
Pierre Trudeau served 4 terms as Canada's Prime Minister between 1969 and 1984.
He placed a greater priority on Canada's relations with China
which led to establishment of diplomatic relations with the People's Republic of China in 1970.
In 1973, Trudeau became the first Canadian Prime Minister to visit China.


Mr Trudeau told the wife of U.S. charge d'affaires
that he was a Communist and then went on to
criticize the USA and praise the Soviet Union.

Trudeau a 'showoff,' diplomat told USA
Claiming to be a Communist showed his 'desire to shock'
Elizabeth Thompson, CanWest News Service, May 21, 2003

A top Canadian diplomat told the United States that Pierre Trudeau was "a showoff" and "an individual not possessing much common sense," in a bid to allay concerns that Communists had infiltrated the Canadian government, according to secret U.S. State Department documents.

In a two-page Memorandum of Conversation dated May 7, 1952, a U.S. State Department official recounts a conversation with George Ignatieff, then second-in-command at the Canadian Embassy in Washington, who approached him to discuss Mr. Trudeau's "indiscreet" behaviour at a conference in Moscow.

"The Canadians describe him as young and adventurous with a desire to travel and as an individual not possessing much common sense," wrote H. Raynor, director of the State Department's British North America section. The Memorandum of Conversation was classified "secret security information" for more than 50 years until it was declassified following a request from the Montreal Gazette.

The document sheds new light on Canada's relations with the U.S. during the Cold War and the McCarthy era -- a period when the U.S. was obsessed with fighting communism. It could also help explain why the Federal Bureau of Investigation accumulated a voluminous file on the former prime minister.

It all began when Mr Trudeau, then 32, decided to attend an economic conference in the Soviet Union. In what Canadian charge d'affaires Robert Ford later described as "an infantile desire to shock", Mr. Trudeau told the wife of USA charge d'affaires Hugh Cumming that he was a Communist and a Catholic, then went on to criticize the USA and praise the Soviet Union.

Concerned that the incident involving a former Privy Council employee would undermine U.S. estimates of Canada's security, Mr. Ignatieff was dispatched in what appears to be a pre-emptive strike.

"In view of certain indiscreet remarks and perhaps behaviour while at Moscow, the Canadians imagine we may receive a report from our Embassy about his activity," wrote Mr. Raynor. "The Canadians desire us to know that he is not considered a security risk in Ottawa. While he was formerly employed in the Privy Council's Office, it was in a minor capacity and the Canadians state that he had no access to classified information."

Mr. Ignatieff described Mr. Trudeau as "an individual of neutralist sentiments" and did not say whether Mr. Trudeau was a Communist.

"Mr. Ignatieff said that he did not know whether or not in fact he was a Communist."

Ottawa historical researcher Christopher Cook, who uncovered Mr. Ford's memo to the Canadian government about the incident, said the U.S. might have kept the State Department document secret to protect the Canadian government.

"They might have felt that they were protecting the Canadian government from embarrassment about the fact that they approached the U.S. government on Canadian citizens and this issue of whether they can be trusted or not."

watch Trudeau's half-brother refused to comply with mask & vaccine mandates (Kyle Kempler interviewed by Tucker Carlson), YouTube, June 2024

TrudeauApologyBlacks PM Trudeau apologises to black soldiers in white man's WW1, Canada Press, July 9, 2022

NewsReleaseHateCrime Canada enact new law against racist free speech hate crime, Gov't Department of Justice, June 23, 2021

TrudeauTakesKneeBLM TrudeauPenaltyHateSpeech ExecuteMinorityComic BLM protester PM wants big penalties for freedom protesters News, July 10, 2022. See WHITE LIVES DON'T MATTER & 22.Doublethink & 20.Thought Police

Canada Capitol city a militarized no-go-zone on 155th birthday
ParliamentBlockade ParliamentFenceBlockade ParliamentBlockadeMap
(prevent anti-vax/anti-gov't protests like freedom trucker convoy)
Britain handed Hong Kong colony to Commie China 25 years ago
HandoverChinaMaskSheep SheepMask1984
Hong Kong police arrest kid's book author crackdown on dissent
ComicCloseUp ComicChinaBanSheep ComicMiddlePage
(depicting sheep battling wolves a seditious hate-crime)
News, July 1, 2022
7.Systems of Thought

HerdPower TrudeauUhhIdiot ConvoyBegins
(support across nation/world for Freedom Convoy)
News, June 23, 2022

FringeMinorityTrudeau FringeMinorityBanner MajorityCanadaConspiracy MILLIONS CANADIANS CONSPIRACY THEORISTS (believe lives controlled by plots hatched in secret places), News, June 14, 2022

watch CANADIAN FREEDOM CONVOY 2022 MUSIC VIDEO (Trudeau say small fringe minority expressing unacceptable views)

watch How the Prime Minister Stole Freedom (reading aloud from parody children's book slamming Trudeau's response to trucker convoy)

TrudeauStoleFreedom The Trudeau parody topping Amazon bestselling list, written by Derek Smith, reviewed by Tristin Hopper, NationalPost, June 8, 2022
The number one book on Amazon Canada right now is a parody children's book slamming Justin Trudeau's response to Freedom Convoy. How the Prime Minister stole Freedom -- modelled loosely on the Dr Seuss classic How the Grinch stole Christmas -- follows the trials of a Trudeau-esque leader who is tortured by freedom-loving truckers invading his capital city. The titular "prime minister" is depicted as a dim politician ("his brain was three sizes too small") who schemes to seize the freedoms of the Canadian citizenry in a manner similar to the Grinch scheming to steal Christmas from Whoville. In true Seussian style, it's written in anapestic tetrameter. "From coast to coast the truckers drove through the snow and their small fringe numbers continued to grow. Then one day a trucker appeared in the town, with thousands behind them from miles around", reads a passage describing the arrival of Freedom Convoy... Trudeau is never mentioned by name... But Smith certainly did his homework; all the usual Trudeau slams are here. The prime minister can be seen sipping from a "drink-box, water-bottle sorta thing". He uses the word "peoplekind". He is briefly pictured in blackface. On one page, the prime minister gazes lovingly at a framed portrait of Winnie the Pooh -- an obvious stand-in for Chinese President Xi Jinping (and a reference to Trudeau's infamous 2013 remark that he admires China's "basic dictatorship")... The book joins a thriving online cottage industry of anti-Trudeau merchandise. On Amazon, this is best represented by the dozens of hats, flags, bumper stickers and shirts bearing the slogan "F-k Trudeau" with the "u" artfully replaced with a maple leaf.

listen Donald Jeffries & Jackie Jura interview
Radio/Listener, May 20, 2022

1989 China Tiananmen Square Massacre 33-years-ago
TiananmenAnniversary2022 TiananmenAnniversary2022 TrudeaySpyFileDestroyed
(PM Trudeaus visit Tiananmen Square in 1990)
Trudeau Tiananmen Square-like on COVID protesters
TrudeauEmergencyAct TrudeauEmergencyAct TrudeauTruckerFucker
(gov't invoke emergency act by trucker f*cker Trudeau)
News, Feb-Jun 2022

watch CANADIAN CONVOY C02 TAX PROTEST SONG 2020 (for the truckers, the riggers, and everyone else in the Oil & Gas Industry)

SteelJobLosses RussiaOligarchSteel TrudeauSanctions Canada will try to avoid job losses at steel factories owned by Russian oligarch, CBC/Global, Mar 11, 2022
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says he is confident that Canada's new sanctions on Russian oligarch Roman Abramovich -- who is accused of aiding President Vladimir Putin's campaigns against Ukraine -- will not impact about 2,200 workers at steel factories in western Canada owned by a company that Abramovich is alleged to control.... The Russian businessman owns 28.6 percent of Evraz's shares and has long been seen as one of Putin's most powerful and trusted associates. He gained notoriety in Western media after buying Britain's Chelsea Football Club... In 2008 Evraz PLC purchased a number of Canadian steel factories for $2.3 billion. Since then Evraz has made a significant imprint on Canada's resource economy, providing almost 60 per cent of the steel being used to build the $21.4-billion Trans Mountain Oil Pipeline Expansion Project to the West Coast [where the oil will be loaded onto tankers and shipped to Communist China]...

TrudeaySpyFileDestroyed CSIS destroyed secret file on Pierre Trudeau, stunning historians, CanadianPress, Jun 15, 2019
OTTAWA - Canada's spy service destroyed a Cold War dossier on Pierre Trudeau in 1989 instead of turning it over to the national archives, The Canadian Press has learned. The Canadian Security Intelligence Service says the secret file on the former prime minister was scrapped because it fell short of the legal threshold for retention by either the service or the archives. News of the decision to purge the file, which is coming to light only three decades later, has stunned and disappointed historians.... Steve Hewitt, who has spent years chronicling the country's security services, called the destruction "a crime against Canadian history". "This wanton destruction cries out for parliamentary intervention to ensure that historically significant documents held by government agencies are preserved instead of being made to disappear down an Orwellian memory hole"... In a bid to uncover subversives out to disrupt the established order, RCMP spies eyed a staggering variety of groups and individuals, from academics and unions to environmentalists, peace groups and even politicians... Rumours of a file on Trudeau, Canada's third-longest serving prime minister, have circulated for decades.... The USA Federal Bureau of Investigation, which has long worked closely with the Mounties, kept watch on Trudeau for more than 30 years, charting his path from globetrotting public intellectual who visited the Soviet Union in the early 1950s through his time as a Liberal prime minister. The bureau's heavily censored, 151-page dossier was released under the USA Freedom of Information Act just months after Trudeau's death in September 2000, in keeping with American disclosure practices. The Canadian Press recently requested the former prime minister's RCMP file under the access law from Library and Archives Canada and CSIS prior to the 20th anniversary of his passing next year... The archives swiftly replied that it does not have a Trudeau dossier. CSIS said its records indicate the file was destroyed on January 30, 1989.... CSIS declined to elaborate on the rationale for purging the Trudeau file...

TrudeauTattooVaccine GlobeRavenTattoo Trudeau getting it stuck to him up his Indian tattoo (Indians say Trudeau tattoo cultural appropriation), March 2017

TrudeauRaped Indian artist paints Canada PM being raped by Indian Chief (Trudeau's behind Indian Land Claims), CBC May 2020

PaintingStory IndianPaintingUproar PaintingStory2 Hanky Panky is a 2020 painting by Two-spirit Cree Trickster artist Kent Monkman. It depicts a laughing group of Cree women as they watch Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Monkman's alter ego Miss Chief Eagle Testickle prepare for consensual anal fisting, while past Canadian leaders look on....



TrudeauKneeBlack TrudeauBlacksTakeKneek ...Canada's current prime minister, Justin Trudeau, is suspected, as was his father, former prime minister Pierre, of being a Communist tool. With that in mind, here's Trudeau, during COVID lockdown, "taking the knee" in solidarity with BLACK LIVES MATTER demonstrators on Parliament Hill, our equivalent of Capitol Hill in the USA. BLM has branches here in Canada....


MarxistFounderCullors TrudeauKneeBlack TrudeanBlackFace TrudeauBlackFace ...Two months prior to this BLM riot Canada's Communist's tool Trudeau broke COVID rules by defying social distancing and gathering in a group larger than fifty. Prime Minister Trudeau was seen genuflecting on Parliament Hill -- taking the knee -- in reverence to the BLACK LIVES MATTER Marxist insurrection. Maybe, by subjugating himself to the Black cause, Trudeau was atoning for the sin of wearing black-face, photos of which emerged recently from his past...


TrudeauHorns TrudeauPodiumVaccine GatesBeast666 ...Trudeau: No 'normality' until Bill Gates SARSCoV2 vaccine is available... Trudeau vowed total allegience to Gates and the powers-that-be behind the creation of a COVID vaccine that would be the world's saviour against the raging "panda-demic". Trudeau proclaimed that until that vaccine arrived the mandatory lockdowns, self-isolation, social distancing, washing hands and wearing masks etc would be enforced....


ChinaTrudeauBook TrudeaucracyBk TrudeauPhilosophy TrudeauDrawnQuartered ...When our current prime minister, Justin Trudeau (son of longest-reigning former prime minister Pierre Trudeau, ie 1968-1984) was a teenager his father took him with him on one of his frequent trips to China where he -- his father -- conspired with Chairman Mao in the advancement of communism in the Western World. Every prime minister since Trudeau -- no matter what party -- has advanced Trudeau's communist agenda, ie free-trade with China and de-population of European-descendant Canadians through his abortion, homosexual and multiculturalism weapons of mass destruction

TrudearGayParade AbortionTrudeau...Justin Trudeau was a high school drama teacher prior to entering politics in 2013 and miraculously becoming Canada's prime minister two years later. Prime Minister Trudeau is rabidly pro-abortion, refusing any dissent or discussion on the issue and rabidly pro-homosexual agenda, marching in Gay Pride parades every chance he gets. It was his father, afterall, who removed abortion and homosexuality from Canada's Criminal Code in 1969 and began the rapid decimation of our population and open doors to immigration.

ToriStafford ToriHeadstone TrudeayCrybaby CRY-BABY TRUDEAU WON'T CRY FOR TORI

watch PM defends child killer move to healing lodge

watch Trudeau bails on vote to denouce child killer

TrudeauAmbulance HealingLodge ToriFatherRodney Trudeau blames ambulance-chasing for Tory motion to overturn Tori Stafford's killer's transfer to healing lodge, News, Oct 5, 2018


TrudeauApology1864 TrudeauHorseChilcotin TrudeauKneel PierreCanoe TrudeauIndianCartoon JustinBuckskin
...And where was the highest politician in the land (the Prime Minister whose government sits in the parliament buildings seen in the background in the photos and to whom the rally was symbolically directed) while hundreds of citizens were on the grounds demanding the child-killer be returned to prison? Well, Trudeau was 3,000 miles away, doing his usual thing, ie apologising "on behalf of all Canadians" for alleged wrongs perpetrated against "Indigenous" by the white Anglo-Saxon government of the British colony (not yet a province) 154 years ago. Photos show Trudeau in a big teepee with Indian chiefs participating in a "water cleansing" ceremony. Then Trudeau was honoured with the gift of a buckskin jacket like the one given to his father who, fifty years ago, began the handing over of white-man's land to Indians in unproven and undocumented Land Claim settlements. Apparently Trudeau rode a horse to get to the meeting (the mode of transport in 1864) and then afterwards got down on his knees grasping the hand of an Indian "elder" to whom, we assume, he was personally apologising. Perhaps the woman was a descendent of one of the six Indians who were hanged for massacring (ie shooting, beating, stabbing, scalping etc) the fourteen white members of the road-building crew and for which they (the Chilcotin chiefs) were captured, tried, convicted and hanged by the colonial justice system...


TrudeauSonAlexBook TrudeauChinaPregnant Like father, like son. Alexandre Trudeau follows in his father's footsteps in Barbarian Lost, a traveloque that explores the 'New China', GlobeMail, Sep 24, 2016
A decade ago Alexandre Trudeau embarked on a journey to China. He had been asked to write about the changes happening there. The commission from the publishing house had been sparked by a request for an introduction to a new English edition of Two Innocents in Red China by Pierre Trudeau and Jacques Hebert, which was published in 1968...

ChinaDragonOverCanada TrudeaSeekChinaWorkers
Canada seeks to attract Chinese workers
TrudeauShedShirtJobs TrudeauShirtlesCartoon
Trudeau on shirtless vacation amid job losses
GlobeMail/HuffPost, Aug 16, 2016

watch JFK say USA won't trade with Red China
JFKChina ChinaJFKDeathJoke
(JFK killed 8 days later/China laughed)
Chinese gov't propaganda in Canada schools
Chinese workers killing Canada middle class
ChinaCheapWorkCdn ChinaCheapWorkCdn
(China-owned companies demand slave labour)
Canuck gov't OKs deal with commie Chinks
(secretly signed in Russia behind closed doors)
(gives Red China control of Canada resources)
CanNews, Sep/Oct 2014
& 35.Big Brother's Brotherhood
& 9.Keeping Masses Down

Liberal leader Justin Trudeau applauds China -- but, then, so does Conservative leader Prime Minister Stephen Harper, CBC, Nov 11, 2013
Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time. (Winston Churchill, Nov. 11, 1947) ...What Trudeau actually said was that he had "a level of admiration...for China because their basic dictatorship is allowing them to actually turn their economy around on a dime and say 'we need to go greenest, fastest -- we need to invest in solar'. I mean, there is a flexibility that I know Stephen Harper must dream about of having a dictatorship that he can do everything he wanted, and I find that quite interesting". The well-heeled Toronto crowd enjoyed the dig at Harper. Trudeau, however, seemed to know he might have made trouble for himself. He quickly added that he liked the way Canada's territories are run "without political parties" -- which they are not -- and ended by taunting the good folks at Sun. "But Sun News can now report that I prefer China". He got that part right. Indeed they can!

Perhaps Trudeau should have seen the dangers before he spoke, instead of after. But those fundraising letters will, no doubt, be too brief to dwell on the long history of Western sucking-up to the Chinese dictatorship by politicians of the left, right and middle. Certainly, they won't quote Stephen Harper's own warm praise for the monumental progress made on the backs of China's long-suffering millions as they toiled for decades under the lash of the People's Liberation Army. Prime Minister Stephen Harper speaks to business leaders in Shanghai in December, 2009. Prime Minister Harper praised China's progress and also told his audience Canada would continue to raise human rights issues with China. Harper has long since cast off his early disdain for cozying up to China's communist bosses in pursuit of "the almighty dollar". Now, any dollar will do. On his first trip to China, in 2009, Harper stepped to the podium in Shanghai to declare Canada's relationship with China was one of "mutual respect". With a thousand well-fed Chinese and Canadian businessmen before him, Harper offered the Shanghai Chamber of Commerce a paean of praise for China's great leap forward into prosperity.... So no, China's not green, and it's not a free-market economy and the dictatorship of the Communist Party remains intact. The internet is relentlessly censored; human rights are violated every day; courts are under the thumb of the party; and corruption is so pervasive that party bosses accumulate vast fortunes while dissidents rot in jail for thought crimes...

listen JACKIE JURA INTERVIEW ALL ABOUT ORWELL, with Patrick Timpone, One Radio Network, Aug 18, 2011 (discuss how Communist China is taking over USA and Canada -- control Panama Canal etc...)


China Can Parliament ChinaCanFlags CSIS Fadden CHINA IN CANADA WARNS SPY CHIEF

"I spy something stupid" in Canada (ethno-politicians demand CSIS-boss resign) & Mayor 'Chairman Chow' pokes fun at spy-boss (BC municipal politicians on take from China). TOSun/VanCourier, Oct 30, 2010

Canada PM celebrates 40-year China relationship (says Canada China have shared heritage). Prime Minister Office, Oct 13, 2010

China Nix-Kiss China Nix-Kiss 2
Nixon-Mao opera takes grand scale, Straight, Mar 4, 2010
...The show, he stresses, is much more than a dry chronicling of the historic visit between Nixon and Mao Zedong (sung by baritone Robert Orth and heldentenor Alan Woodrow, respectively) and the opening of the Far East. Yes, the opera depicts actual events: the arrival of Nixon and his cortege, the first uncomfortable meeting in Mao’s study and the huge banquet that followed it, as well as Pat Nixon’s tour of rural China. But it is just as much about the personalities and personal histories of the main players, not just Richard and Pat Nixon and Mao and his wife Chiang Ch’ing, but their advisers Henry Kissinger and Zhou Enlai....

Vancouver Opera general manager James Wright admits it’s a big investment to commission a new production—not to mention one that has a chorus of 40. But Nixon in China, he says, seemed perfect for this city at this time, with the world gathered here. “It’s about internationalism; it’s about cultures moving closer together,” says Wright, whose team is hosting an entire speaker series around the opera and Canada-China relations in the weeks before opening. “Then there is the fact that Beijing had hosted the 2008 Olympics, and the fact that Vancouver is seen as the North American centre for Asia.” Michael Cavanagh, the acclaimed Toronto-based director Wright brought in to create the major new production, could not agree more. In fact, sitting in the rehearsal hall at the downtown Holy Rosary Cathedral, where right outside the doors people are decked out in flag gear and heading to a hockey game, he can’t help but make direct parallels with the Olympic Games....

Nixon/Mao Join Vancouver Opera Nixon in China, Command Opera, Mar 2, 2010
...Literary Lunch with Margaret MacMillan and Alexandre Trudeau. Tuesday, March 16th 12:30pm – 2:30pm. Seasons at Four Seasons Hotel Vancouver. Tickets: $50 through the VO Box Office: 604-683-0222.... An intimate encounter with acclaimed Canadian historian Margaret MacMillan and journalist and filmmaker Alexandre Trudeau (son of Pierre Ellliott Trudeau) as they take us behind the headlines of history. Hosted by Hal Wake, Artistic Director of Vancouver International Writers & Readers Festival. Presented in partnership with Vancouver International Writers & Readers Festival.

...Former US Ambassador to the UN to Attend Nixon in China: At the invitation of the US Consul General in Vancouver and Vancouver Opera, former US Ambassador to the United Nations John Negroponte, whose early career included working at the National Security Council with Henry Kissinger in the early 1970s, will visit Vancouver to attend private functions and the Canadian premiere of Nixon in China....

Whitehouse USA/China USA stages 'Nixon in China' opera (portrays Kissinger as sex-crazed sadist)
Canada opera brings in Mao & Nixon (PM Trudeau in China before Pres Nixon) & Nixon-Kissinger 1972 visit to China-Mao (build a bridge across 16,000 miles) & Kissinger urges USA respect China interests (speech in Beijing under personal invitation). VanSun/LA/Wiki/Xinhua, Mar 16, 2010. Go to KISSINGER ZIONISM IN AMERICA & 7.Systems & 35.BB Brotherhood


Canada's golden Games, Globe Mail, Feb 28, 2010 (These were indeed the best Games ever - at least if the measure is Team Canada's medal haul. Thanks to a remarkable final few days of competition, Canadian athletes won 14 gold medals in Vancouver - twice as many as the team won in Turin, and more than any nation has ever won at a Winter Olympics...)


Canada gov't courts China to exploit oil sands (USA & UK pushed out; Communists invited in). Guardian, Feb 16, 2010. Go to 35.Big Brother's Brotherhood


Spokesperson for Canadian top executives not concerned (about long arm of China reaching out to grab Canada's crown jewels), by Eric Lam, Financial Post, Sep 16, 2009
The world will be watching how Canada reacts to a Chinese energy company's $1.9-billion investment in Athabasca Oil Sands Corp., the chief executive of the Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada said yesterday. Yuen Pau Woo, head of the foundation, said in a speech at a Toronto business forum that getting the deal approved will send a strong message that Canada is ready and serious about working with the emerging power of China. "An important test ahead is this proposed deal," he said. "[Federal Finance Minister Jim] Flaherty was in Beijing recently, and he was quoted as saying Canada was open to Chinese investment. His words will be put to the test. The world will be watching." At the end of August, Petro-China Company Ltd., a subsidiary of state-owned China National Petroleum Corp., announced it was buying a 60% interest in two of Athabasca's undeveloped properties in Alberta, the largest investment from China to date. The two companies expect the deal to be closed by Oct. 31. Thomas d'Aquino, chief executive of the Canadian Council of Chief Executives, said he understood the concerns Canadians have with foreign investment, especially from China. "[There is] the issue of Chinese investment, that the long arm of China will reach out and grab Canada's crown jewels," he said in a speech just before Mr. Woo. "But the only solution to prosperity is open borders." Mr. d'Aquino served former prime minister Pierre Trudeau as a special assistant when he ventured to China in 1970 and established diplomatic relations with the Communist power, and said the two countries now have an opportunity to build on that early foundation. "Think of the bold commitment of Trudeau and how long ago that was," he said. "I think relations are on a firmer footing than they have been in the past few years, but we need to do a lot more." Mr. Woo noted that with PetroChina's parent CNPC getting a US$30-billion loan from the China Development Bank for overseas expansion, Canada will have no choice but to embrace Asian power. "Chinese investment is on the rise and here to stay," he said.

Trudea on 1983 Peking peace mission, CBC video archives

Trudeau Goes To China 1973 (long hand-shake with Mao). You Tube

Kissinger celebrates China/USA relationship (friendly with last four Red China leaders; advisor to eight USA presidents) & Red Chinese celebrate at NY Stock Exchange (Obamaa praises Chinese economic system). Xinhuanet/NewsWithViews, Jan 10, 2009

CANADA'S KISSINGER & TRUDEAU (... Ivan Head, who has died at the age of 74, was the foreign affairs advisor to Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau, known in the 1960s and '70s as Canada's Henry Kissinger. Head was a key player in Canada's recognition of the People's Republic of China in 1970. That was two years before Kissinger helped President Richard Nixon visit China, though official American recognition came later....)


Trudeau's Omnibus Bill: Challenging Canadian Taboos, CBC Archives YouTube, Jan 23, 1968
"There's no place for the state in the bedrooms of the nation." Those unforgettable words made famous by Pierre Trudeau in 1967 caused a tidal wave of controversy that rippled across the entire nation. Trudeau's Omnibus Bill brought issues like abortion, homosexuality and divorce law to the forefront for the first time, changing the political and social landscape in Canada forever....It's a month after the Omnibus Bill is introduced and Trudeau is starting to feel the heat from members of the House. Some claim abortion is murder and that the sexual acts clause promotes homosexuality. Asked if he plans to proceed with the bill in the upcoming session of Parliament, Trudeau tells the CBC's Ron Collister in this clip that it is "classed as top priority for this session" and it "should be passed forward as fast as it can". While the bill sought to liberalize abortion laws in Canada, it didn't allow women to have 'abortion on demand', much to the disgruntlement of a growing number of feminists and pro-choice advocates at the time. Women didn't receive that freedom until Jan. 28, 1988 when the Supreme Court of Canada struck down Canada's abortion law as unconstitutional because it infringed upon a woman's right to "life, liberty and security of person." In this same interview, Trudeau is asked about rumours that he planned to announce that weekend his intention to run for the Liberal leadership. His answer? "That speculation is completely false." Less than two weeks later Trudeau formally declared his candidacy. On Apr. 6, 1968 he won the Liberal leadership election in a landslide and was sworn in as Canada's 15th Prime Minister on April 20.

CF-18 drops bomb on Yellowknife (while on way to watch Russian military exercises in Artic). CalgaryHerald, Jun 19, 2004. Go to RUSSIAN WAR GAMES ANYONE?

TRUDEAU & CHINA (Trudeau served 4 terms as Canada's PM between 1969 and 1984... maintained strong interest in China. In 1949, he travelled through China in the tumultuous months before the establishment of the People's Republic... returned to China again in 1959 with his colleague Jacques Hebert, a visit chronicled in their 1961 book Two Innocents in Red China. After becoming PM in 1968, he placed a greater priority on Canada's relations with China which led to establishment of diplomatic relations with the People's Republic of China in 1970. In 1973, Pierre Trudeau became the first Canadian Prime Minister to visit China.

INDIAN LAND CLAIMS DISBELIEVED (granted by Trudeau's 1982 constitution ie Sask=73%; Atlantic=74%; BC=71%). National Post, Nov 27, 2003. Go to 10.The Rulers & LAND CLAIMS & I DON'T ACCEPT ALL BLAME & AGENDA 21 & UN LAND GRAB & 5.Pyramidal New World Order


RISE OF GODFATHERS, by Jibrin Ibrahim

AMERICA'S MORONS, by Jackie Jura

CANADA'S SOVIET DEFECTOR REMEMBERED (told of communist agents in high levels of gov't). Globe & Mail, May 31, 2003. Go to 35.The Brotherhood & MCCARTHY GLIMPSED VISCIOUS TRUTH

RUSSIAN SECRET SERVICE OPERATES SCHOOL IN CANADA (teaches Stalinist method to police and military groups). National Post, Jan 26, 2002

Machiavellian charade continues (Trudeau's true record must not be hidden behind platitudes of the ignorant), by Paul Jackson, Canadian Press, October 8, 2000




35.The Brotherhood and 5.Pyramidal New World Order

Jackie Jura
~ an independent researcher monitoring local, national and international events ~
