected to clean up areas where they used cluster bombs once a conflict ends. Enormous collateral damage and civilian casualties from Israel's war with Hezbollah fighters in southern Lebanon caused an outcry by rights groups and Arab governments about the use of cluster bombs and prompted the U.S. investigation. Cluster munitions used in Lebanon were fired from artillery shells, with each shell carrying more than 600 of the cluster bombs, according to Human Rights Watch. The larger shell bursts open near the ground, scattering the bomblets. Human Rights Watch reported those used by Israel in Lebanon were usually fired in a volley of six shells, scattering almost 4,000 bomblets on a square kilometer. The United Nations Mine Action Coordination Center of South Lebanon estimates 1 million unexploded cluster munitions remain scattered in southern Lebanon. The center estimates they'll be cleared by December of this year. As of January 18, 30 people have been killed by the unexploded munitions in Lebanon, the center reports. Hezbollah also used cluster munitions during the war, Human Rights Watch says, firing Chinese-made cluster rockets into Israel....The Associated Press reported that Washington banned the sale of cluster bombs to Israel in 1982 after finding the Israeli military misused them during the war in Lebanon that year. That ban lasted six years...

Canada judge bans Christmas tree ("we celebrate Hanukka & have a menorah on the square") & Menorah more than a candlestick (sacred Jewish symbol means "Israel is a light unto nations"). Canada/USA News, Dec 15, 2006
USA President Truman's menorah
Santa Cross
Canada allows crucified Santa (says it's on private property). Metro.co.uk, Dec 8, 2006. Go to 22.Doublethink & GOLDSTEIN CONSPIRACY

Cluster bomb kills Lebanese child (Israel fired 4-million into Lebanon; one-million failed to explode) & Israel admits phospherous bombing (and laser bombs on civilians). Aljazeera/BBC, Oct 23, 2006 & MOAB IS A WMD & MOSES MENTIONS MOAB & WAR AS WEAPON PRACTICE & 7.Systems & 13.Weapons

Anglo-U$raeli New World Order (thought criminals like George Orwell declared heretics & lunatics). PakTribune, Aug 28, 2006

Israel asks USA for more cluster bombs (against civilians in populated areas). SydneyHerald, Aug 11, 2006. Go to MOSES MENTIONS MOAB

Israel bombs cause environment disaster (35,000 tonnes of oil on Lebanon coast, as much as Alaska's 1980 Exxon Valdez) & USA aids Israel $10.5-billion for weapons. BBC/Times, Aug 1, 2006

A concise history of Lebanon (victorious Allies redrew political map of Arab world in a mannner which suited themselves best) & Israel using cluster bombs on Lebanon (kill long after being fired) & Civilians under fire in Lebanon ("normal war is between soldiers"). BBC, Jul 25, 2006. Go to ETHNIC CLEANSING ARAB GENOCIDE

Iraqis cry - "When will this stop?" ("Where is the government?"). KhaleeTimes, May 20, 2006. Go to IRAQ AFGHANI PHONY WARS


Austria arrests British Holocaust denier (said Auschwitz gas chambers a hoax; Jews died from typhus not gas) & David Irving an acclaimed historian (accused of anti-semitism for saying Jews are enemies of free speech). CBC/BBC, Nov 23, 2005


Reader asks how he can verify that the ethnicity of Rabinovitch, the CEO of CBC/Radio-Canada, is Jewish

HOLOCAUST DENIER DEPORTED ('Canada is a country where dissidents can be imprisoned for years without ever knowing why, just like in Stalin's days'). Canada East, Feb 28, 2005. Go to 20.Thought Police & 7.Systems of Thought & TERROR BILL IS TERROR & GOLDSTEIN'S CONSPIRACY IN 1984

Battle for Falluja in pictures (house-to-house searches for men; no water-electricity-food; thousands in make-shift camps). BBC, Nov 14, 2004. Go to 12.Ministry of Peace (War) & ISRAELI WAR TACTICS IN IRAQ

USA soldiers ready to attack Falluja (no one knows if rebels are there "But the enemy has got a face. He's called Satan. He lives in Falluja. And we're going to destroy him"). BBC, Nov 7, 2004. Go to 28.Reality Control & 12.Minipax & FRIENDS AT ARMAGEDDON & UNCLE SAMuel WANTS YOU!

Security under the skin (barcode built into your arm like a DVD tagged in supermarket). BBC, Oct 15, 2004. Go to HUMANS SCANNED LIKE GROCERIES & KISSINGER'S NUMBER IS 666

Finding Bobby Fischer (took on Soviet empire pawn by pawn). Bennington Banner, Jul 19, 2004. Go to 38.Cellars & 22.Doublethink & 34.Ministry of Love (Torture) & UNCLE SAM FINDS BOBBY FISCHER

MOON DOC HOAX ON HOAX (in the documentary Dark Side of the Moon Kissinger and others give interviews describing how and why they faked the moon-landing photos)

SUICIDE BOMBERS (Israel fabricated child-bomber story; had TV camera crew waiting). Aljazeera.net, Mar 27, 2004. Go to 16.Minitrue & Reality Control & ORDER OUT OF CHAOS

CBC website bans use of words 'Jew, Jewish, Israel, Palestine'. National Post, Mar 9, 2004
Internet users who post messages on a CBC web site have launched complaints that the Crown corporation routinely removes the words "Jew," "Jewish" and Israel" from network chat rooms devoted to online discussion of news events. Meanwhile, vulgar expletives frequently appear on the same CBC discussion Web site. So do the words "Nazi" and "rabid Zionist". Even the incendiary phrase "red-neck greedy selfish Alberto-centric money grubbing pig" passes muster with CBC censors, who use special software to seek and destroy postings containing words they have deemed "inappropriate". People wishing to discuss Israel and issues that relate to the Jewish culture must disguise their messages.... The word "Palestinian" is also auto-filtered from the CBC's message boards, but the words "Arab" and "Muslim" are not. "Christian" is not filtered. Neither are the words "Buddhist" and "Hindu".... The word "frog" is frequently used on CBC message boards to describe French-Canadians. The word "dyke" is regularly used on the CBC forum to dismiss certain prominent Canadian women, among them a senior CBC television personality. The racial slur "Chinaman" has also been successfullly posted.... Anti-Americanism is common. Masturbation comes up now and then. The full range of curse words appear. Almost anything goes.... No one will explain why the CBC tends to filter words related to Israel and Judaism. A person can use the boards to discredit another person, and say the vilest things, "and yet I can't post the name of one specific country, and one specific religion? I pay for this service with my tax dollars, and I don't like the way it's being run. I'm incensed." says Mr Wilson.
[Note: The President and CEO of CBC/Radio-Canada is Robert Rabinovitch, Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Canadian Jewish Congress (Quebec), until his appointment to CBC in 1999]

USA wraps Iraqi towns in barbed-wire (& issues id cards to males just like Israel does in Palestine). NewYorkTimes, Dec 7, 2003. Go to 12.Minipax & 7.Systems of Thought & USA USING ZIONIST TACTICS

Israel destroys US-built wells (& homes-roads-electricity-sewers in Palestine's land of Gaza). Independent, Nov 5, 2003.Go to 12.Ministry of Peace

Israel's Separation Barrier fencing in Palestinians (taller and longer than Berlin Wall). Electronic Intifada, Aug 1, 2003

Canada harbours intn'l criminal (arms dealer-Israeli agent-heroin trader-corrupt food broker-commits atrocities with children-framed Mugabe's opponent...). Globe & Mail, Jun 14, 2003. Go to 35.The Brotherhood

Holocaust denial's other side (vs Jewish media owners' side). Rense.com, May 20, 2003. Go to 27.Goodthink & 21.Crimestop & 17.Falsification of Past

US Internet giant pulls website (on orders from Canadian gov't accusing Zundel of hate-crimes). AR Online, May 16, 2003. Go to 21.Crimestop & 17.Falsification of Past

GIs will shoot Iraqi looters (authorizes American Administrator). NY Times, May 16, 2003. Go to US-ISRAEL WAR ON IRAQ & Kissinger crony controls Iraq (takes over from Pentagon). Guardian, May 16, 2003

Israel pipeline to Iraqi oil (a longtime dream of USA masterminded by Kissinger). Guardian, Apr 21, 2003. Go to 12.Ministry of Peace (War)

Hawaii governor is Jewish (World Jewry funded campaign). ABC News, Apr 21, 2003

USA & Israel warn Syria (from whom they seized Golan Heights in 1967). SpaceWar, Apr 14, 2003. Go to 12.Ministry of Peace (War)

MOAB IS A WOMD (USA dropped on Baghdad). Arab News, Apr 14, 2003. Go to 13.Weapons & 22.Doublethink & SEE IMAGES OF MOAB

Welcome aboard gravy train (greatest rebuilding on earth!). Rense.com, Apr 13, 2003. Go to 11.Ministry of Plenty

USA moves MOAB bombs (ready for next mission?). Space War, Apr 10, 2003 & Baghdad: the day after (arson, looting, savagery...). Independent, Apr 10, 2003. Go to MOSES MENTIONS MOAB

Israel eyes Iraqi oil (Jews lording it over Arabs). BBC, Apr 10, 2003 & "Syria's next", says Israel (& Iran and N Korea too). Arutz Sheva, Apr 10, 2003

Jews take Palestinian Jerusalem (Chosen People want Promised Land) & Christians plan aid for Iraq (food in one hand, bible in another). Guardian, Apr 7, 2003 & Why Christians support Israel (Bible written in Hebrew). Townhall.com, Apr 1, 2003. Go to FRIENDS AT ARMAGEDDON

Zundel hate-hearing today (accused of revising history). Rense.com, Mar 31, 2003. Go to 27.Goodthink & 17.Falsification of Past

ISRAEL TRAINING USA (treat Iraq like Palestine). National Post, Mar 28, 2003

ZIONISTS RUN USA WAR (advise Democrats & Republicans). Rense.com & USA is Pro-Israel (Israel is pro-war). Arab News. Go to 10.The Rulers

USA gives Israel $10-billion (then orders Iraq attack). Guardian, Mar 25, 2003

Oscar night in Hollywood (proud of being for peace). Guardian, Mar 24, 2003. Go to 16.Ministry of Truth (Lies) & WHITE MEN BURDENED


Anti-Semitism endures in Canada (ex-PM blames ex-PM for deaths of 'countless Jews'). National Post, Feb 10, 2003. Go to 22.Doublethink & 27.Goodthink & CANADA NOT HATEFUL NATION

JFK killed Marilyn Monroe (according to Joe DiMaggio book with forward by Henry Kissinger). Scotsman, Feb 11, 2003. Go to JFK TRUTHS & LIES & CRIMES OF HENRY KISSINGER

Grief tightens US/Israeli bond (on occassion of Space Shuttle Columbia disaster)

"Armageddon" tops best-seller list (millions of Americans hyped for war by bible-thumping evangelists). WashPost, Feb 2, 2003. Go to 10.The Rulers & 25.Prolefeed & FRIENDS AT ARMAGEDDON

The question: WHERE IS SADDAM HUSSEIN? has been answered. Herald Sun, Feb 1, 2003

War would be 'catastrophic' for Iraqi children (says fact-finding team report). IPS News, Jan 31, 2003. Go to 6.Super-States & 12.Ministry of Peace (War) & JFK'S PEACE FOR ALL TIME

Israel unleashing death squads (to kill those threatening Jewish state in Australia, USA & Britain). NewsComAu & Rense.com, Jan 19, 2003. Go to 35.The Brotherhood

Probing Kissinger client controversy (profits from oil & weaponry). MSNBC Newsweek, Dec 14, 2002

Kissinger resigns from 9-11 panel ("even cursory search on internet shows controversy surrounds him"). Boston Globe, Dec 14, 2002

Bush wants Kissinger to probe 9-11. Yahoo!AFP, Nov 27, 2002 & Kissinger: back door operator (suspected in political assassinations). BBC, Nov 27, 2002

Congress OKs Israel support measure (passing resolutions of support for the Jewish state & blessing its military campaigns). Las Vegas Sun, May 2, 2002
Congress clasped Israel in a warm embrace..."Let every terrorist know, the American people will never abandon freedom, democracy or Israel... Israel's fight is our fight" said House GOP whip... the leading sponsor of the measure was Jewish Senator, Lieberman... Jewish White House spokesman, Ari Fleischer...

Death of a true radical (Doug Collins vs Schindler's List). MacLean's, Oct 15, 2001. Go to 27.Goodthink & FREEDOM FIGHTER DIES

Bush and orthodox Jewish group join to stop gossip in the name of democracy. National Post, Sep 7, 2001. Go to 2.Big Brother and 5.Pyramidal NWO

Israel sanctions assassination. National Post, Aug 18, 2001. Go to 35.The Brotherhood

Kissinger: "The illegal we do immediately. The unconstitutional takes a little longer". National Post, Aug 11, 2001. Go to 35. The Brotherhood

The Internatioal Jew (Wikipedia)





2.Big Brother and 19.Goldstein Two-Minutes Hate and 35.The Brotherhood and 41.The Party Tells 'How' and 42.The Party Tells 'Why'

Jackie Jura
~ an independent researcher monitoring local, national and international events ~

email: orwelltoday@gmail.com
website: www.orwelltoday.com